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The Cryptarch's Bane
Yes, Hawk. I was planning on drawing something for each chapter whenever I can. Also for any side-stories if there are any. :eek:

Good morning~
You are so amazing I can scarcely believe we exist on the same plane of reality.

I mean, awesome.
You never know what evils lurk behind that expressionless gaze.
You ever feel as though there's absolutely no hope for you? Maybe it's just a mood swing, but I seriously feel fucking hopeless right now.
Yes. Hopelessness has to be one of the most universal human experiences. Fortunately, in objective terms, hope is one of the only things that never truly expires.
Just woke up having skipped one of my classes today, on the bright side i have no more exams until spring break next week. On the other side i still have a ton of homework and 2 small speeches for club elections on sunday. felling kinda lethargic right now though.


Hahaha. I don't know. But it has its benefits to be a girl. It is rather challenging to come out as creepy. I have tried, trust me. ;P

Even though I need to say that if I for example say that I will spank someone, they usually don't take it as a threat but just ask is it a promise.

For boys its challeging to come out as not creepy. Sometimes I write something in jest (lets say licking Lissars hand for example :p) and think: Wow... that sounded about 100 times more creepy than intended.

Spanking is not even an option haha.


Reluctant Member
Everyone just thinks I think dirty things because they do :<

It snowed today. My cat looking out upon it:



Reluctant Member
Nah, everyone knows a scholar must be pure of heart and chaste of mind.

He's all like, gimme dat snow!

She! :eek: Her name is Bianca.

I like seeing her in the snow because it's all black on white and so adorable. Unfortunately she does NOT appreciate being thrown in it.

Thats how the corruption starts, soon your thoughts and theirs become indistinguishable.

D: Nooooooo!

You ever feel as though there's absolutely no hope for you? Maybe it's just a mood swing, but I seriously feel fucking hopeless right now.

I've mentioned this before, but I feel I should reiterate: When I was your age*, I felt like this every day, had screaming fits in my car during my commute to/from work, and cried myself to sleep every night. I had been somewhat depressed since age 13 and it really started hitting at age 24 when I discovered how underpaid I was. I was the poster child for that ForeverAlone pic, too. My life started very slowly turning around at 27 or 28, and it has very** gradually become amazing.

The best thing to really do is to separate (A) the things you have little control over and (B) the things you have control over; then use the items from the B column to gradually improve yourself in any measurable way you can. At that terrible point, I basically had two friends whom I didn't really like hanging out with. I had some money from my job, so I reconnected with college people an hour away who had a sort of communal house, and I just visited them weekly. They were an hour away, but it was really the only way I could get any sort of real social exercise. I also tried volunteering to help people (there was, for instance, a local organization that was getting together people to revitalize public schools), which gave me something to do that wasn't utter routine and also made me feel a little better about myself. The other thing I had control over was my own body. I took initially extreme measures and then a lighter touch to reduce my weight by 70lbs (~30kg) and get in better shape. Not eating takes no effort, just a little bit of masochism. Walking around, which is how I started exercise, is pretty easy if you're able to play games or read e-books while walking (my peripheral vision is pretty good, though I did hit my head into an errant tree branch every coupla weeks.

Anyway, if you focus on the things that you can conceivably change, and if you keep at it rather aggressively, you'll eventually find that things can improve over time. You just have to play the Long Game.

* lololol, I'm at the stage of life when I tell people "When I was your age..."

** Very: first drink at 30, first girlfriend at 30, first sexing at 31, first decent job (the current one) at 32; now I'm 36 and people think I'm some sort of social mastermind who's well off and gets laid all the time with a variety of models. I silently perpetuate these myths, and they're not without basis, but I'm just glad that people don't think I'm some sort of terrible person.
All right! Today is Free Apple Juice & Oreos Day, so I'm prepping my veins for the ritualistic bloodletting that precedes the celebration. Be back in like an hour! :D


Man, I truly feel sorry for EU RP GAF. TC is completely dead at this time of day. Makes for a productive lunch break for me though.


Man, I truly feel sorry for EU RP GAF. TC is completely dead at this time of day. Makes for a productive lunch break for me though.
I know. I feel sorry for myself too. :(

Oh shit. I only have £4 in my bank account.

If you think that you can't handle that kind of money and it is too much for you, I am willing to lift its weight from your shoulders.

For boys its challeging to come out as not creepy. Sometimes I write something in jest (lets say licking Lissars hand for example :p) and think: Wow... that sounded about 100 times more creepy than intended.

