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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Reluctant Member
I like you more and more each day.

Woohoo! \o/

Anyway, a list of everyone:

Wallach - Uh… steampunk witch something or other? (I'll have to go back and check)
SRG - Monk
Sade - Barbarian
EviLore - Mage Assassin
Shan - Archer
Pau - Thief
Puddles - Tech Knight
Zomba - Summoner
la1n - Black Mage
Count - Assassin
Kark - Dragoon
HP - Thief
Clear - Thief
RNH - Robot Ninja
Dave - Beastmaster
Hawk - Thief
Acid - Priest
ZeroRay - Ranger
IN - Light Warrior
SA - Mediator
Kini - Dragoon/Gladiator (? Can't remember the exact name of the class)
Lazy - Monk
Beef - Blue Mage
Tence - Black Mage
Raw - Mercenary
Echo - Cleric
Lissar - Scholar

(Just went through my Photobucket and wrote down everyone I saw. Still need to draw SRG and Wallach though. And a couple of seeecret ones.)


Awesome... should I continue with the original rough descriptions or just start over?

For reference (obviously will alter for the true classes. This was written way before I knew what everyone was going to be):

Blue skies give way to thick clouds as giant steam powered zeppelins strafe the horizon. The citizens of Gaftopia have enjoyed a century of relative peace and incredible prosperity; ushering in a technological movement which gave birth to harnessing the limitless power of steam. As the denizens of this great land prepare for their annual celebration of the defeat of Arch-Dioceses, Amirox, a greater foe looks on from the shadows. The Dark Lord EviLore prepares to tighten his grip on Gaftopia.

A small town RealPica nestles between two great mountains. Overlooking the town in a modest cottage lives the Scholar Lissar; tirelessly pouring over ancient tomes, trying to predict and protect the precious lands which she loves. All signs point towards an impending evil that will tear this world anew. If the Dark Lord finds The Obelisk...

Our Heroes:

Lissar - Greatest scholar in all the lands. Responsible for rejuvenating the use of many forms of magic which assisted in the exponential growth of Gaftopia.

Echoshifting - A battle mage trained in the arts of nature manipulation. Through rigorous study with Lissar, Echo was able to perfect and utilize a debilitating technique dubbed 'Swamp Gas' which assaults the senses and succumbs the assailant into submission.

RawPower - A Dark Knight who joined the companions not long ago. Shifty, unnerving. A valiant and strong fighter but many in the group are not sure of his true intentions.

la1n - Born with a rare gift of harnessing and radiating heat from deep within his own body. Through alchemical invention, he's been able to transform this ability into siring plumes of fire which coat anything it touches in a cleansing bath of flames.

Davedough - Fearless Master of the wilds of Gaftopia. There are few animals in which he does not hold a connection and can command. Sarcastic in nature, his quick wit often gets him in trouble socially, but his dedication to the team is rivaled by none.


Woohoo! \o/

Anyway, a list of everyone:

Wallach - Uh… steampunk witch something or other? (I'll have to go back and check)
SRG - Monk
Sade - Barbarian
EviLore - Mage Assassin
Shan - Archer
Pau - Thief
Puddles - Tech Knight
Zomba - Summoner
la1n - Black Mage
Count - Assassin
Kark - Dragoon
HP - Thief
Clear - Thief
RNH - Robot Ninja
Dave - Beastmaster
Hawk - Thief
Acid - Priest
ZeroRay - Ranger
IN - Light Warrior
SA - Mediator
Kini - Dragoon/Gladiator (? Can't remember the exact name of the class)
Lazy - Monk
Beef - Blue Mage
Tence - Black Mage
Raw - Mercenary
Echo - Cleric
Lissar - Scholar

(Just went through my Photobucket and wrote down everyone I saw. Still need to draw SRG and Wallach though. And a couple of seeecret ones.)

I wondered what you had chosen for yourself and it is actually quite boring. :p


Reluctant Member
Awesome... should I continue with the original rough descriptions or just start over?

For reference (obviously will alter for the true classes. This was written way before I knew what everyone was going to be):

You should work with what you already have :eek:

I wondered what you had chosen for yourself and it is actually quite boring. :p

Whaaaaat? Did you want me to be another thief? What do YOU think I should be?


Reluctant Member
Pssht, magic is BULL. Science heeeeell yeah

In magic worlds magic = science. It's not like it's suddenly like, "Oh, I wave my hand around and POOF! Everything is dandy." No, it requires long nights of research, examination, and experimentation to even have a basic understanding!

Except for la1n, he just lights shit on fire.

Great Sorcerer queen.

You could still be a scholar I suppose, but you could spice it up. Vampire Scholar Thief Assassin Dark Summoner Warrior.

So you're saying I should become a Mary Sue. Got it.


She studies the arcane arts in ancient tomes written in long dead languages. She teaches the mage guild their powers and enables magic to prosper across the lands.

Yeah, but she isn't really doing much other than reading books. She needs to be thick in the action.


Reluctant Member
Yeah, but she isn't really doing much other than reading books. She needs to be thick in the action.

I can teach others and create an army. What is one person creating fireballs when you can have fifty?

Yes. It's your RPG lissar. Make yourself the most overpowered being in the universe.

Be a goddess.

