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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Man I am trying to embed Whisker's mp3 here, man this is not cooperating. Anybody have any experience with audio embed code? I can't get it to loop, and I can't seem to style the silly little player at all...
The site and the artwork (both Lissar and Tence) are awesome to the degree of what awesomeness entails, which is awesome, in that truly awe inspiring way.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I had never seen that tooltip script before. Very nifty.
That script is actually a cinch, it's the simplest way to do tooltips. Doing both that and the content loading (all the switching divs) turned out to be a huge pain in the ass, even with all my google-fu cheating. Thank god for spans.


They discovered real 'dragons' in Indonesia... maybe we could use those for our adventures ;)



Loser slave of the system :(
That's a small ass dragon. ._.

EDIT: HBO must be really pulling out all the stops to promote season 2 of Game of Thrones.


Awesome work with the site and bios! They got quite a few lols from me.

Big round of applause for Lissar for the avatars and one for Tence for the Tence avatars. And to AgentWhiskers for the song.


So much good work here o.o


They discovered real 'dragons' in Indonesia... maybe we could use those for our adventures ;)


Yeah. It does look like a miniature dragon. It seems real and everything, but can I have the source? I just don't to want to take it at face value.

I was watching something on youtube the other day and took it at face value. It turned out to be complete rubbish (lol). This seemed so obvious when I really thought about it as well. It was just that I wasn't thinking straight at the time. :(


The comments on that article made me laugh.

Its scientific name is Draco sumatranus, better known as the common flying lizard.

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1 year ago 10 Likes F

Actually is a Draco Volans or better known as the Flying Dragon

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1 year ago in reply to Jose Epluribusunum 2 Likes

anomomus hippotomus
you both are wrong it is known as the dragunus draco also know as the flying sumatranus

You're both wrong... it's "Draco Malfoy"



Loser slave of the system :(
Here's a bit of an inside look into the short track I wrote for RP-GAF.


Wrote it in Logic Pro in a few minutes lol. Wrote the two piano tracks first. It could've been one but I worked on it really quickly (just as soon as Hawkian asked me to go through with it).

I then wrote the bass line, added some violin at 81, and harmonized it with a flute at 85.


I wouldn't say that you're supposed to be either one or the other.

Although, you could interpret it to be either happy or sad.

It was stuck in that draw for so long it became covered in dust. The ending could be seen as a bright new future.

Anyway, I've got to go.


Here's a bit of an inside look into the short track I wrote for RP-GAF.


Wrote it in Logic Pro in a few minutes lol. Wrote the two piano tracks first. It could've been one but I worked on it really quickly (just as soon as Hawkian asked me to go through with it).

I then wrote the bass line, added some violin at 81, and harmonized it with a flute at 85.

Does it have lyrics?


Guys, guys... I made a pie.

I am not disappoint. Well done.

I cant wait for la1n to read his profile tomorrow =)

I have read my profile as well as the others. Fantastic work all around. I can see your input through and through Dave, *bow*

Thank you again for the artwork, it's the little things friends do that mean the most to me.

If you guys told me in advance, I would've written a song to be played in the background.

Love what you are doing so far, excellent work but then again I already knew you musical talent ;)

Well, we generally don't die at the hands of evil megalomaniacs.

Whenever you guys get a chance it'd be great if you could read over your own bio and make sure there are no typos or factual inaccuracies ;)

Everything is perfect, your design is great. You went above and beyond my friend. You have earned a well deserved bro hug.

Oh yeah? Well your FACES are of no consequence!


Morning grumpy


You're too kind to an old man. Dont inflate my ego too much, I'm likely to run with it and become even more obnoxious =P

Edit: Tence, your avatar will be missed. All very fun and great images. February was a good run.
Tence's works were absolutely smashing and will be missed.

And Dave, I know you are the lad of reason. I am sure you will cope with your fans. ;P

Lissar, Do you btw have any larger version of me? I think I have only the avatar sized one saved and the one that is on the awesome site of ours. ^______^

OMG. That is so awesome! Absolutely brilliant work. Thanks Hawkian, Lissar and Dave... and everyone else. I love you kitties. <3

The page, the pictures and the text parts are all top notch. Ah, we have so talented people in here that it is an honour to be among them.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Oh yeah? Well your FACES are of no consequence!



Everything is perfect, your design is great. You went above and beyond my friend. You have earned a well deserved bro hug.
Score. *brohug*

OMG. That is so awesome! Absolutely brilliant work. Thanks Hawkian, Lissar and Dave... and everyone else. I love you kitties. <3

The page, the pictures and the text parts are all top notch. Ah, we have so talented people in here that it is an honour to be among them.
Look at you, all ready to slaughter hundreds of trolls. Glad you like the site! Dave and Lissar did such great work they really blew me away.
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