Spanking is not even an option haha.
Well, don't worry. I have quite similar problem, even if still slightly different. I don't sound that creepy, but I have been told that I sometimes managed to sound totally perverted and/or flirty, even when I don't even try... Which have sometimes made other people sound way more creepy, than I would have wanted. Especially if they are my old clients who open up on text messages that they send to my personal phone number.

Can I take pictures?
You surely can. We quite naturally want to capture the moment to photos.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So, I finally settled on and registered demigodmode.com (heh?)

RPG² Productions can now be reached at http://rpg.demigodmode.com/. It's still just the bios for now, but I'll work on expanding the site to include story chapters and so forth soon!

Owning my first-ever dotcom feels rather inspiring. I think it's time to quit my job and become a self-made man. Who wants to work for Hawkian? I'll give really good perks. For example, I'll write you into adorable short stories as a badass RPG character.

I found it highly amusing, but I'm low on blood now, so it may be a false amusement.

The upside? They had Sun Chips! :D

Also, I have lost 1 kilogram in the last hour. Their ritual magic is indeed strong.

edit: maybe I exaggerate by a factor of two, so their magic is half-strong. Still good enough.
OH! I get it now.


Well, don't worry. I have quite similar problem, even if still slightly different. I don't sound that creepy, but I have been told that I sometimes managed to sound totally perverted and/or flirty, even when I don't even try... Which have sometimes made other people sound way more creepy, than I would have wanted. Especially if they are my old clients who open up on text messages that they send to my personal phone number..

Your pervertedness is what makes you you! Keep on spanking! :p ;)


Well, don't worry. I have quite similar problem, even if still slightly different. I don't sound that creepy, but I have been told that I sometimes managed to sound totally perverted and/or flirty, even when I don't even try... Which have sometimes made other people sound way more creepy, than I would have wanted. Especially if they are my old clients who open up on text messages that they send to my personal phone number.

Curse my lack of international texting plans!


Your pervertedness is what makes you you! Keep on spanking! :p ;)
Hahaha. No need to worry. I will. I can't help myself. Even if I don't even think I would be particularly perverted. It is just who I am and I think it is quite natural way of behaving.

I will be in Europe in just a few weeks :D
Oh my. Where and how long? Is there any chance for me to enjoy your adorable company in Finland? :3

Can someone btw open up what is the thing with aprons? I mean I sometimes use one at my working place, if I am doing something particularly dirty, and the comments I get are... lets say interesting, especially if I need to use the smaller ones that are just ridiculous.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hahaha. No need to worry. I will. I can't help myself. Even if I don't even think I would be particularly perverted. It is just who I am and I think it is quite natural way of behaving.
Rock on, girl.
Can someone btw open up what is the thing with aprons? I mean I sometimes use one at my working place, if I am doing something particularly dirty, and the comments I get are... lets say interesting, especially if I need to use the smaller ones that are just ridiculous.
Cannot say I know what you are talking about here, however.


Reluctant Member
Oh my. Where and how long? Is there any chance for me to enjoy your adorable company in Finland? :3

Can someone btw open up what is the thing with aprons? I mean I sometimes use one at my working place, if I am doing something particularly dirty, and the comments I get are... lets say interesting, especially if I need to use the smaller ones that are just ridiculous.

I'll be in Germany for two months :eek: It's too bad Finland is a bit far, or else I'd try to convince my boyfriend to go :< If only you lived in Sweden! He lives on the Baltic coast so it would be a short boat trip (assuming this hypothetical you didn't live in the north of the country.) I already begged him to take me to Prague, and we might be visiting Belgium as well.

I never wear aprons, even when I should :eek: My clothes in my painting classes were a MESS! I never cared though. A bit of paint here and there gives clothes... personality.





I'll be in Germany for two months :eek: It's too bad Finland is a bit far, or else I'd try to convince my boyfriend to go :< If only you lived in Sweden! He lives on the Baltic coast so it would be a short boat trip (assuming this hypothetical you didn't live in the north of the country.) I already begged him to take me to Prague, and we might be visiting Belgium as well.

I never wear aprons, even when I should :eek: My clothes in my painting classes were a MESS! I never cared though. A bit of paint here and there gives clothes... personality.


Taking a very southern German city, Munich and taking a very northern city Oulu in Finland, the distance is approximately 1500 miles. That's only halfway across the US. You could make that in a day of solid driving. Hardly an excuse to rob poor Sadetar of a visit.


