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Ha, the platonic friendships thread is a riot.

Not even going to touch that thread. I have a lot to say on the matter, but it's largely based on evolutionary psychology. I'd probably get banned.

Basically my comments could be distilled down to this one fantastic quote from The Wire:

"You want it to be one way. You want it to be one way. But it's the other way."


Not even going to touch that thread. I have a lot to say on the matter, but it's largely based on evolutionary psychology. I'd probably get banned.
I was thinking exactly the same.

I also can't afford the ban, cause to noobies like me, they are permanent.


Ew, Queen.

Also books...eh. I'm bad at paying attention to reading.
I like reading. Now I just feel quilty if I read anything else but my graduating thesis books. I also don't feel like reading them at all and thus I do nothing on that department.

And Queen can be good, if you are on the right mood on and in right company... Meaning rather often. :D

...It seems I failed at editing my previous post.


Ew, Queen.

Eagles dropping the ring into Mount Doom?

You expect giant birds to just fly straight into the territory of an enemy that has its own formidable air defenses? Not to mention thousands of orcs shooting arrows from the ground?

And it's not like Mount Doom was just over the border. Maybe it seemed that way in the movies, but in the books Frodo and Sam had to do some significant journeying in Mordor just to get to the mountain.

What air defense? Beyond the Nazgul, who were pretty occupied throughout most of the story with other matters, I believe? Maybe I'm forgetting something. If I were a gigantic eagle I wouldn't worry so much about being able to stay out of range of orc arrows. And, heck, I suppose they could have just dropped the Fellowship off somewhere nearby if they wanted to.

Either way, the conversation itself proves my point. If your story has gigantic eagles staging dramatic rescues in it, you need an unambiguous explanation in your narrative as to why they aren't involved with the rest of the world-saving quest. I have heard plenty of reasons as to why they didn't involve themselves for the majority of the book, and some get pretty close to jiving with the narrative, though none are 100% satisfying. Those explanations shouldn't really be needed, however, and they wouldn't be if the eagles had never been employed as deus ex machina at all.


Okay, supposing that the Nazgul weren't around, I'm pretty sure the Eagles would be spotted well before they were in range of the mountain. They're really, really big, and there's nothing in the air to disguise them. At that point, you could just station a few thousand orcs on Mount Doom and wait. The Eagles can't just drop the ring from 50,000 feet up. They'd have to get in close to make the drop, and at that point, a volley of several thousand arrows would be impossible to dodge.
That may be the case. I'm certainly not an authority on the subject. I do read a lot though, and I've come across many theories that are supported by my own real-world observations.

Confirmation-bias? My own experiences and those of many friends support the notion that being friends with someone that you would be at least nominally interested in bonking is quite possible. I do know some people that have problems participating in such a platonic relationship, though.

I didn't bother posting in that thread, the people that I agree with (Devo, Marrec, Stet, most of the RP-GAF crew) don't need my support.


Confirmation-bias? My own experiences and those of many friends support the notion that being friends with someone that you would be at least nominally interested in bonking is quite possible. I do know some people that have problems participating in such a platonic relationship, though.

I didn't bother posting in that thread, the people that I agree with (Devo, Marrec, Stet, most of the RP-GAF crew) don't need my support.

Oh, I absolutely agree that it's possible. I have hundreds of female friends, at least half of whom are very attractive.

I think it's a very nuanced subject though. And I'd just as soon not drag the debate into this thread.


I find the thread very interesting because there are so many varying opinions on the subject, none of them particularly wrong. Platonic relationships and even the very definition in terms of attraction skews our understanding of it. The thread is far from controversial and I'd love to hear your opinion if not here then in irc or tinychat.


I find the thread very interesting because there are so many varying opinions on the subject, none of them particularly wrong. Platonic relationships and even the very definition in terms of attraction skews our understanding of it. The thread is far from controversial and I'd love to hear your opinion if not here then in irc or tinychat.

I feel like our relationship works just fine despite our fiery passion for each other.
On the platonic friendship thread: I want to read that thread but I know I'd just be bombarded with stupid and I can't be bothered

That thread is giving me a headache.

