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good old IRC
It's true. #gafrealpic on irc.gamecubecafe.com has received rave reviews:



Well, I have my own reasons for not liking that thread. But what didn't you like about it there?

There was one guy that told me in order to get women, I need to be a successful, powerful man with things to offer (and I'm assuming he means "material" things). The way he worded it really put me off, and made me not want to listen to him at all. I told him I wasn't interested in girls who put that much stock in how much I can spoil them, and that love, equality and companionship should trump everything else. There were also some conflicts over my appearance, but that's another story.


There was one guy that told me in order to get women, I need to be a successful, powerful man with things to offer (and I'm assuming he means "material" things). The way he worded it really put me off, and made me not want to listen to him at all. I told him I wasn't interested in girls who put that much stock in how much I can spoil them, and that love, equality and companionship should trump everything else. There were also some conflicts over my appearance, but that's another story.

I'd take it on the chin, rather then take it to heart myself, but I'm with you on this one.
Come in TC, we will cheer ya up.

My cam is broke currently so no show tonight, I can take photos of burning things for you tho.

Damn I feel bad now cause I've been at a friends for movie night...though I went through a qurater of jack and pretty happy/buzzed where I am, im thinking I would have had just as much fun being in tc...for the past week it seems like its been me and like two other dudes in tc.be more consistant men!


Reluctant Member
Well, being in a relationship does mean that you get things from each other that you can't get elsewhere. But money and status isn't the end all be all of this list. Comfort and enjoyment of each others company is also very important. It all depends on the girl.

No drawing tonight. Messed up my arm in the aforementioned strength training exercises. :< Hope I'm better by tomorrow...


Well, being in a relationship does mean that you get things from each other that you can't get elsewhere. But money and status isn't the end all be all of this list. Comfort and enjoyment of each others company is also very important. It all depends on the girl.

No drawing tonight. Messed up my arm in the aforementioned strength training exercises. :< Hope I'm better by tomorrow...

Oh I don't know. Better to be rich and happy then to be poor and happy. Or is that the other way around? I get so confused by these highly complex matters that require infinite amounts of intellectual inquiry, that I wonder whether we spend too much thought on it, or is that justifying my ignorant status quo. And round and round we go.

/Hope your hand gets better soon though, really hate when any part of my body is sore. ;/

Edit: never mind

Wise words.


Damn I feel bad now cause I've been at a friends for movie night...though I went through a qurater of jack and pretty happy/buzzed where I am, im thinking I would have had just as much fun being in tc...for the past week it seems like its been me and like two other dudes in tc.be more consistant men!

It's all good, I will be in tonight. Finally have the webcam back up and running again. I refuse to purchase anything new until I am certain that my current product is beyond repair. Also, good morning to all. I had a wonderful night of sleep for a change. At work being 10x as productive so that I can hopefully get out of here earlier today.
It's all good, I will be in tonight. Finally have the webcam back up and running again. I refuse to purchase anything new until I am certain that my current product is beyond repair. Also, good morning to all. I had a wonderful night of sleep for a change. At work being 10x as productive so that I can hopefully get out of here earlier today.

Mornin :D I feel you about not getting new tech until its on its last breathe...I have this old mp3 player from like 2003 (creative zen....I don't even think they make those anymore) and until it can no longer function, that is what im going to use. Fancy pants ipod touch users ain't no thang, music sounds the same from my beat up old reliable player, just like im sure you wont look much different through the lens of a new webcam. I should get to my second half of my nights sleep now :)


There was one guy that told me in order to get women, I need to be a successful, powerful man with things to offer (and I'm assuming he means "material" things). The way he worded it really put me off, and made me not want to listen to him at all. I told him I wasn't interested in girls who put that much stock in how much I can spoil them, and that love, equality and companionship should trump everything else. There were also some conflicts over my appearance, but that's another story.
I was in that thread, I think you misinterpreted his advice.

Having things to offer to a girl doesn't necessarily mean being financially well off, it means you have the capacity to offer emotional support, give off positive vibes, keep her interested, and able to keep her attracted to you. Yes, having money certainly helps but no one in that thread will ever tell you that's the only thing you need.

The reason why I like the Dating thread is because it's not always about dating. At its core, it's about self improvement and achieving an ideal version of yourself. Because it's about being completely comfortable with yourself and not have a partner define who you are. YOU define yourself. You will gain this incredible amount of confidence when you're happy with yourself to the point you don't need to have a girlfriend to be happy. Ironically, that's when girls will notice you. The guys there may sound harsh but they are truly looking out for you and really want to help you. Trust me, they are. Guys like Soultron and Highluxury are just upstanding men who want you to be happy with yourself. I want to see that too.

Your looks is not of a concern now, honestly I feel your health is more of a priority. Stop having so many sugary snacks and meals and start cooking for yourself. You will definitely feel the difference especially once you realize you'll have more energy and less sugar crashes. Hopefully that will help you get motivate to exercise. Again, this is not about changing yourself to someone you're not. Feeling heathy will get you feeling good. And that's what you want, right?

EDIT: Ahhh, Bronzewolf.

Again, it's not about being super rich and shower a girl with gifts. It's about being able to support yourself and not letting money come in the way of doing the things you want to do. Having your own place, able to go out on dates, etc. These are things that contribute to a comfortable life style. There is only so much you can do in the world without money.


The Cryptarch's Bane
good god i laughed
confirmed, Nintendoll lurks this thread silently waiting for penis jokes
No drawing tonight. Messed up my arm in the aforementioned strength training exercises. :< Hope I'm better by tomorrow...
Aww feel better Lissar! Don't overdo it!