Reluctant Member
Taking a very southern German city, Munich and taking a very northern city Oulu in Finland, the distance is approximately 1500 miles. That's only halfway across the US. You could make that in a day of solid driving. Hardly an excuse to rob poor Sadetar of a visit.

If it were up to me I would go, but my boyfriend works and we'd only have a weekend :<


I'll be in Germany for two months :eek: It's too bad Finland is a bit far, or else I'd try to convince my boyfriend to go :< If only you lived in Sweden! He lives on the Baltic coast so it would be a short boat trip (assuming this hypothetical you didn't live in the north of the country.) I already begged him to take me to Prague, and we might be visiting Belgium as well.
Ah. All that sounds so awesome. Oh and Ryanair flies very, very cheaply to Finland. ;)

I never wear aprons, even when I should :eek: My clothes in my painting classes were a MESS! I never cared though. A bit of paint here and there gives clothes... personality
I am a good girl and I use apron especially if I am showing to people how to do iron castings and how to make casting model from oil sand. I don't want any of that stuff to my clothes.

Rock on, girl.

Cannot say I know what you are talking about here, however.
I was more or less pondering why especially men find aprons extremely attractive and stimulating.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I was more or less pondering why especially men find aprons extremely attractive and stimulating.
Aha. Well. I assume it has something to do with them being form-fitting, with possible undertones of wearing an apron meaning you might be doing something that already puts you in someone's home.

...kind of like that


Reluctant Member
Even in Euroland, they give people vacation days off of work =P.

C'mon, next excuse.

Even in Euroland? You mean ESPECIALLY in Euroland. US gets what, 10 days? In Germany they get a month+. But my boyfriend saves most of his vacation for when he is going to visit me. He's already taking a bit of time off to go to Prague.

Ah. All that sounds so awesome. Oh and Ryanair flies very, very cheaply to Finland. ;)

I really wish I could :<


Even in Euroland? You mean ESPECIALLY in Euroland. US gets what, 10 days? In Germany they get a month+. But my boyfriend saves most of his vacation for when he is going to visit me. He's already taking a bit of time off to go to Prague.

I really wish I could :<

If he loved you, he'd do it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hahaha. What Dave means is: your boyfriend should tooootally go out of his way to make sure you get to visit flirtacious Finns while spending the weekend with him.


Hahaha. What Dave means is: your boyfriend should tooootally go out of his way to make sure you get to visit flirtacious Finns while spending the weekend with him.

Better than him hiding away at work and not being with her at all while she figures out what to do with all the leiderhosen hanging about.

Look.... consider the trip market research for art direction for our upcoming game being published by XSEED.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Lissar, I knew you'd be cool enough to make a comment about playing emulators with a 360 controller (as I do).

Fuck yeah. Attagirl.

Edit: That graphic pisses me off more and more the longer I let it linger in my mind. Zelda games I have played with a 360 controller include: The Legend of Zelda (Nestopia), A Link to the Past (ZSNESX), Ocarina of Time (Project64), and Twilight Princess (Dolphin). Come at me, people posting links thinking they're all clever and crap


Reluctant Member
Better than him hiding away at work and not being with her at all while she figures out what to do with all the leiderhosen hanging about.

Look.... consider the trip market research for art direction for our upcoming game being published by XSEED.

There is only one thing I can really do with leiderhosen.


Lissar, I knew you'd be cool enough to make a comment about playing emulators with a 360 controller (as I do).

Fuck yeah. Attagirl.

Hahahaha. I was wondering if that would show up on other people's feeds. That's the first thing that popped into my head when I saw that picture though.


Even in Euroland? You mean ESPECIALLY in Euroland. US gets what, 10 days? In Germany they get a month+. But my boyfriend saves most of his vacation for when he is going to visit me. He's already taking a bit of time off to go to Prague.
Ah yes. We enjoy rather long, paid holidays. We also get paid fully even when we are sick. At least I do. :D

I really wish I could :<
Don't worry. I am fine and also sure I will survive without your smashing company.

...for ever alone...

Like this?

Hahahaah. Perhaps not as lacey, but the idea is most likely the same.

Aha. Well. I assume it has something to do with them being form-fitting, with possible undertones of wearing an apron meaning you might be doing something that already puts you in someone's home.

...kind of like that
Have I already mentioned that you are extremely and absolutely adorable?

If I haven't, I am just letting you know now.

Hahaha. What Dave means is: your boyfriend should tooootally go out of his way to make sure you get to visit flirtacious Finns while spending the weekend with him.
Come on. I am not even that bad. I am just rather open, quite talkative and somewhat social. It is not my fault if people take me that way...
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