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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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When I see a JW I just do this.



When a Jehova's Witness comes by I always say I am a protestant christian and that I am quite happy with my church. They will be gone in 10 seconds.

Technically it is even true... I am baptized and I am happy with my church
My church is in Indonesia, I am not... so I don't actually have to go


It is adorable ^_^

I also saw this today and despite my unhealthy affection for the movie it made me laugh out loud. I saw it's been reposted on GAF via reddit in the pics that make you laugh thread but whatever:



The Cryptarch's Bane
It is adorable ^_^

I also saw this today and despite my unhealthy affection for the movie it made me laugh out loud. I saw it's been reposted on GAF via reddit in the pics that make you laugh thread but whatever:

I want to watch Drive so I get it.

Why can't you drive?


Reluctant Member
Non Film Watching GAF represent! I'm averaging about 0.8 visits to the theater per year so far.

(on other other hand, the time wasting exercise known as "Civilization IV" has grabbed hold of me something fierce in recent weeks)

I went to see The Muppets... and while I DID want to see the movie I only saw it in theaters to get out of the house. Most of my movie watching isn't purely just the enjoyment of seeing a movie. I watch movies in languages that I'm studying for listening practice, and others I watch when I draw or paint because I like noise in the background.

Of course, I also dumped twenty hours in Skyrim this week. Ah well~


I want to watch Drive so I get it.

Why can't you drive?

I can I just don't, no car - never had the need / money for one.

How long must you play until Skyrim isn't fun anymore?

It never was.

This is why I like you. I also had 0 fun with it.

I don't like watching movies!

Also, I don't have time anyway :< Long bus ride soon.

Laser, this is why we have portable entertainment devices.


Reluctant Member
How long must you play until Skyrim isn't fun anymore?

It never was.

I've played it for 100 hours at least... I still think it's fun :<

I can I just don't, no car - never had the need / money for one.

Laser, this is why we have portable entertainment devices.

I can't drive at all :D

And apparently you can't stream it from Netflix anyway. Since that's the case the chance of me watching it has gone down significantly.
I was surprised by how much I liked Drive.

Pic is damn funny, though. Truth.

edit: Lissar if you generally aren't a movie person I suspect you would probably loathe Drive. Skip.


Reluctant Member
Awww, okay.

You know, it's actually frustrating not enjoying movies because it's almost a death knell socially. Most people watch them and quote them and discuss them... I cannot. If you tell people you don't really watch them they look at you as though you've sprouted a third head. I suppose I could get them back by making mysterious quotes from books I've read, but that doesn't seem polite (also would make me seem sad.)


In theory I can drive. I have also a driving lisence proving that I should be totally able to do so.

It is rather sad that the practise doesn't really match with the theory.

Luckily I have two working legs and also this lovely little thing here:



I seem to have an M&M's adddiction. My wife just bought a huge bag with those tiny bags in them. I keep eating.

My skin doesn't really agree with too much peanuts or chocolate... so you can understand what these fuckers are doing to me :(
Awww, okay.

You know, it's actually frustrating not enjoying movies because it's almost a death knell socially. Most people watch them and quote them and discuss them... I cannot. If you tell people you don't really watch them they look at you as though you've sprouted a third head. I suppose I could get them back by making mysterious quotes from books I've read, but that doesn't seem polite (also would make me seem sad.)

Just make sure you always read the novelization. That way, if people ask you about a movie they saw, you can say "I didn't see it, but I read the book.". And you can still chat about the plot together. You just can't sigh with them about how Edward's abdomen is so flat and cut and dreamy.

...for example.
Awww, okay.

You know, it's actually frustrating not enjoying movies because it's almost a death knell socially. Most people watch them and quote them and discuss them... I cannot. If you tell people you don't really watch them they look at you as though you've sprouted a third head. I suppose I could get them back by making mysterious quotes from books I've read, but that doesn't seem polite (also would make me seem sad.)

I find that whatever's on television lately is more significant, and easier to find common ground on. Are those out too?

