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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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She sure does!

So what's up Gaf? Any plans for tonight? I don't have any :p Maybe watching Spartacus with my white mage.

Mine has been working pretty much from sunrise to sundown and well into the night every day. All through next week, too. Big project at work.

So, having a forever alone kinda night. Might sink my teeth into SSX, finally.


Reluctant Member
Today I'm FINALLY going to town to have some okonomiyaki, which I have been desperate for. As for tonight? Hmm... I'm taking a break day, so I've been seriously thinking about starting up Skyrim again. For my main character I still need to deal with the war. Not sure what else I need to do aside from getting her to level 50 (grind times!) get 100k (grind times!) and then finally buying a house and settling down with my lovely Brelyna.
She sure does!

So what's up Gaf? Any plans for tonight? I don't have any :p Maybe watching Spartacus with my white mage.

Probably go out for Thai food with Dearly Beloved and then we'll see what happens. May end up building a car for the ForzaGAF Sunday races. So exciting :)

Mine has been working pretty much from sunrise to sundown and well into the night every day. All through next week, too.

I'm a work widower frequently too. Oh well, she gets to buy all the iPads
and mortgage payments
she wants with the income.


I did =(. I feel so..... so ashamed.

Shift-Wand on all the brown, select/invert, copy, paste into new clear background, save..... didn't work as well as I'd hoped.

Yeah, too much dark/brown tones close to the background.

Take out your pentool and do it the hard way ;) Or if that pisses you off the lasso-tool (the one with straight corners)


Tonight, I'll be nursing my sick wife, my sick daughter and trying to resist the temptation to stay up all night staring at people in TC or making outlandish comments in IRC. Other than that, its just another night in the house that dough built.


Tonight, I'll be nursing my sick wife, my sick daughter and trying to resist the temptation to stay up all night staring at people in TC or making outlandish comments in IRC. Other than that, its just another night in the house that dough built.

I have some Galbi-jjim to make. That is after a nice nap following work.


Loser slave of the system :(
Someone explain to me why la1n's character is dark BUT THERE'S FIRE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Lissar, you got some 'splainin to do.


Reluctant Member
Someone explain to me why la1n's character is dark BUT THERE'S FIRE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Lissar, you got some 'splainin to do.

Oh come on, he's a black mage! They are traditionally black spots that absorb all light. I was actually thinking of going full on BLACK (just a dark spot with two glowing eyes.) but that just obscured all of his features. I also thought about gray, but that just made him look sick >> It was the best I could do and still have it make sense.


I suppose I could have just done it similar to Tence's, but I wanted some variety between our two black mages.


Still Alive
Hahahahaa!!! I LOVE it, Dave's is especially hilarious. I may have limited short term memory, but I can fucking teleport!

Heed before the awesomeness of the one, the only, the Blink Mage Of Gaftopia... THE SENTRY. :D

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
So what's up Gaf? Any plans for tonight? I don't have any :p Maybe watching Spartacus with my white mage.

I've never watched that show, is it good? I've heard good things. Bloody, sexy good things.

I'm not doing anything tonight but gearing up for vegas in the morning.
She sure does!

So what's up Gaf? Any plans for tonight? I don't have any :p Maybe watching Spartacus with my white mage.

Nothing for me. Probably gonna watch some wrestling with WrestleGAF and have another conversation with my best friend. It pisses us both off that we live across the country from each other. :|


I've never watched that show, is it good? I've heard good things. Bloody, sexy good things.

I'm not doing anything tonight but gearing up for vegas in the morning.

I love the show. It starts out rather crap, but from episode 5 (season 1) it starts getting more awesome every episode. A bit over the top digital blood (which I hate) but apart from that lots of gruesome violence and tits (which I love).


Loser slave of the system :(
Oh come on, he's a black mage! They are traditionally black spots that absorb all light. I was actually thinking of going full on BLACK (just a dark spot with two glowing eyes.) but that just obscured all of his features. I also thought about gray, but that just made him look sick >> It was the best I could do and still have it make sense.


I suppose I could have just done it similar to Tence's, but I wanted some variety between our two black mages.

I like it :)

I've never watched that show, is it good? I've heard good things. Bloody, sexy good things.

I'm not doing anything tonight but gearing up for vegas in the morning.