Confirmation-bias? My own experiences and those of many friends support the notion that being friends with someone that you would be at least nominally interested in bonking is quite possible. I do know some people that have problems participating in such a platonic relationship, though.

I didn't bother posting in that thread, the people that I agree with (Devo, Marrec, Stet, most of the RP-GAF crew) don't need my support.

Yay. Another guy who doesn't think female friendships are worthless if they don't involve sex.

I find the thread very interesting because there are so many varying opinions on the subject, none of them particularly wrong. Platonic relationships and even the very definition in terms of attraction skews our understanding of it. The thread is far from controversial and I'd love to hear your opinion if not here then in irc or tinychat.

I second J on you joining the thread. More positive "I can be friends with girls without needing to bonk them" posts would be a welcome breath of fresh air.


As a matter of fact, I hate it when girls no longer want to be friends with me after they find out I'm attracted to them. That's why I almost never tell them. Shit fucking hurts.
I second J on you joining the thread. More positive "I can be friends with girls without needing to bonk them" posts would be a welcome breath of fresh air.

I'm getting ready to go have coffee and talk chisme with my 100% platonic chick friend :) I know it's possible, they're just very unlikely considering if a guy a single he will be continuously looking for relationship potential.

I consider you a strictly platonic friend Jess *hugs*

I find the thread very interesting because there are so many varying opinions on the subject, none of them particularly wrong. Platonic relationships and even the very definition in terms of attraction skews our understanding of it. The thread is far from controversial and I'd love to hear your opinion if not here then in irc or tinychat.

You disagree with me about everything regarding relationships though I don't wanna chat with you -_-

No. Nooooooo.

*holds Queen CDs*

You know, everyone has their own taste in music and stuff...but if you dislike Queen you objectively have bad taste in music


Reluctant Member
As a matter of fact, I hate it when girls no longer want to be friends with me after they find out I'm attracted to them. That's why I almost never tell them. Shit fucking hurts.

I had a good friend confess to me once :< At first I stayed away because I thought he would be uncomfortable with it... but because we had mutual friends and classes we had a lot of contact, and eventually we came around to being even better friends :D I don't get to see him very often now, but I consider him one of my closest friends.
Female friendships are not worthless. I don't know why people think that, honestly.

Apparently because there are guys around to do all the 'friend' things so there's no reason to bother with a girl, some (or many?) girls are devious and only want to use guys for some 'benefit'... or something like that. Either that or we're only good for what's in our pants. I don't know. I'm tired of arguing with guys who think so little of women. (For the moment anyway.)

I'm getting ready to go have coffee and talk chisme with my 100% platonic chick friend :) I know it's possible, they're just very unlikely considering if a guy a single he will be continuously looking for relationship potential.

I consider you a strictly platonic friend Jess *hugs*

You disagree with me about everything regarding relationships though I don't wanna chat with you -_-

I'm not saying it isn't a tough thing to do at first (feel about and all that), but that so many guys seem to think women have nothing of value to bring to a friendship if it's not about a relationship makes me want to ARGHHHHHH.

And you are totally my buddy, Clear. We will drink and dance and do all the things that friends do and it will have value, dammit!
I had a good friend confess to me once :< At first I stayed away because I thought he would be uncomfortable with it... but because we had mutual friends and classes we had a lot of contact, and eventually we came around to being even better friends :D I don't get to see him very often now, but I consider him one of my closest friends.

That's how me and my friend are right now. She was the one who initially confessed to ME though, which was weird at first (I had already developed some feelings for her but never really wanted to say anything because I thought it would be awkward, so it all worked out). But since we live so far away from each other and both are broke as hell, we couldn't really act on it. We then made an agreement that we wouldn't "wait for each other" if one of us had an opportunity for a relationship with someone IRL. That still hasn't stopped us from shaking our fists at the universe for the distance between us though.
You know, everyone has their own taste in music and stuff...but if you dislike Queen you objectively have bad taste in music


I have the best music taste. Also Queen are easily the single most overrated band ever. EVER. Led Zeppelin second, Pink Floyd third.