I hate this too, though. Happens to me all the time with games. Just can't discuss them, really. I almost never buy a game when it's new, or it's on the wrong system, or whatever.


Reluctant Member
Just make sure you always read the novelization. That way, if people ask you about a movie they saw, you can say "I didn't see it, but I read the book.". And you can still chat about the plot together. You just can't sigh with them about how Edward's abdomen is so flat and cut and dreamy.

...for example.

I suppose in that case I could always look at pictures... no, wait a minute, why would I want to do that!?

I also can't ride a bike. I'm pretty much helpless if it has wheels. Fortunately my legs have never let me down (this is a lie, I trip over myself daily.)

I find that whatever's on television lately is more significant, and easier to find common ground on. Are those out too?

I hate this too, though. Happens to me all the time with games. Just can't discuss them, really. I almost never buy a game when it's new, or it's on the wrong system, or whatever.

I don't really watch TV either :x Or listen to modern music... or... oh god, no wonder I have a hard time making friends. I have nothing to talk about with people.

We can discuss LotR if you want Lissar :D

Edit: We'll always have LEGO echo :p

Of course I have read LotR, but I actually don't like it that much. The Hobbit is superior.
I like the Hobbit more, too. Sorry Tence!

We can discuss LotR if you want Lissar :D

Edit: We'll always have LEGO echo :p

I haven't been in the thread for awhile, had to cut myself off ;p

Eventually I need to go in there and renege on my opinion of the Friends sets. My daughter got several for her birthday and for the most part they're actually pretty great. The treehouse was the first set we've built since starting up that didn't use any decals, and its design was very clever.

That will be after I have the budget for more lego, though. The minute I hop in there I suddenly have a list of $1000 worth of urgent must-buy lego purchases...
Ahhhhhhh literary analysis (aka navel-gazing). My specialty.

*cracks knuckles*

All right. Let's dance. :ahem: The Hobbit is a vastly superior work to LotR because Tolkien compromises the prose of the latter to stuff in as much mythology as possible. As a work of fiction, it is a startling, extraordinary accomplishment. As a story...as a novel...it fails to live up to the charming, poetic style of Tolkien's earlier work, the Hobbit.


Ahhhhhhh literary analysis (aka navel-gazing). My specialty.

*cracks knuckles*

All right. Let's dance. :ahem: The Hobbit is a vastly superior work to LotR because Tolkien compromises the prose of the latter to stuff in as much mythology as possible. As a work of fiction, it is a startling, extraordinary accomplishment. As a work of fiction...as a novel...it fails to live up to the charming, poetic style of Tolkien's earlier work, the Hobbit.

You must be talking about the Silmarillion, not LotR. LotR does not have that much mythology stuffed in.

I read the Hobbit after LotR actually. It was quite a disappointment after LotR... so... simple... so small.. so.... childish.


What's with the surplus amount of people in here who can't drive? I live in the city and I still got my license.

Look we don't all have your swag.

...I live far to close to work / have plentiful rides available to justify car insurance / monthly payments. Just makes more sense to spend that money on good food, beer, and other activities.

I preferred The Hobbit growing up until about middle school, then it was LotR all the way.

edit: Laser - Journey is sooooo good.
I suppose in that case I could always look at pictures... no, wait a minute, why would I want to do that!?

Most of the girls I know seem to. It's odd, but among the people I know, girls are more likely to watch a movie based on which hot guy is in it than guys are to watch a movie based on which hot girl is in it. I suppose this could differ based on subculture.

I also can't ride a bike. I'm pretty much helpless if it has wheels. Fortunately my legs have never let me down (this is a lie, I trip over myself daily.)

So.... kickstarter effort to get Queen Lissar a segway?

I don't really watch TV either :x Or listen to modern music... or... oh god, no wonder I have a hard time making friends. I have nothing to talk about with people.

I've found that finding a particular subculture can work, because then you share the particular interests of that group and automatically have something to chat about. A bunch of my friends do the goth thing, and they seldom chat about popular television or movies or music (goth music is not popular).

