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I tossed the idea around with Jason to cosplay but we both agreed it would just cause us to blend in with everyone else. I have to wear something somewhat dressy anyway.

Cheapest route would be to use old school sprite work if we are really going to create a game. It's either that or do a little big planet mod just for fun.

Thats not a bad idea. I like you.

LOL... just noticed Jason using his avatar. So awesome!


It's fine, my int stat is too low for spells anyway.

In seriousness, I've always wanted to play DnD but never knew people who were into it. And finding a group is intimidating because it's unfriendly for newbies. The girl I'm seeing tonight apparently plays so she may be my way in. It's pretty funny that I got a cute girl's number at a bar by talking about dungeons and dragons.


Reluctant Member
So, who knows how to create sprites? I think we need to Spritivize our avatars, FFVI style. That way we can get an idea of how they'll look in game. =P

I actually thought of doing some sprites as well, but RNH already expressed interest in making some.

It's fine, my int stat is too low for spells anyway.

In seriousness, I've always wanted to play DnD but never knew people who were into it. And finding a group is intimidating because it's unfriendly for newbies. The girl I'm seeing tonight apparently plays so she may be my way in. It's pretty funny that I got a cute girl's number at a bar by talking about dungeons and dragons.

That sounds pretty cool :D Good luck with her!
I'll send you beer flavored cookies if that's what it'll take. But I want access to E3 to show off our collaboration to adoring fans everywhere. And, I want to go in costume.

Edit: I'm sure you see promise in the title H.Pro. I mean, Lissar can be lead art director on the project. Hawkian and I can be lead writers. Lets get this thing done. =P

Guinness brownies will do nicely. ;) But, you'll have to entice a developer first. XSEED only handles the publishing side which means 0 input on anything regarding art/writing, etc. Best I can do is get us a fair ESRB rating and write some nifty blurbs for the console icons/website. :) Since I'm the editor, though, I'd also be going over text and basically rewriting things (ANYTHING) as I see fit. Heh... heh... heh...

Argh, I missed the conversation about punk. What rotten luck. D:

Either way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD-705glbLA&feature=related

Jealousy. You guys deserve it though, and I'm not just saying that either. You've brought over so many games that I thought we'd never see. XSEED is a godsend, in my opinion.

/end ass-kissing

Aw, thanks, man. We don't always hit the mark, but we're doing our best with what we have. We'll try to stay in the good graces of gamers like yourself.

One day I'll play a game published by XSEED



It's fine, my int stat is too low for spells anyway.

In seriousness, I've always wanted to play DnD but never knew people who were into it. And finding a group is intimidating because it's unfriendly for newbies. The girl I'm seeing tonight apparently plays so she may be my way in. It's pretty funny that I got a cute girl's number at a bar by talking about dungeons and dragons.

I used to play back in high school, and it was really fun. Don't have the time to dedicate to it now, but it was always a really good game in which to stretch your imagination/oratory skills. Let us know how that goes for you. :)
It's fine, my int stat is too low for spells anyway.

In seriousness, I've always wanted to play DnD but never knew people who were into it. And finding a group is intimidating because it's unfriendly for newbies. The girl I'm seeing tonight apparently plays so she may be my way in. It's pretty funny that I got a cute girl's number at a bar by talking about dungeons and dragons.

She's definitely doing you a solid, but the key to having the most fun in D&D is to play it with your best friends. That's what I did, and even though we rarely got adventures finished, it was some of the most fun I've ever had with them.

I guess it also helped that we didn't take it too seriously, either. My Dragonborn Warrior WAS named "Handsome B. Wonderful," after all.
I've run a lot of games over the years...the last campaign I ran started right after D&D 4th came out and lasted about two years before collapsing. Sometimes I miss it. I don't care how nerdy it is, D&D is a fucking blast.

The same group is now re-assembling around Magic: the Gathering....which is horrible, horrible. I get so addicted to these damn things. It's fun, but for completely different reasons.
It's fine, my int stat is too low for spells anyway.

In seriousness, I've always wanted to play DnD but never knew people who were into it. And finding a group is intimidating because it's unfriendly for newbies. The girl I'm seeing tonight apparently plays so she may be my way in. It's pretty funny that I got a cute girl's number at a bar by talking about dungeons and dragons.

If anyone watched the Dungeons and Dragons episode of Community, they would know it's the coolest game ever.

It's pretty funny that I got a cute girl's number at a bar by talking about dungeons and dragons.

