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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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The Cryptarch's Bane
Journey looks amazing.

edit: hookay at least now it plays in all three browsers. Let me know about Safari AgentWhiskers.


So yeah, look who just called me at work o_O

I will add you when I get home. Mine is Davedough

I tried to add you on Steam a couple weeks ago but it wouldn't let me for some weird reason. Maybe you're too naked.

I can't get over how grown up and wise I look. Two descriptives I'm unaccustomed to assigning to myself.


I tried to add you on Steam a couple weeks ago but it wouldn't let me for some weird reason. Maybe you're too naked.

I can't get over how grown up and wise I look. Two descriptives I'm unaccustomed to assigning to myself.

I want to look grown up and wise :(


I tried to add you on Steam a couple weeks ago but it wouldn't let me for some weird reason. Maybe you're too naked.

I can't get over how grown up and wise I look. Two descriptives I'm unaccustomed to assigning to myself.
You are in my Steam list. I accepted your request


I wish I could go on PSN... but noooo... I have a fucking sub-account... made loooooooong time ago when I was lazy and didn't have a PS but my brother did.

So know I am linked to an old account which is linked to a no longer-existing email... and that account has to agree to the new terms... which he can't... so I can't go on PSN

Any tips Real GAF?

(apart from getting a new account.... I don't want to lose all my trophies. No fucking way I am gonna get those again)


Maybe you should stop lighting things on fire? :eek:

I could go on PSN and add you guys... or you could all be sweethearts and do the hard work for me! Shockingly, my PSN name is Lissar.

You can't be grown up, wise, AND light things on fire?


(I'll add you when I get home to PSN)

I do look all grown up and wise. Trust me, its not what it's cracked up to be what with fighting off the droves of women all the time...

That's okay I have you guys, fighting off droves of women can wait.
I wish I could go on PSN... but noooo... I have a fucking sub-account... made loooooooong time ago when I was lazy and didn't have a PS but my brother did.

So know I am linked to an old account which is linked to a no longer-existing email... and that account has to agree to the new terms... which he can't... so I can't go on PSN

Any tips Real GAF?

(apart from getting a new account.... I don't want to lose all my trophies. No fucking way I am gonna get those again)

Have you ever talked to anyone at Sony about it? Not sure how easy that really is where you are but surely there's some way to get someone on the phone...?

They'll probably just tell you to create a new account, but you never know. I ran into this with my b.net account, called Blizzard and they set it to rights. Blizzard's a much better company than Sony, admittedly...still worth a shot, though.


Reluctant Member
You can't be grown up, wise, AND light things on fire?


(I'll add you when I get home to PSN)

Being grown up is overrated. Then you have "responsibilities". Better to be an adult with a child-like outlook on life. :eek:

Also fire.



Have you ever talked to anyone at Sony about it? Not sure how easy that really is where you are but surely there's some way to get someone on the phone...?

They'll probably just tell you to create a new account, but you never know. I ran into this with my b.net account, called Blizzard and they set it to rights. Blizzard's a much better company than Sony, admittedly...still worth a shot, though.

Sony has already repeatedly stated that they will do nothing at all about subaccounts.
Appearantly lots of people are having problems. People who used to be 15, got a subaccount from their parents, are 18 now and can't get rid of the damn thing. And nobody wants to give up their damn trophies.

Sony indeed says: Make a normal account.

God how could I have been so stupid back then. It just seemed that a subaccount was just as good but without a credit card :(

I am very close to making a new account and just say goodbye to all my Killzone and GoW trophies :(


Reluctant Member
When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.
C.S. Lewis

One of my very favorite quotes too :D I think I quoted it on some thread that was looking down on people for something related.


Alright added everyone on PSN. My boss felt bad about over doing it yesterday so some of us got to leave early...only to return early tomorrow :(


Alright added everyone on PSN. My boss felt bad about over doing it yesterday so some of us got to leave early...only to return early tomorrow :(

Focus on today, forget about tomorrow, you have no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come, so live for what you've been given in this moment.


Focus on today, forget about tomorrow, you have no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come, so live for what you've been given in this moment.

Oh believe me I am, going to enjoy the sunny warm day by watching some telelvision, getting a quick nap then taking the bike out.

75 here, but thunderstorms tonight again...pretty happy as long as they come when it's time for bed.
Real? That's so January

Too late!


This is what it looks like when I peel off my skin. Or when I use magnetic resonance imaging to peek inside. Either way, congrats, Role-Playing-GAF, you now have a lich/zombie to fight! :D

Ack! Not intended.

I'll often avoid posting certain things if I think it could possibly be interpreted as tag fishing. My guard just drops in this thread!

Hehe, it's cool. Only big change is now we have a reason to do Clown Pic April.


Still Alive
Wow, my host still isn't back up and my new site still hasn't propagated. What kind of internet is this?

Well, in the meantime, I got the hardcoded server DNS:

Have to figure out what the deal is with the song...
OK I know i'm late to this RPG business, but Dave turned me onto it in the IRC and I jumped in here to catch up. Holy shit.

It's so good. The renditions are superb Lissar, and agent whiskers' music along with them and the hilariously wondrous descriptions top it all off. I was seriously grinning ear to ear reading some of those.

Who would've thought that this thread would live on so gloriously, super proud of this community. I'll try to stay in the loop in here more, if not only to bear witness to the awesomeness of you all.


Reluctant Member
Thunderstorms would be in the top 5 things I miss about Colorado. We hardly ever get them here. Maybe one or two a year if we're lucky.

We get them sooooometimes...

Oh yeah, I was born on a night of a thunderstorm :eek: In August!

Also, I remember one time I was in a car late at night with my ex-boyfriend, and a lightning bolt came down right in front of us!

Oh hey, I just realized we are going to hit 10K posts today!

I know, took like what, a month to get there? Not as fast moving as it once was, but a good pace.


OK I know i'm late to this RPG business, but Dave turned me onto it in the IRC and I jumped in here to catch up. Holy shit.

It's so good. The renditions are superb Lissar, and agent whiskers' music along with them and the hilariously wondrous descriptions top it all off. I was seriously grinning ear to ear reading some of those.

Who would've thought that this thread would live on so gloriously, super proud of this community. I'll try to stay in the loop in here more, if not only to bear witness to the awesomeness of you all.

Hey Sentry! We miss ya man, could have used a shape shifter / teleporter in the group ;)
Damn it looks totally different in IE. Not even the rounded CSS corners came through. What a terrible browser :x

By the way, if you were to specify height and width of all the thumbnails, it'll look better while loading (because it'll have the geometry set before it has to fill in the images).

I prefer playing as ???. That's my favourite character. edit: aww, darnit, he has an actual name when you click on him. :|
I've finally got my Tence and Lissar avatars all prepped for this Sunday.



I hate that I can't crop the picture correctly so the thumb has visible pixels.


Reluctant Member
I've finally got my Tence and Lissar avatars all prepped for this Sunday.



I hate that I can't crop the picture correctly so the thumb has visible pixels.

Looks fine to me, Beef.

Trying a transparency version. Hmm... looks a little odd, but I'm too lazy to edit right now.
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