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let's just leave it at it being deeper than just being in a funk.

Okay but just know that I would love it if you came. If its a problem financially hell im poor too but you can take a few swigs from my flask of tequila and both of us can get drunk on the cheap! If its depression then believe me...I know that feel. There was a point where I wasn't depressed but I pretty much had agoraphobia and I could barely leave my house and driving at all caused me to be numb throughout my body with the exception of my nose and eyes...you know what always helped the most? Having as much human contact, as much interaction as possible. You will have fun, even if it seems like you wont right now.

I mean, put it in perspective...you are still young, you are still alive. Think about all those rich old guys that would give up their fortunes just to have something as invaluable as your youth. Think about all those people that are terminally ill that would pray to be in your shoes now, no matter how bad you think you have it. Tkae advantage of the time you have now, and just try to forget about your worries, just for one night. They wont go away, but having fun will at least relieve some of the stress.

And cmon, you dont want to see me and la1n dancing like idiots? Or hpro sinking that 8 ball? All of us care dude, we want you there.


The Cryptarch's Bane

don't mess with her


Man, I'm beat. Woke up early, drove 2 hours to Phoenix to take my kids to the zoo. Spent 6 hours there and a 2 hour drive back. Time for some good old fashioned couch slacking
Hope you feel better doitlive, and that you make it to the LA meetup.

If it's clinical depression you're dealing with, then I advise seeking treatment. That isn't something that should be allowed to fester.

It is and I am under treatment. Not the best, since I don't have health insurance and the free clinics aren't...the best (overworked, overstressed,) and are not exactly user friendly.


I went to the free clinic on Sunset a few years back when I was suffering from depression. They hooked me up with a once a week counselor, and it was pretty helpful.


Come on into TC everyone. Join Sadetar and her remarkable Finnish accent.
Hahaha. Silly. And it is more or less a mix of British and Finnish accent.

I pretend to be a classy lady.

Good times!
They were. Very much so. ^____^ And hopefully best is yet to come.

I went shopping today and bought nice shirts.

Now to lose some weight so my nice shirts don't look stupid!
This happens to me all the time.

The shirts tend to continue looking stupid on me.


don't mess with her
Better not to.

I am a badass.

And I might come and spank your ass.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Right okay!