Played D&D in high school with socially awkward nerds.
Played D&D at university and subsequently with post-awkward nerds and non-nerds.

Latter is way better. Got a bit burned out on standard D&D, but the last campaign I played in was limited to six levels and it was an absolute blast. Dearly Beloved's first character got poisoned and died of the shits, and one of our party drowned and was turned into a zombie and we had to destroy him. :(

My character was (well, is, he didn't die) a halfling druid known as Gideon Fuzzbottom, who had a pet drake (

One guy had a wizard named Frenjamin Branklin, whose familiar was a kite.


Guinness brownies will do nicely. ;) But, you'll have to entice a developer first. XSEED only handles the publishing side which means 0 input on anything regarding art/writing, etc. Best I can do is get us a fair ESRB rating and write some nifty blurbs for the console icons/website. :) Since I'm the editor, though, I'd also be going over text and basically rewriting things (ANYTHING) as I see fit. Heh... heh... heh...

I know you guys only handle the publishing, but you're the only person I "know" in the industry. I'm sure you can sweet talk some up and coming devs you've had lunch with once or twice to take on a completely ridiculous project =P.

Also, thanks for the warning about the editing, so I can make sure that there's a contract clause in there that says you're not allowed to edit anything that I write that I consider to be awesome and necessary to be in there. Everything else you can touch. =P


Oh lawd, that boxart. <3

Guinness brownies will do nicely. ;) But, you'll have to entice a developer first. XSEED only handles the publishing side which means 0 input on anything regarding art/writing, etc. Best I can do is get us a fair ESRB rating and write some nifty blurbs for the console icons/website. :) Since I'm the editor, though, I'd also be going over text and basically rewriting things (ANYTHING) as I see fit. Heh... heh... heh...

Aw, thanks, man. We don't always hit the mark, but we're doing our best with what we have. We'll try to stay in the good graces of gamers like yourself.


I used to play back in high school, and it was really fun. Don't have the time to dedicate to it now, but it was always a really good game in which to stretch your imagination/oratory skills. Let us know how that goes for you. :)

Just don't go the way of Working Designs (Goemon....*sob* ;_;) and it's all good, yo.


Reluctant Member
Finally logged onto PSN (stupid update) to add everyone. Checking out your trophy list... realize that I still have less than just about EVERYONE else...

I-I'll just go into a dark corner and hide now...
Finally logged onto PSN (stupid update) to add everyone. Checking out your trophy list... realize that I still have less than just about EVERYONE else...

I-I'll just go into a dark corner and hide now...
Look on the bright side: as a Scholar, you can read the little trophy descriptions!

I am guilty of doing this on many occasions with my friend list. .___.
I smell an April Avatar~
...Curse the lack of Blue Mage sprite options.


I have PSN, but I don't even remember what my username is. I usually don't game online either. Either way, I'll go check later.
Friend request sent :)

edit: though I should note I'm not on Steam a heck of a lot at present, as I'm trying to work through my PS3 backlog. I'm almost always logged in though.
Well, if you're a member you should be able to invite other people to join ^^

I did! I just don't have very many of you added so I can't find you :p

Yeah, I saw the invite almost right after I posted. Thanks a bunch!

This reminds me that I have some Steam games that I still need to beat. But the Cave Story last boss is so hard...
So, first things first: Tonight was fucking amazing. Every band totally killed it, and for once the Brighton crowd actually got into it! I had a little chat with Darren from Crazy Arm afterwards and he was like "Yeah, the last few times we've played here the crowd have been pretty static, but everyone was really into it this time". Also there was a fight during Great Cynics set, which is hilarious because they were by far the least fight-type music band playing.

I then bought a shitload of stuff. Including a tshirt which I'm paying for in installments 'cause I only had £3 and I'm seeing Cynics again in a couple of weeks.

Speaking of Cynics, I have a huge crush on their bassist. Which I find kind of weird seeing as I'm kind of friends with the band. Yeeah.

Onto other things: I wanna do sprites! Anyone got a particular style in mind? If not, totes doing them Earthbound style.

Also I'd like to point out again that I'm a programmer. And I've made a sweet ass version of Pong.
It's just Pong.

And finally, I'm RobotNinjaHornets on Steam as well. I'm not online at the moment, but I will be tomorrow.

NOW TO BED. And to switch out of this frankly disgusting tshirt. GOOD OLD SWEAT, EH?
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