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Evilore, of course :p

Maybe the video store has the new Twilight movie for rental and they are making fun of that dumbass that plays the wolf?

They have really great signs every week actually. Thinkin' about making a thread. Or at least posting them in the funny pictures thread. Driving past on the bus every day and seeing stuff like "Michael Bay Assassination HQ" and "Look at your video store, now back to us" is pretty great.
I really should've been packing for like...the last 45 minutes. I just need enough clothes for the weekend, but...eh. Effort.

I've found that the leading cause of production for me is to go to the lower left of your screen, click the windows button, and shut that thing down...

It's like a world of opportunity opens up after that!


I hope I'm not the only one that understands this joke...otherwise....



I'm just gonna throw this out there....

My motivation today is zilch.

There... I said it.

I have no choice but to be motivated, we are stupid busy. I hope the thread doesn't get away from me today but alas I have no choice. Duty calls.


I have no choice but to be motivated, we are stupid busy. I hope the thread doesn't get away from me today but alas I have no choice. Duty calls.

Oh, I've currently got 47 open trouble tickets in my queue and there are a massive amount of projects that I'm involved in. I have a lot of work to do, I just am having a hard time picking which evil I want to tackle first.


Loser slave of the system :(
Btw, does the music play automatically as soon as you enter the site or do you have to press play at the bottom?


Loser slave of the system :(

It SHOULD start playing on load, but only on the full version. Actually, right now I'm having trouble reaching it. What's my host up to..

Yeah, it hasn't been playing automatically for me. I also noticed it doesn't sound too great looped. :/ Might need to fix that.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Btw, does the music play automatically as soon as you enter the site or do you have to press play at the bottom?

Yeah, it hasn't been playing automatically for me. I also noticed it doesn't sound too great looped. :/ Might need to fix that.
What browser?

Nothing really that can be done about how it sounds looped except rerecording it, I think. There might be some tricks, I can check.
Is the profiles site working for anyone? I can't access it (at work).
Yeah.. seems my host might be hard down. Sorry about that folks. I'm gonna use this opportunity to get a new web hosting solution and port everything over (I'll edit the posts with the links in them). I'm gonna get a domain I've had in mind for a while now.

Who knows, you guys may have just witnessed the birth of a very successful webcomic.

Give me a coupla minutes here...


Loser slave of the system :(
What browser?

Nothing really that can be done about how it sounds looped except rerecording it, I think. There might be some tricks, I can check.
Safari 5.1.3 on OS X 10.7.3

Btw, here's a refined version of the track. Made a few minor adjustments. Hope it loops better this time.

At Dawn V2


Reluctant Member
When I woke up I was going to post nothing but *buries head in pillows* but seeing all of your posts and wearing my drawings has cheered me up :D

Dave - Mmm hmm, because I hadn't been mentioning that maybe you should go to bed for like an hour.

Sade - Did you want bigger than this version? I can give you a slightly bigger version if necessary.

And thanks again for your compliments guys. I really appreciate them.

So this is what morning feels like...

Welcome to the real world, Count.


But unlike RPG characters, it was my own body that woke me up rather than my mother :|

I remember them going down quite a few times. Not for nothing were the called Geoshitties.

Quiet woman! Dont ruin my picking on Hawkian with all your..... facts!


Reluctant Member
Quiet woman! Dont ruin my picking on Hawkian with all your..... facts!

No respect for the facts? Your breeding is showing, animal man.

For some inexplicable reason I've had this song stuck in my head since a woke up. I haven't seen this movie in ages, so I can't quite figure out why...


No respect for the facts? Your breeding is showing, animal man.

For some inexplicable reason I've had this song stuck in my head since a woke up. I haven't seen this movie in ages, so I can't quite figure out why...

That.... is a unique song to have stuck in your head. I'd have some fun with it while its there... call random people Uncle Fucker


I'm all for unique settings in games... but I have to laugh at that picture.

A Native American assassin taking out Colonialist Templars is laughable? I find it filled with a certain level of badassery. And his tomahawk is awesome too... its in the shape of the friggen Assassin's symbol.


Reluctant Member
A Native American assassin taking out Colonialist Templars is laughable? I find it filled with a certain level of badassery. And his tomahawk is awesome too... its in the shape of the friggen Assassin's symbol.

I actually haven't read a single thing about it, so I wouldn't know about the specifics behind the plot (I haven't finished any of the other games either.) Something about the flag in the back makes me laugh.

It snowed two inches last night. I told the weather specifically that it wasn't allowed to snow in March. It did not listen. There will be blood.


The cover for AC3 has the new assassin slaying a Redcoat, though...so we'll see how this goes. The further along they go on the historical timeline, the more ridiculous the concept seems. The white robe seem a bit out of place.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Wow, my host still isn't back up and my new site still hasn't propagated. What kind of internet is this?

Well, in the meantime, I got the hardcoded server DNS:

Have to figure out what the deal is with the song...

Safari 5.1.3 on OS X 10.7.3

Btw, here's a refined version of the track. Made a few minor adjustments. Hope it loops better this time.

At Dawn V2
Oooh... I don't know much about Safari or OSX re: HTML5.

Edit: Wow, IE9 can't even play it at all?


Reluctant Member
I know zero about that game. It looks interesting, but I haven't followed a single thing about it.

There hasn't been much news about it at all, really. People who were in the beta would know more, but I wasn't able to get into that (I wasn't even sure I wanted to anyway.)

WANT. I wonder what the multiplayer component is like, but I don't want to read/see any more about the game than I have to.

Yeah, I'm curious if it would be easy to coordinate with people to explore together. It would be really awesome if so.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Damn it looks totally different in IE. Not even the rounded CSS corners came through. What a terrible browser :x
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