Chapter 3 - Bonds of Fire (Part 2)
"Tell me, Zero," began Hawkian. "How'd you like to help us rescue a friend?"​
The ranger laughed. "Well, that was a bit of fun. I suppose I could tag along. Trouble would appear to follow you lot like a wayward hound."​
"That's all very well, and thank you enormously, Zero, but could we take a minute and discuss why those things could see us if we were supposed to be cloaked?!" H. Pro asked agitatedly.​
"My spell was meant to protect us from the Gei Ming defense forces. It only works on humans," said Beef, abashed. "I didn't know we'd be running into anthropomorphic sand."​
“You didn’t, huh? You’re just leading us through dangerous territory to help us out out of the goodness of your heart, is that it?”​
“Look, if you can’t trust a mage who was locked up in a prison and all of a sudden tells you where to go next, then I just don’t even know anymore,” replied the professor.​
“H. Pro, let it go. There’s no reason to think he knew about the wraiths. And this journey will be as dangerous for him as it will for us. If his cloak really works on humans, then we stand a much better chance of making it with him than without. Don’t let the facial hair get to you,” said Clearacell. “Besides, we take any shot at getting Alberto back we can. Now let’s get it together and hurry. Lissar’s already going to be wondering what’s taking so long.”​
Wallach hesitated for a moment and shrugged dramatically. A dozen spring-loaded contraptions on various parts of his clothing popped open. Exposed gears, pistons and steam valves jutted out at odd angles, seeming to double his mass as he held his arms in a large circle in front of him. He looked like a mechanical pufferfish. He jostled and shook, and a few piles of loose sand fell from the joints of his extended contraptions to the ground. He shrugged again and the machinery instantly collapsed back into his coat. He titled his head and a final bit of sand fell out of his helm from the right horn-tube. He blinked at his comrades a few times, then marched onward without saying anything.​
“Right,” said Hawkian. “Off we go.”​
The group advanced under Professor Beef’s cloak, racing the sun. They tested the spell’s effectiveness against the occasional pack of roving bandits, who indeed couldn’t detect them until blades were inches from their eyes. Sumo got to practice his hunting every so often on a Gemini squirrel or two, and La1n was able to flash-fry a couple of feral Whitespines for dinner. Lizard meat was a little tough for some of the more refined palettes in the group, but nutritious all the same. A couple of well-placed skyward shots from ZeroRay and Davedough was able to sling a few Stargulls to his pack for later meals.​
It was just past twilight when the party crossed onto the Gei Ming side of Gaftopia proper. Despite the cloak’s effectiveness on the roving patrols of the Empire’s army, the group grew tense and walked more briskly. The scampered over bare fields now, outside of the protection of the forest treeline.​
“We’re looking for a passage that cuts through that mountain,” said Beef, indicating a blackened peak a few miles in the distance.​
As the party drew nearer to it, the air grew still and cracks in the earth became visible. Trees became few and far between. Finally the ones that did remain were bare, not a single leaf could grow from anything rooted in this shattered soil.​
“This is unholy ground,” said ZeroRay. “We are deep within Gei Ming lands now. Many have been banished upon these plains. Lives have been broken.”​
“True to form, we’re headed in the direction of all those bad vibes you’re describing. Actually, if you could use your ranger skills and point us toward the concentration of greatest evil, that’d be fantastic,” said Professor Beef.​
ZeroRay considered this seriously, then pointed.​
Soon the party reached the rocky face of the mountainside, which was in fact a deep, dark, soulless blue—the color of the abyssal ocean.​
“There,” said Beef, gesturing toward a barely-visible crevice.​
The group had to arrange single-file to squeeze into the passage. It began to widen as they got deeper into the mountain, and the jagged stone walls on either side seemed to grow smoother, more polished.​
When the crevice had widened enough for the companions to spread out a bit, a wisp of white suddenly escaped from the walls in front of them on either side. The white smoke combined in the air in the center of the corridor, and began to morph into an imposing figure. Arms, legs, shoulders, and flowing white robes came into view. Long, dazzling blonde hair and a jeweled tiara adorned the now-obviously female form. Three pairs of wings unfolded from her back: one feathered like those of an angel, one resembling a butterfly’s and the third like the bony wings of a bat. In her hands she clutched a gleaming scepter.​
She remained hovering in the air wearing a stern expression. She spoke with a voice like a cannon. “I am Nabanu, Waykeeper of the Forbidden Rock! My might is unparalleled, my fury unrelenting! If you wish to pass, you must answer my riddle and prove your worth before me!”​
Her eyes narrowed. “What ages but does not die, grows older but never larger, spins but never topples, holds life but never lives?”​
The adventurers looked at each other blankly.​
Suddenly Wallach reached into his pocket, pulled out the the mechanical spider and threw it at the white-cloaked enigma before him.​
It landed on her shoulder, readied its fangs (they seemed to spark for a moment), and bit into Nabanu. A massive arc of electricity erupted from the spot of the bite, enveloping the hovering figure in blue-white lightning.​
