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People are generally close-minded. I miss the days when I felt like I wasn't playing 50 different versions of the same fucking game. D:
Last generation, it was the other way around. At the beginning, it was slow but it gradually picked up towards the end. We got things like Katamari, Okami, Persona 4, Baten Kaitos, Dragon Quest 8, Jungle Beat, Thousand Year Door, the God of War games, etc. All of them were different experiences, completely distinct from one another. I just don't like playing 30 different carbon copies of the same game, which is what I feel we're getting a lot of these days.

More indie, PC titles. Steam sales are good for this. And it seems to me, that the PS3/Sony has more imaginative developers (Heavy Rain, Uncharted etc.)


I've tried indie games, and I love it. I wasn't trying to say that this gen has been completely worthless. There have been plenty of great things coming out, but not nearly as much as before, in my opinion. Perhaps it's nostalgia?
Know one of the things I love about punk?

It is completely plausible to be friends with the bands. Like I can say like 5 or 6 of the bands I listen to are my friends' bands, and I'm friends with people who're friends with bands that have played Reading and Leeds. I've hung out with The Menzingers, who're an American band and who're getting pretty big (in terms of punk at least) once because of this, and I'll probably get to again come May when they play here again. I still haven't got used to it, but it's awesome.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62uzgtYSd3I

See those guys at the side? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know them

EDIT2: Ok yeah, zoomed in. I know those guys.

So fucking weird.


Know one of the things I love about punk?

It is completely plausible to be friends with the bands. Like I can say like 5 or 6 of the bands I listen to are my friends' bands, and I'm friends with people who're friends with bands that have played Reading and Leeds. I've hung out with The Menzingers, who're an American band and who're getting pretty big (in terms of punk at least) once because of this, and I'll probably get to again come May when they play here again. I still haven't got used to it, but it's awesome.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62uzgtYSd3I

See those guys at the side? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know them

EDIT2: Ok yeah, zoomed in. I know those guys.

So fucking weird.

That's one of the central tenets of punk: no rockstar bullshit. <3
Hell yeah

I think one of the weirdest experiences I had was the second time I saw ONSIND. They recognised me from the first gig and said hi.

The first gig was 6 months earlier.

I'd had my hair cut from the long hair I used to have to the shoulder length hair I used to have.

They then said that if I'm ever in Durham to drop them an email so that we could hang out.

It was bizarre.
I second J on you joining the thread. More positive "I can be friends with girls without needing to bonk them" posts would be a welcome breath of fresh air.
All I could think of:
I have a platonic girl friend that I've grown a very close bond with. She is one of the most intelligent and funny women I've ever met. She told me a long time ago that she was attracted to me (I mean, who isn't?) .

Heavy quote there, I don't know the status of your relationship with your wife, but I don't believe she would be happy to read that statement, even though you would never act on it. Life isn't black and white for real though.
My housemate just complained about the tumble dryer keeping him awake.

I was very tempted to tell him to stop whining and that it's not hard to block noises out, considering I go to sleep with my computer on quite a lot, and I'm pretty sure I have tinnitus

Doesn't help that he's a miserable bastard a lot of the time
My housemate just complained about the tumble dryer keeping him awake.

I was very tempted to tell him to stop whining and that it's not hard to block noises out, considering I go to sleep with my computer on quite a lot, and I'm pretty sure I have tinnitus

Doesn't help that he's a miserable bastard a lot of the time

It's a lot harder for some people to go to sleep with noise in the background than it is for other people, in truth. I'm one of the former. Snorers get instantly friend zoned.
It's a lot harder for some people to go to sleep with noise in the background than it is for other people, in truth. I'm one of the former. Snorers get instantly friend zoned.
Yeah, I know. He's just so miserable and annoying and bluugh.

Fuck this shit.

Anyone who is super into music should like at least some Queen songs.

I haven't heard a single Queen song which I've liked.

And Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the most annoying songs I've heard.


You'd have to absolutely loathe the guitar to list Queen, Zeppelin and Floyd as the top 3 overrated bands of all time. Shit, to list Zeppelin you'd have to loathe all the instruments.

I bet you love that 3 chord punk, don't you?
You'd have to absolutely loathe the guitar to list Queen, Zeppelin and Floyd as the top 3 overrated bands of all time. Shit, to list Zeppelin you'd have to loathe all the instruments.

I bet you love that 3 chord punk, don't you?

4 chords, thank you very much.

I just prefer more...raw, energetic stuff. Having a sense of humour about the whole thing helps too.

Basically I don't give a shit how well they can play their instruments, I just want something fun to listen to, that I can preferably shout along to.

EDIT: Oh also drum solos are one of the worst things on the planet


I have SO much fun listening to raw, energetic Zeppelin and Queen songs. So much fun.

But I learned something today. No matter how amazing you think a band is, there's always someone out there who hates them.
I have SO much fun listening to raw, energetic Zeppelin and Queen songs. So much fun.

But I learned something today. No matter how amazing you think a band is, there's always someone out there who hates them.

Link me to said raw, energetic songs? Bearing in mind this is what I consider raw and energetic >_>
That's so tame. When I think of raw and energetic, I think of something like this or this or this or this or this
I was gonna be all "lol metal" but then I'm not sure what happened.



Well probably nothing like that then.

Link anyway? I just wanna see what you meant now.

Also the first song on this steam is so fucking good. Especially the solo. THAT'S a good solo. Just a fucking explosion of craziness that burns out super quickly. And complements the song. As opposed to just being thrown in there because solo.


Confirmed Asshole
That pic doesn't show.

Also, don't post photos directly from Facebook if you want the profile to be unknown. The profile ID is in the URL. Rehost stuff. (Not sure if you care, but it can't be said often enough imho)
I've been on music forums and this dick-waving, my taste-is-better-than-yours always ends up bad. It's just like the gaming side of things.

As I pointed out earlier, I don't actually care. At all. I just find it amusing how riled up people can get :p

These ARE all my real opinions though. I do genuinely hate Queen, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd >_>


So I started reading The Hunger Games.

It's kind of weird. The prose is objectively terrible. It makes J.K. Rowling look like William Faulkner. And yet it's kind of good at the same time. The world feels vivid and real, the thoughts and feelings of the main character are conveyed accurately, and the idea is pretty compelling.
So I started reading The Hunger Games.

It's kind of weird. The prose is objectively terrible. It makes J.K. Rowling look like William Faulkner. And yet it's kind of good at the same time. The world feels vivid and real, the thoughts and feelings of the main character are conveyed accurately, and the idea is pretty compelling.
That's one beef I have with sci-fi and fantasy, it that the prose is never good enough. They are fine for adaptations but really, do I want't or have the patience to sit through that crap?


That's one beef I have with sci-fi and fantasy, it that the prose is never good enough. They are fine for adaptations but really, do I want't or have the patience to sit through that crap?

The thing about The Hunger Games so far, is that on a sentence by sentence basis, it's terrible. Yet on a paragraph by paragraph or page by page basis, it's actually pretty damn good.

Does that make any sense?

It's really bad prose that manages to be really effective. Not like Twilight which is just bad, and... bad.


Hey guys! What's happening on this fine thursday?

Drinking. Now that I've gotten into grad school, the need to upgrade from my current part-time work into a full-time job isn't quite so urgent, since I'd be leaving whatever job I landed in 6 months anyway. It's really a weight off my shoulders. Now I just need to figure out how to finance the tuition, which is $17k a year.

I figure I'll keep working part-time and keep up my minimalist lifestyle, and maybe record some songs on my guitar or something. Heck, maybe I'll get a motorcycle license. I always wanted one of those.
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