You all hate me now don't you? :p

Also, anyone who thinks opposite-gendered people can't be platonic friends are idiots. I get on with girls so much better than I get on with guys. Most guys at some point just end up really annoying me.

And I told my best friend that I liked her a few years ago. Made no difference in our relationship. Except now I can openly act annoyed at her boyfriend for existing >_>

I've since given up, because it's clearly not happening. Still ma best friend though.


Confirmed Asshole
I confessed to a girl once; we're still friends. Whatever that means. Another girl I confessed to isn't a buddy of mine anymore. Never had a girl confess to me. I have three sisters, I think that's a factor of some sort. This isn't particularly riveting content.

It's not always that easy though. Like, if you're really into her, or she's really into you, and it's not mutual, and if it's also the kind of being-into-someone that's obsessive and weird although we tend to romanticize it in the media for some reason, then it's probably better to not be friends. This content is more riveting.



I have the best music taste. Also Queen are easily the single most overrated band ever. EVER. Led Zeppelin second, Pink Floyd third.

You all hate me now don't you? :p

Also, anyone who thinks opposite-gendered people can't be platonic friends are idiots. I get on with girls so much better than I get on with guys. Most guys at some point just end up really annoying me.

And I told my best friend that I liked her a few years ago. Made no difference in our relationship. Except now I can openly act annoyed at her boyfriend for existing >_>

I've since given up, because it's clearly not happening. Still ma best friend though.

By the third blow I was knocked out. :(

I may be a bit odd in this, but I've never really felt anything for my female friends. I'm also a guy that's never really done any pursuing of a woman either so I haven't really ever felt the sting of disappointment in that way.

Haha I love you. I would platonically befriend the shit out of you.

We all know it wouldn't stay platonic between yall.
I have the best music taste. Also Queen are easily the single most overrated band ever. EVER. Led Zeppelin second, Pink Floyd third.

You all hate me now don't you? :p

I don't, I simply respect that different people can have massively different opinions. Queen is one of the few mainstream music groups that I enjoy. I'm not really into popular music. Hell, I'm not really into non-popular music. Queen's like the Nintendo of music. They have massive appeal if you're casually into the artform, but if you're super into it, all bets are off.

Also, anyone who thinks opposite-gendered people can't be platonic friends are idiots. I get on with girls so much better than I get on with guys. Most guys at some point just end up really annoying me.

And I told my best friend that I liked her a few years ago. Made no difference in our relationship. Except now I can openly act annoyed at her boyfriend for existing >_>

I've since given up, because it's clearly not happening. Still ma best friend though.

I usually register that girls are human. That takes away any particular mystique involved. Yeah, it's pretty easy to be friends with people of either sex. There are other factors which make people non-friendworthy, like being a jerk or pushing beliefs on others.

edit: I think I get lazy sometimes. When I meet a girl, I'm usually "Woohoo, I'm all into that!". And then like the tenth time I see her, I'm just "Meh, she's cool, I guess. I wonder why I was so hot on her just a couple months ago". The fire burns out and paves way for friendship.
I don't, I simply respect that different people can have massively different opinions. Queen is one of the few mainstream music groups that I enjoy. I'm not really into popular music. Hell, I'm not really into non-popular music. Queen's like the Nintendo of music. They have massive appeal if you're casually into the artform, but if you're super into it, all bets are off.
Funnily enough, I am a massive Nintendo fanboy :p

And yeah, I don't actually tend to care about other people's music taste. I just like saying people have bad taste because it's fun seeing them get all worked up about it :D


Confirmed Asshole
edit: I think I get lazy sometimes. When I meet a girl, I'm usually "Woohoo, I'm all into that!". And then like the tenth time I see her, I'm just "Meh, she's cool, I guess. I wonder why I was so hot on her just a couple months ago". The fire burns out and paves way for friendship.