No but it is factually wrong that the Hobbit is superior to LotR :p

Of both, I like the worldbuilding (and linguistic mumbo-jumbo) involved and hate the prose (especially any of the singsong hobbitry; I guess this is what it feels like to be the type of person who dismisses Nintendo because it's "kiddy"). For The Hobbit, I don't care for the story, while the story for Lord of the Rings was interesting, even though it had a massively polarised good/evil dichotomy, which I normally don't care for much.


Reluctant Member
You must be talking about the Silmarillion, not LotR. LotR does not have that much mythology stuffed in.

I read the Hobbit after LotR actually. It was quite a disappointment after LotR... so... simple... so small.. so.... childish.

*pulls up C.S. Lewis quote*

But no seriously, I think it's great because the story is so much more compact. He says what he wants to say and leaves it at that. Unnecessary details can weigh down a story and are best left to appendices (as if there weren't enough of those already.) I mean, I love details. I'm someone who owns the guide to the Dragonriders of Pern, alright? But I can't enjoy a story if the flow is halted in such a way.

edit: Laser - Journey is sooooo good.


Everyone must tease me about this! *shake fist*

120. They only like certain kinds of fun.

I'm glad I enjoy my kind of fun :eek:

ANYWAY GUYS I am leaving now. I'll be able to pop into the thread occasionally but the friend I'm visiting doesn't have internet at her house (only at her parents house) so I can't be around as much as usual. I'll be back on Monday. Have fun and don't burn down the place while I'm gone!
That reminds me.... There's only six days left before I decide to fund Double Fine Adventure. If anybody else hasn't, here's your chance to think about it.

(it's been open in a tab on my browser for the last month)
You must be talking about the Silmarillion, not LotR. LotR does not have that much mythology stuffed in.

I read the Hobbit after LotR actually. It was quite a disappointment after LotR... so... simple... so small.. so.... childish.

Perhaps "world-building" is a better term than "mythology."

Incidentally, I read the Hobbit wayyyyy before I read LotR. I'm sure that has something to do with it. They set out to do very different things. For me, though, the killer is always the prose. The Hobbit has a solid plot, a good flow, and its characters generally act in sensible ways. LotR borrows its best characters from the Hobbit; everyone else is basically an empty template with little development or distinction. The movies have helped it out a great deal in this regard, but there was once a time when there was little distinction between Merry and Pippin or a host of other same-ish characters.

Its greatest problem, however, is that it expands the power level of the overall world beyond anything a reasonable mind can bear. It is forced to rely on deus ex machina, contradictory characterization, and forced plot devices/development. I'm sorry, I know it's the cheapest shot in the book for LotR, but I will never, ever, ever be able to suspend my disbelief enough to understand why those goddamn eagles didn't just drop the ring in that goddamn volcano. Gandalf's resurrection...wtf? Good thing there was an avowed phantom army waiting for Aragorn to show up! And so on.

Also, Tom Bombadil.

I'd counter "simple" with "bloated," "childish" with "took itself way too seriously." ;p



Everyone must tease me about this! *shake fist*

I would honored to have you as a Journey companion. Tis' unfortunate they are chosen at random...and the fact you don't have it yet ;P

edit: meant to add that to last post, double post fail. SORRY.


I seem to have an M&M's adddiction. My wife just bought a huge bag with those tiny bags in them. I keep eating.

My skin doesn't really agree with too much peanuts or chocolate... so you can understand what these fuckers are doing to me :(

For the past... decade (omg) I've kept a bag of dark chocolate M&M's by my desk so I can snack on them whenever I want. No, I'm not fat!!!


Eagles dropping the ring into Mount Doom?

You expect giant birds to just fly straight into the territory of an enemy that has its own formidable air defenses? Not to mention thousands of orcs shooting arrows from the ground?

And it's not like Mount Doom was just over the border. Maybe it seemed that way in the movies, but in the books Frodo and Sam had to do some significant journeying in Mordor just to get to the mountain.


I don't know how I would survive without my bike :-(
Same. During spring, summer and autumn my bike is basicly all I use.

"I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like"


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