First episode of the series is TERRIBLE. Seriously, you might wonder why so many people praise it but trust me, stick with it as it gets progressively better and better. It really takes off by episode 3 and just doesn't let up. Season 1 is pure unadulterated entertainment. Haven't seen the prequel or the second season (new Spartacus) yet so I can't comment on those.

EDIT: Tence'd. *fist shake* Not sure how I missed your post.
She sure does!

So what's up Gaf? Any plans for tonight? I don't have any :p Maybe watching Spartacus with my white mage.

I'm planning to see a lady friend and watch some more of Being Human's season 2 with her. We will likely eat pirogies or pizza or chinese food. She must be particularly hungry for this dinner, as her last message was "come over cuz i want some". The pizza was pretty good last time, even though I harbor a deep-rooted dislike of Dominos, having had worked there.

If I do that tomorrow night instead of tonight, then I'm going to watch some more of Venture Bros. season 2 while I double hoop.

I wish there was a game entirely made up of levels like Rayman Origin's Davedough chest levels

Happy Friday, all!

This day is always a cause for celebration, but we got something awesome in the office today which makes it extra wonderful.


We were sent cookies by a fan as thanks for The Last Story! ;_; A joyous day! (Lunch is secure!)
Happy Friday, all!

This day is always a cause for celebration, but we got something awesome in the office today which makes it extra wonderful.


We were sent cookies by a fan as thanks for The Last Story! ;_; A joyous day! (Lunch is secure!)

d'aww look at that happy sun!


My first job was at Little Caesar's Pizza. I got fired for starting a dough fight.

Is that where your screenname comes from?


Loser slave of the system :(
Hahaha love the new character bios, Dave. So who wants to open up a kickstarter to get this RPG RPG rolling?

Side question: Which dev house would you hire to develop this game?


Hahaha love the new character bios, Dave. So who wants to open up a kickstarter to get this RPG RPG rolling?

Side question: Which dev house would you hire to develop this game?

XSEED has already agreed to publish it. So, a dev that's friendly with them.

Is that where your screenname comes from?

Ironically, no.

True story: There were five friends growing up. Dave, Bill, Al, Chris and Rocky. We found it fun to append -do on the end of everyone's name, which all started, naturally, with Bill-do. Then came Al-do, Dave-do, Chris-do and Schnocky because Rocky-do just sounded stupid. Well, many years later, I got on the Internet and originally started using the nickname Davedo. Everyone seemed to want to pronounce it Dave-doo so I played with the word a little big and came up with Davedough. The End.


Happy friday Jess.

So no Spartacus for me tonight. Wife is getting a bit sick... appearantly she didn't use curaga on herself.


Send us cookies and/or beer and we might consider it. ;)

I'll send you beer flavored cookies if that's what it'll take. But I want access to E3 to show off our collaboration to adoring fans everywhere. And, I want to go in costume.

Edit: I'm sure you see promise in the title H.Pro. I mean, Lissar can be lead art director on the project. Hawkian and I can be lead writers. Lets get this thing done. =P


I'll start building the game for the XNA platform.

Let me start my checklist of action items:

1. Learn how to program for XNA.
2. ???
3. Profit.


Argh, I missed the conversation about punk. What rotten luck. D:

Either way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD-705glbLA&feature=related

Happy Friday, all!

This day is always a cause for celebration, but we got something awesome in the office today which makes it extra wonderful.


We were sent cookies by a fan as thanks for The Last Story! ;_; A joyous day! (Lunch is secure!)

Jealousy. You guys deserve it though, and I'm not just saying that either. You've brought over so many games that I thought we'd never see. XSEED is a godsend, in my opinion.

/end ass-kissing


So, who knows how to create sprites? I think we need to Spritivize our avatars, FFVI style. That way we can get an idea of how they'll look in game. =P


Wait we're doing cosplay of ourselves? Damn, I was planning on going as Man-Faye this year.

I tossed the idea around with Jason to cosplay but we both agreed it would just cause us to blend in with everyone else. I have to wear something somewhat dressy anyway.

So, who knows how to create sprites? I think we need to Spritivize our avatars, FFVI style. That way we can get an idea of how they'll look in game. =P

Cheapest route would be to use old school sprite work if we are really going to create a game. It's either that or do a little big planet mod just for fun.
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