“What are—what obscene magic is—AAAUUUUUUUGGGGH!” Nabanu’s body wavered unsteadily in the air, wrapped in a cocoon of electrical energy. She fell from the air onto her knees and began to convulse ingloriously on the ground. Various looks of discomfort worked their way over the faces of the companions as they watched the once-imposing figure writhe, screaming in pain; every once in a while she tried defiantly to stand up, but her scepter and tiara seemed to act as conductors, producing further and further shocks that drove her back to the floor. Perhaps upset by the proceedings, the pair of butterfly wings popped off of her back, attached to one another at the edge, and flew away on their own. Eventually the convulsions began to die down and the lightning subsided. The Waykeeper slowly rolled onto her side, curled involuntarily into the fetal position and drooled slightly onto the ground.​
Wallach began humming something off-key and stepped over her, continuing down the passage. The little clockwork spider skittered after him and jumped back into his pocket.​
The remaining members of the party closed their jaws and attempted to shake off what they had just seen. Dave and Hawkian looked at one another and rolled their eyes.​
They continued.​
Next, a mechanical grinding noise stopped the group in its cracks.​
A dozen hidden vertical panels slid open on both sides of the stone walls. An array of razor-sharp axeheads, maces, and guillotine-blades swung out from either wall and began to oscillate rapidly, threatening to lacerate anything in the way. Pulleys, gears, and ropes arranged in a complex system kept the traps in perpetual motion.​
La1n raised his arms. Swaths of fire engulfed a handful of the ropes, but when the fire subsided they remained unchanged. “That’s Dagmari rope. Magic won’t get us anywhere.”​
Pau crouched down and seemed to check that her shoes were strapped sufficiently to her feet.​
ZeroRay readied his bow and squinted intently. “If I target each pulley individually with a precise shot, I should be able to take the whole network down piece by-”​
Pau leapt abruptly and gracefully over the heads of her companions toward the right wall. She planted her feet against it and began to run forward; inhumanly, she clung to the wall well above the network of swinging blades. As she sped over the first pulley, she drew her blade and twisted her torso downward, extending her arm. The sharpened knife sliced through the black rope methodically; then the next one, and the next, and so on until she reached the end of the row of traps. She bounded off the wall, flipped forward, and landed on her feet with one leg extended. A few seconds later, the last of the oscillating traps crashed to the ground. The pulleys and gears continued churning pathetically with nothing to swing.​
“Yeah, that works,” said RawPower.​
ZeroRay looked bemused and put his bow back across his shoulder.​
The group walked over the wrecked and dismantled traps and pressed deeper on into the mountain.​
“Up there! I think I see something!” said Hawkian.​
The passage had grown darker as they made their way inside, but there did seem to be something a few meters ahead.​
“It’s... him! It’s Alberto!”​
In the center of the corridor was a noble statesman, standing very still, looking worried. He did not seem to be bound or encumbered in any way.​
“My friends,” he called out, “it was lovely of you to come. But I would advise that you not come any closer.”​
Hawkian took one more step and the air around Alberto distorted and crackled. Suddenly, interlocking rings of flame surrounded made themselves visible all around the prisoner. Alberto winced as the fire licked at his skin. His clothes were tattered and he was visibly sweating.​
“Cage... of fire!” yelled Wallach. He was grinning uncontrollably.​
“There’s no lock, and it never lets up.”​
Hawkian grimaced. Then he, and one by one every other member of the group, turned to look at La1n.​
“What? Oh come on!”​
“We all know you can do it,” said H. Pro, smacking him on top of his head. “Get it over with.”​
La1n sighed and held his hands out in front of him. A bright orange spark lit in each of his eyes. Fire began to radiate from his arms and legs, then his shoulders and feet, then the total surface area of his skin...​
“Stand back, please.”​
He clenched his fists, and a great blanket of fire engulfed his entire form. The flames wrapped tightly around his head and limbs, constricting into a white-hot armor around him. He stepped forward toward the cage heavily, deliberately, as if burdened by a great weight. Reaching his arms out far in front of him, the flames around Alberto began to siphon into his palms. More and more rapidly, the bars of fire leapt and curled onto La1n’s body, adding mass to his armor of flame. In a matter of minutes, the cage was gone and Alberto was free.​
La1n resembled a hulking, glowing orange golem. The party started at him in horror. Clearacell bit his lip nervously. “Come on, man...”​
Suddenly the black mage punched one flame-drenched fist into his other, open palm. The group jumped back, but there was no explosion. La1n focused his breathing, and the fire receded, slowly at first, back into his body. When the last flame had disappeared within him, he collapsed to his knees, wheezing. Steam rose from his face and shoulders, but his clothes remained perfectly intact, merely having the appearance of being freshly ironed.​
“Ugh, that’s going to hurt for hours.”​
Alberto gasped for air.​
After a moment, he composed himself and began to speak. “Comrades, thank you for freeing me. These weeks I spent in confinement were not enjoyable in the least- but now we can return to the task at hand.”​
He straightened up. Despite his tattered and exhausted appearance, he was well-dressed, and carried himself with an air of confidence and authority. He seemed poised, almost regal.​
“I trust that you by now have acquired the stone... we must return to the scholar at once. The state of affairs in our noble land is a grave one. ”​
A lithe figure leapt down from high above and slid along the stone wall as he neared the ground, slowing his decent. He landed between Alberto and the rest of the group and stood up tall. He held a bo-staff in one hand.​
“Hail, travelers! I am LazyBones of the Village of the Seventeen Elders. Perhaps I can be of some assistance!”​
Welcome back ShockingAlberto! Place wasn't the same without you. Also congrats on the new shirts.