And RawPower, hang in there. I think at least one point you made was well taken: it's not unreasonable to want a girl who'd like you regardless of your financial status and "what" you can offer; I'd just stress that if you go seeking advice, words along those lines aren't going to be uncommon- and that of course, not everyone values the same things.


I was in that thread, I think you misinterpreted his advice.

Having things to offer to a girl doesn't necessarily mean being financially well off, it means you have the capacity to offer emotional support, give off positive vibes, keep her interested, and able to keep her attracted to you. Yes, having money certainly helps but no one in that thread will ever tell you that's the only thing you need.

The reason why I like the Dating thread is because it's not always about dating. At its core, it's about self improvement and achieving an ideal version of yourself. Because it's about being completely comfortable with yourself and not have a partner define who you are. YOU define yourself. You will gain this incredible amount of confidence when you're happy with yourself to the point you don't need to have a girlfriend to be happy. Ironically, that's when girls will notice you. The guys there may sound harsh but they are truly looking out for you and really want to help you. Trust me, they are. Guys like Soultron and Highluxury are just upstanding men who want you to be happy with yourself. I want to see that too.

Your looks is not of a concern now, honestly I feel your health is more of a priority. Stop having so many sugary snacks and meals and start cooking for yourself. You will definitely feel the difference especially once you realize you'll have more energy and less sugar crashes. Hopefully that will help you get motivate to exercise. Again, this is not about changing yourself to someone you're not. Feeling heathy will get you feeling good. And that's what you want, right?

It also never hurts to be well acclimated to the use of fire.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Remember to talk to Laurentius before he goes hollow

Hey does anyone know if Karkador actually bought The Longest Journey on GOG? :D
No drawing tonight. Messed up my arm in the aforementioned strength training exercises. :< Hope I'm better by tomorrow...

Ye gods, be careful!

This is a good cautionary tale for others considering getting into exercise. When you decide to start, bring yourself in gradually; don't go all out right away. I foolishly make that mistake all the time, and I would not wish the consequences on anyone!

Lissar, just be happy you're not a guy. Messing up one's dominant arm while also being a dude is pretty devastating due to inability to perform very critical daily** functions.

jasonng said:
but I'm not good with fire. Fuck.

The cool thing is that it's not just fire -- if you can do anything that's fairly unique and demonstrates some level of competence*, then you will be regarded highly in this matter. That's why I have stilts. :D

* maybe not, say, being an expert at beating Kaizo Mario in one run, though that might still work, depending on the crowd

** sometimes as high as four times a day, though that's rare.
What unique abilities do you guys have? I know I've weirded out some people with crossing my eyes and moving one of them "independently"...I can also double and triple tongue (as in playing a wind instrument) which also has gotten fun reactions when I try to get others to do the same thing


I was in that thread, I think you misinterpreted his advice.

Having things to offer to a girl doesn't necessarily mean being financially well off, it means you have the capacity to offer emotional support, give off positive vibes, keep her interested, and able to keep her attracted to you. Yes, having money certainly helps but no one in that thread will ever tell you that's the only thing you need.

The reason why I like the Dating thread is because it's not always about dating. At its core, it's about self improvement and achieving an ideal version of yourself. Because it's about being completely comfortable with yourself and not have a partner define who you are. YOU define yourself. You will gain this incredible amount of confidence when you're happy with yourself to the point you don't need to have a girlfriend to be happy. Ironically, that's when girls will notice you. The guys there may sound harsh but they are truly looking out for you and really want to help you. Trust me, they are. Guys like Soultron and Highluxury are just upstanding men who want you to be happy with yourself. I want to see that too.

Your looks is not of a concern now, honestly I feel your health is more of a priority. Stop having so many sugary snacks and meals and start cooking for yourself. You will definitely feel the difference especially once you realize you'll have more energy and less sugar crashes. Hopefully that will help you get motivate to exercise. Again, this is not about changing yourself to someone you're not. Feeling heathy will get you feeling good. And that's what you want, right?

EDIT: Ahhh, Bronzewolf.

Again, it's not about being super rich and shower a girl with gifts. It's about being able to support yourself and not letting money come in the way of doing the things you want to do. Having your own place, able to go out on dates, etc. These are things that contribute to a comfortable life style. There is only so much you can do in the world without money.

This is much easier for me to understand, and I agree.

Those dates are not wrapped in bacon. Take them away.

What unique abilities do you guys have? I know I've weirded out some people with crossing my eyes and moving one of them "independently"...I can also double and triple tongue (as in playing a wind instrument) which also has gotten fun reactions when I try to get others to do the same thing

Don't know if I'd call it an ability, but I can pretty much dislocate (or just slip mostly out of joint) my right shoulder at will. Not all the way, but you can see the outline of the bone leaving the joint. It's a great way to gross out large parties of people. ^_^ I also had both my elbows pulled out of socket when I was a kid and as a result I can 360 rotate my right forearm (so that the hand is same position, just the arm is twisted). Also gross. I have no beautiful talents. ;_;


Hey, it's HPro! Morning! :D

In other news, my throat is still sore for some reason. I just drank a whole liter of Poland Spring to get rid of the mucous. Shit sucks.


Well, I can't post from work anymore. Just got out of a meeting with big words like IT consolidation and reduction of force. It was also said that internet usage will be monitored across the business to look for gaps in productivity. All this stems from a $4M miss of the budget, meaning that's how much the company lost last year.

With that, my posts will be sporadic at best when I can browse on my phone during breaks. Have fun RP GAF.
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