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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I don't think he'll be satisfied unless he can actually shoot little nano hornets at people.



No soul here, I checked.
Same. I have many reasons not to have one. It is like just pick and choose what of those you want to bring up when talking about them.

Priceless. <3

It's both for me. It takes me until 5am to fall asleep no matter when I go to bed, and then after that any tiny noise could wake me up.
I can fall asleep any time of a day withing 5 minutes I just have problems to crawl to bed to go to sleep. And after I have actually fallen asleep, I can sleep as long as I want meaning I better put alarm clock to wake me up, or it might be for example 16-18 hours before someone calls me and wakes me up.
Woohoo! \o/

Anyway, a list of everyone:

Count -Nightblade

(Just went through my Photobucket and wrote down everyone I saw. Still need to draw SRG and Wallach though. And a couple of seeecret ones.)


Spell and shadow are friends of the Nightblade. By darkness they move with haste, casting magic to benefit their circumstances. Nightblades typically stick with light armor to aid in their stealthiness and agility, and carry light shields. They prefer short range attack weapons such as the dagger, staff, short bow, short sword, and saber.

I am not simply a petty assassin.
Woohoo! \o/

(Just went through my Photobucket and wrote down everyone I saw. Still need to draw SRG and Wallach though. And a couple of seeecret ones.)

Lissar, you already finished mine? I need to check in on the thread more -_-''



Wait, mine's not floating around out there is it? I flipped back a ways and didn't see it.

Just got back from the vet. He found a scar on her tummy which he thinks might be a spay scar, but could also be for hernia repair or something. He also said if they just remove the ovaries but not the uterus, sometimes viable tissue gets left behind and regenerates! Crazy man.

Anyway, 50/50 odds on pregnancy vs. false pregnancy. Going back next Tuesday for an x-ray, so we'll know for sure then.

Meanwhile, it's gonna be driving us crazy. >.<




Reluctant Member
Wait, mine's not floating around out there is it? I flipped back a ways and didn't see it.

Just got back from the vet. He found a scar on her tummy which he thinks might be a spay scar, but could also be for hernia repair or something. He also said if they just remove the ovaries but not the uterus, sometimes viable tissue gets left behind and regenerates! Crazy man.

Anyway, 50/50 odds on pregnancy vs. false pregnancy. Going back next Tuesday for an x-ray, so we'll know for sure then.

Meanwhile, it's gonna be driving us crazy. >.<

Oh! I hope kitty is okay :O But that would be quite shocking.

Yours was actually the first one I did! (You had requested first. You probably missed it.)

Oh! I hope kitty is okay :O But that would be quite shocking.

Yours was actually the first one I did! (You had requested first. You probably missed it.)



LOVE...thank you based Lissar
Geez, sorry I'm not sure how I missed it. What an ingrate I am.

Either way the cat will be fine, by the way. A false pregnancy is no big deal.
If there are kittens will you post a picture for us? :3

February is just about over. It has gone by way too fast.

And so is my summer holidays ;.; back to work I go....

It did go insanely fast. Not looking forward to the drop in the weather, except for the fact that I can wear stockings and scarfs again!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Yeah maybe we shoulda saved Lissavatar month for December. Gonna be a hard act to follow.
It's not a competition. I'll do something for everybody one month and you can be sure as fuck they won't be as visually impressive as Lissar's drawings but hopefully they'll still be... Real.
Yeah maybe we shoulda saved Lissavatar month for December. Gonna be a hard act to follow.

December will be real-gaf again but with Christmas hats :D

EDIT: I'll try and do something if I can, though I'm not terribly artistic. I drew all my friends as powerpuffs in high school, maybe I can do that if you're stuck for artists :p
I know this malady. It is colloquially known as "any night in which I have not somehow exhausted myself near to the point of self-murder. "

Its even worse when you find yourself completely exhausted but can't stop thinking about crap. Up till 4am last night because of it =/ I also can't sleep if its too quiet, so sometimes I keep the fan on for the noise.


I know that feel. I have developed that bad habit where I can only sleep with the tv on. Usually I leave on a rerun of Parks and Rec or Futurama on my mac and just pass out.


wow, gotta hand it to lissar! she makes pretty cool portraits (tence, you have competitionz)

I don't consider it competition at all. The intent of the avatars is totally different.
Nobody reads a Calvin and Hobbes and thinks... nice.. but it ain't no Rembrandt.

I also like to state that even though I can not draw nearly as nice as Lissar... I actually CAN draw better than those Tence-Avatars :p. It is a style, chosen on purpose.


Reluctant Member
I don't consider it competition at all. The intent of the avatars is totally different.
Nobody reads a Calvin and Hobbes and thinks... nice.. but it ain't no Rembrandt.

I also like to state that even though I can not draw nearly as nice as Lissar... I actually CAN draw better than those Tence-Avatars :p. It is a style, chosen on purpose.

Haha, I actually can tell there is some skill behind them. Most people see stick figures and think "Eh, whatever," but I can really see the little details you put into them that makes it obvious you have skills far greater than that :D


Haha, I actually can tell there is some skill behind them. Most people see stick figures and think "Eh, whatever," but I can really see the little details you put into them that makes it obvious you have skills far greater than that :D
I agree with this. Each Tence avatar had character. That's not easy to do with stick figures. The purposeful positioning of the eyes always crack me up.


Very nice work Lissar!

One more day and I am a Black Mage, with Azumi, my Attack Moogle.

Edit: What a shit first post :(

Edit 2: To make this post better... a Tencefied avatar of Lissar's BM Tence.... its like inception... but better,



It's not a competition. I'll do something for everybody one month and you can be sure as fuck they won't be as visually impressive as Lissar's drawings but hopefully they'll still be... Real.
I am sure they will be very... real. ^___^

And when/if I someday manage to write my thesis, I can also perhaps draw avatars of you awesome people. Ah, they will be epic.

Yes Sade, my vision of you is smashing, you will be immortalized.
Awwwwwwww. Now we are on the same page here.

And Dave, you are just absolutely adorable and you hopefully know it. :3

Edit 2: To make this post better... a Tencefied avatar of Lissar's BM Tence.... its like inception... but better,

That is magnificent.

So, will you do pictures like that about everyone now? :D
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