That sounds overkill. Plus I don't need that much attention. Someone else can have that position.
Can mine be amended to Ranger Thief? :D I have cool arm thingies and a neat hood. I could be both! Or maybe just a ranger with light fingers and flexible morals? I like stealing AND trees. It's so hard to choose just one. ;)


Can mine be amended to Ranger Thief? :D I have cool arm thingies and a neat hood. I could be both! Or maybe just a ranger with light fingers and flexible morals? I like stealing AND trees. It's so hard to choose just one. ;)

I had fashioned you as a telepathic assassin. One that can get inside people's brains and infiltrate information. Victims have reported that it felt like their brains were being eaten when they were under your trance.


Reluctant Member
Can mine be amended to Ranger Thief? :D I have cool arm thingies and a neat hood. I could be both! Or maybe just a ranger with light fingers and flexible morals? I like stealing AND trees. It's so hard to choose just one. ;)

Dave is doing the write-ups, so maybe we should all PM him if we have something more specific for our characters in mind? :eek:
I had fashioned you as a telepathic assassin. One that can get inside people's brains and infiltrate information. Victims have reported that it felt like their brains were being eaten when they were under your trance.

That works too! :D

No, they should play Halo 2. I would like to hear their reactions upon finding the sword during a match.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Halo 22222222222222222222222... (I loved the first Halo. Swords and dual pistols? pah.)
He is great, isn't he?

*dreamy sigh*


Thanks for the compliment. That picture is incredible.


Loser slave of the system :(
*enters thread to have a peak*

*feels overwhelmed to join discussion and leaves*

This has been the case for me with this thread the past few weeks. ._. Can't casually peruse this thread without being sucked in.


The Cryptarch's Bane
She studies the arcane arts in ancient tomes written in long dead languages. She teaches the mage guild their powers and enables magic to prosper across the lands.
In the story my mind has started writing on its own, this is quite accurate, and Lissar is also used as a framing device for the story seeing as how we'd be doing none of this if not for her.

Tell me, are you okay with being used as a framing device, milady?
Dave is doing the write-ups, so maybe we should all PM him if we have something more specific for our characters in mind? :eek:
I'm halping if he lets me. Maybe he and I can put a google doc together.


I won a badminton tournament in college and won a freaking t-shirt.

My brothers college did something like this with intramural sports. If you won the playoffs, you didn't win a trophy or anything, but got a shirt saying intramural *insert sport here* now you'd think it'd be terrible, but the thing is that intramural shirts aren't sold anywhere. The only way to get them is through winning the playoffs in a sport. So pretty much anyone that has that shirt on is considered to be a boss, sorta like a faux college player. Groupie pass approved.


Reluctant Member
In the story my mind has started writing on its own, this is quite accurate, and Lissar is also used as a framing device for the story seeing as how we'd be doing none of this if not for her.

Tell me, are you okay with being used as a framing device, milady?

I'm halping if he lets me. Maybe he and I can put a google doc together.

I am perfectly fine with all of this :D
I had fashioned you as a telepathic assassin. One that can get inside people's brains and infiltrate information. Victims have reported that it felt like their brains were being eaten when they were under your trance.

So I'm just gonna be a total badass right? Like Grey Fox? But without all the weird Deepthroat stuff?
The only cleric eh? Shit my group queue times are gonna be like nil.

I mean Acid is a priest, so if you want empty prayers to heal you through the day, I guess you guys have one more option.


My brothers college did something like this with intramural sports. If you won the playoffs, you didn't win a trophy or anything, but got a shirt saying intramural *insert sport here* now you'd think it'd be terrible, but the thing is that intramural shirts aren't sold anywhere. The only way to get them is through winning the playoffs in a sport. So pretty much anyone that has that shirt on is considered to be a boss, sorta like a faux college player. Groupie pass approved.

Your avatar.....fuck.

Can't unsee.


My brothers college did something like this with intramural sports. If you won the playoffs, you didn't win a trophy or anything, but got a shirt saying intramural *insert sport here* now you'd think it'd be terrible, but the thing is that intramural shirts aren't sold anywhere. The only way to get them is through winning the playoffs in a sport. So pretty much anyone that has that shirt on is considered to be a boss, sorta like a faux college player. Groupie pass approved.

Hahah, well.. hmm. I guess it is sort of a collector's item then.
Clockwork is science. SCIENCE! I don't think there's electricity in our little fantasy universe, but I suppose Lissar could discover it.

Modern-future science then.

And also Terminator scenario.

Or Dave could come up with something else entirely.

I just want to be a badass mix of Grey Fox and The Pain.


RNH. I was thinking initially, and it can be altered, you appeared in the lands as an unknown. Near dead and full of bizarre technology this world had never seen. Unsure what to do, the locals brought you to Lissar who conjured a lightening spell which filled you with life. Ever since that day when it is quiet, the sound of the automoton known only as RNH, the letters emblazoned on the back of your neck, can be heard and reminds people of angry hornets

Edit: yes hawk, I will share a Google doc with you soon for collaborations
RNH. I was thinking initially, and it can be altered, you appeared in the lands as an unknown. Near dead and full of bizarre technology this world had never seen. Unsure what to do, the locals brought you to Lissar who conjured a lightening spell which filled you with life. Ever since that day when it is quiet, the sound of the automoton known only as RNH, the letters emblazoned on the back of your neck, can be heard and reminds people of angry hornets

Edit: yes hawk, I will share a Google doc with you soon for collaborations


...bed for realsies now.
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