-This will be the last chapter posted directly in this thread, and I'll be editing out these posts too just for safesies. Tomorrow I'm going to finish up coding a way to display them on the RPG RPG site. Don't worry, I'll make it easy to access.
-If you want to know where something is going or what's in store for your character and we haven't discussed it yet, please still feel free to PM me!
-I'm thrilled RealGAF's enjoying this so far! Thanks for all the words of support and encouragement. This is a ton of fun.


Reluctant Member
I went shopping today and bought nice shirts.

Now to lose some weight so my nice shirts don't look stupid!

I also went shopping today and bought some nice dresses. 70% off!

But they do not look stupid on me, I'm happy to say.

Nice work, Hawk! I can't wait to see more characters introduced :D (and to draw everything... sigh...)

edit: Waaaaaait a moment. CHANGE NOW SA. I DEMAND IT.


Reluctant Member

Who made all those illustrated avatars of you guys?

I want one as well. ._.

It was me. But I am sorry, I am unable to take more requests! I will be very busy with all sorts of drawing projects this month and don't want to take on anything extra :< Plus I'm currently stuck in limbo D:
I also went shopping today and bought some nice dresses. 70% off!

But they do not look stupid on me, I'm happy to say.

Nice work, Hawk! I can't wait to see more characters introduced :D (and to draw everything... sigh...)

edit: Waaaaaait a moment. CHANGE NOW SA. I DEMAND IT.

Oh hey guys, I am totally going to keep pimping this (because it is for charity), but Sega1991 (TSSZ writer Ryan Bloom) and I are going an endurance run of Sonic 2006 this weekend with TSSZ sponsoring and donations going to rebuilding Japan since it's the one-year anniversary of the earthquake/tsunami.

Basically we'll be racing through the game and every $200 milestone we hit, we'll do another story (there's Sonic, Silver, Shadow, and a special last story that is so bad that it has broken professional LPers).

Check out the promo video for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1uldnDcuso

Either Sega1991 or I will be making a thread in gaming later this week but I wanted to give Real-GAF the heads up.
Wow, the party here is going quite well. There are thirty-some people. Several are enjoying the ball pit, a bunch are semi-slumbering in the basement room set aside with lots of blankets and pillows and a projector with a visualizer for ethereal music as a "chill room", the living room is really active.

One person made Glog, which is sort of boiled wine with various spices. I made bread for the first time, with cinnamon even. It didn't rise in room temperature as it was supposed to, but pre-baking it at ~140°F did the job quite well!

We had those "miracle fruit" tablets which inhibit the tongue's ability to taste sour things. It makes many drinks taste better to the palette. I brought out the "head scratcher" tools that look a bit like egg whisks. Somebody also brought that spiky fruit that smells terrible when you open it up. We smashed it in the back yard.

It looks like I will end this party with much more alcohol than I started it. There's also a lot of snacky foods. Somebody also brought some sort of edible vine that people were using alternately as a fake whip and as a mock sexual tool. Well, the girls were doing that, at least.

So it's a good party.

Sorry for the text wall. There's skull-shaped tequila and lots of other beverages which are having quite an inebriative effect on me at the moment, so I might be completely incomprehensible in this post. I will likely read this in twelve hours and say "Wow, I can't work out any of what I must have been trying to say here. I must have been blasted out of my mind!".

Next party will be in the warm season and will have tents which each have a theme of their own. I should also construct a geodesic dome out of electrical conduit for people to climb. Maybe, I dunno, a tree-mounted rope to swing on or a hammock or something. I have time to plan it out. All I know is that I have to make an outfit from "Apples to Apples" cards for Lunacon (a local hotel Science Fiction convention) next week!

Hope you're all having fun like I am. I have to go back downstairs now, because the girls here are pretty. >_>


The Cryptarch's Bane
I also went shopping today and bought some nice dresses. 70% off!

But they do not look stupid on me, I'm happy to say.
Awesome, grats on the new threads.

Nice work, Hawk! I can't wait to see more characters introduced :D (and to draw everything... sigh...)
I'm so honored that the progenitor of RPG March is pleased with this stuff. :D And fear not, Chapter 4 will feature a number of crucial introductions including
the big bad, the wielder of the almighty ban, my main man the mod we all hate to love ;)

Also simultaneously fear not, the main writing will have a little hiatus for a bit here so you won't have too much to catch up with illustration-wise. I will probably write the proper prologue in the next few days, but I have a lot of work to do on the site and I want to try some new coding tricks, so that'll be taking up most of my time. Also, suspense will build.

edit: Waaaaaait a moment. CHANGE NOW SA. I DEMAND IT.
I know, seriously. I'm killing him off within the next page unless he complies.