Funnily enough, I am a massive Nintendo fanboy :p

But that's like kiddy stuff! Don't you want to play Blood Fountain IV like the rest of us grown-ups? :O

And yeah, I don't actually tend to care about other people's music taste. I just like saying people have bad taste because it's fun seeing them get all worked up about it :D

Ohhh, trolling! Yes, I have seen this before. A friend of mine got himself repeatedly banned from some Wrestling forum for constantly harping on the TNA company around '06-'08. Good times, apparently.

edit: I would buy a game called "Blood Fountain"


I don't, I simply respect that different people can have massively different opinions. Queen is one of the few mainstream music groups that I enjoy. I'm not really into popular music. Hell, I'm not really into non-popular music. Queen's like the Nintendo of music. They have massive appeal if you're casually into the artform, but if you're super into it, all bets are off.

I'm super into games, and I love Nintendo. They're my favorite developer, in fact.
I'm super into games, and I love Nintendo. They're my favorite developer, in fact.

By "all bets are off", I didn't mean that people who are into gaming automatically don't like them.

edit: Remember from yesterday, you're talking about someone so blindly, massively on Shigmeister's side that he liked adored Super Paper Mario.

Btw, you feeling better yet?
But that's like kiddy stuff! Don't you want to play Blood Fountain IV like the rest of us grown-ups? :O

Ohhh, trolling! Yes, I have seen this before. A friend of mine got himself repeatedly banned from some Wrestling forum for constantly harping on the TNA company around '06-'08. Good times, apparently.

edit: I would buy a game called "Blood Fountain"

If it was No More Heroes style over the top ridiculousness, I would too. There's not enough ridiculousness in games any more. I like my ridiculousness.

And yeah, I make sure to point out that I am just joking around most of the time. It's just fun to be like "I'm gonna berate what you have on your iPod. *start scrolling* Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ok that's decent. Ew. Ew." and have them look at me with a look that's just like "You're really doing this? Really? *sigh*"

...I'm easily entertained >_>


I have a platonic girl friend that I've grown a very close bond with. She is one of the most intelligent and funny women I've ever met. She told me a long time ago that she was attracted to me (I mean, who isn't?) and to be honest, if I weren't married, I would love to have a relationship with her (she is quite gorgeous). But, I've been married almost as long as I've known her. The fact that we've both said our peace and cleared the air about lost infatuation makes me believe that we have a very solid and enjoyable friendship. If we both ended up single, we probably would try something but since that isn't going to happen, we both are happy with the friendship we do have. It just works, is never awkward and nothing romantic ever comes up in topic.
If it was No More Heroes style over the top ridiculousness, I would too. There's not enough ridiculousness in games any more. I like my ridiculousness.

Yes, one of my complaints about the progression of video games is the obsession with realism. I want to play games, not life simulators! I already have a life! It's nice and all, but it's also nice to have a little bit of controlled insanity once in a while!


By "all bets are off", I didn't mean that people who are into gaming automatically don't like them.

edit: Remember from yesterday, you're talking about someone so blindly, massively on Shigmeister's side that he liked adored Super Paper Mario.

Btw, you feeling better yet?

I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.

I think my problem with modern gaming is that there isn't much that appeals to my tastes anymore, outside of Wii/DS. The PS3 has a decent amount of gems, but I'm just not feeling a lot of what's being put out anymore.
I think my problem with modern gaming is that there isn't much that appeals to my tastes anymore, outside of Wii/DS. The PS3 has a decent amount of gems, but I'm just not feeling a lot of what's being put out anymore.

Did you feel this way at the start of the gen? I think a lot of people are beginning to suffer from generation fatigue something hard.

I'm hoping that we get a resurgence of one-console multiplayer games next gen. I don't care who makes them. My crew has been seriously digging back into previous gens, and it looks like we'll be breaking out the N64 soon. There's just so little out there that's good that all three of us can play at the same time!


Last generation, it was the other way around. At the beginning, it was slow but it gradually picked up towards the end. We got things like Katamari, Okami, Persona 4, Baten Kaitos, Dragon Quest 8, Jungle Beat, Thousand Year Door, the God of War games, etc. All of them were different experiences, completely distinct from one another. I just don't like playing 30 different carbon copies of the same game, which is what I feel we're getting a lot of these days.
I find it funny
how up until somewhat recently, noone batted an eyelid at games like Earthworm Jim or Banjo-Kazooie ('cause I mean seriously, think about what's actually going on in those games), but now the reaction would be like "What, are you retarded? Seriously?"
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