Man I was hoping to spot some people that have been banned in gei ming....or mere illusions of bans like wario64 or drinky crow
*takes notes furiously* I will have to scour and look for some recent bans over there. I hadn't even honestly considering including any gaffers that weren't a part of this to begin with. I guess it'd feel weird putting them in a story without their consent... but I really like this idea :p Suppose I could do parodies.
You actually put that line I said in the story, Hawk?
all kinds of meta up in this bitch
lol Wallach

Poor Nabanu
Wallach is rapidly becoming in my mind the character who could easily destroy Sephiroth within the first 15 minutes of the game if you could just get him to fucking cooperate at the right moment :p
I have to go back downstairs now, because the girls here are pretty. >_>
Go back down to the paradise city ;)

And now, drinks!
So for those of you who don't know, our fellow Gaffer Crunched's fiancee has recently gone to the hospital due to a nasty accident. She's doing much better now, but Devo had the idea to make an e-card for her. If you'd like to join in, then just follow the instructions here.
So for those of you who don't know, our fellow Gaffer Crunched's fiancee has recently gone to the hospital due to a nasty accident. She's doing much better now, but Devo had the idea to make an e-card for her. If you'd like to join in, then just follow the instructions here.

PM sent to Devo. Thanks for informing us Beef


The Cryptarch's Bane
So for those of you who don't know, our fellow Gaffer Crunched's fiancee has recently gone to the hospital due to a nasty accident. She's doing much better now, but Devo had the idea to make an e-card for her. If you'd like to join in, then just follow the instructions here.

Saw the thread earlier, and they've been in my thoughts all day. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Go back down to the paradise city ;)

It's going good. But it's only 1:20am, and there are only like twelve people left! People these days leave parties too early. At least the lone teens here are smart enough to crash in the chill room. But most people above 20 are like "Oh, I'd better get home early, or I'll turn into a pumpkin!". Like wat.


Excellent stuff Hawk.

It's going good. But it's only 1:20am, and there are only like twelve people left! People these days leave parties too early. At least the lone teens here are smart enough to crash in the chill room. But most people above 20 are like "Oh, I'd better get home early, or I'll turn into a pumpkin!". Like wat.

Too much responsibility, man. :(
So for those of you who don't know, our fellow Gaffer Crunched's fiancee has recently gone to the hospital due to a nasty accident. She's doing much better now, but Devo had the idea to make an e-card for her. If you'd like to join in, then just follow the instructions here.

Glad she is doing better...

my e-sig looks kind of like comic sans :\


Sure you can :D


I only did it cause our nerd queen said for it to be so!


So for those of you who don't know, our fellow Gaffer Crunched's fiancee has recently gone to the hospital due to a nasty accident. She's doing much better now, but Devo had the idea to make an e-card for her. If you'd like to join in, then just follow the instructions here.

GAF never ceases to amaze me, and that is a good thing. :D What an amazingly thoughtful gesture this is.
I'm not sure there's anything (excluding, you know, important things) that I hate as much as people who get paid to talk about sports. My dad's currently watching something where it is literally 4 people discussing football. I don't think I'd mind as much if they weren't so completely up themselves and thinking that they were actually doing something useful. You're talking about people kicking a fucking ball around, god almighty!

And I would add to that card, but I'm on my netbook so drawing anything wouldn't turn out great, and I'd be worried that it'd look like I was mocking people with brain damage. Which wouldn't be great, considering she could've ended up with brain damage. So yeeah.


...Under 1,5 hours sleep.

I am like a zombie at the moment at work.

A giggling zombie to be more exact.

*rolls over floor laughing without any particular reason*

Hawk, you know this is all your fault.
Looks like I missed out on tinychat funtimes again :(

So for those of you who don't know, our fellow Gaffer Crunched's fiancee has recently gone to the hospital due to a nasty accident. She's doing much better now, but Devo had the idea to make an e-card for her. If you'd like to join in, then just follow the instructions here.

How do I make an e-sig?


Yeah. I did actually go on my webcam once. Showed everyone my cheesecake and toblerone I was eating. lol

The webcam I was using is really weird though. When actually streaming you can see me fine, be it a little blurry, but when taking screenshots it only shows a fuzzy, noisy mess in which you can hardly see me at all. So when sentry posted the screenshot with me in it, everyone showed up fine, but my cam shots looked like white noise you get on a TV. Apart from one screenshot where it actually showed me, but somehow managed to make me look like some weird zombie. Again, in tinychat it looked nothing like that.


Going to play some skyrim anyway. I keep meaning to play the game, but end up doing something else. Going to play a good few hours I think.

Edit: once it has finished updating. Not complaining though. It is great how much support they have provided for the game.


...Good ending, I'm thinking.
Good ending = happy ending = dirty thoughts (...not that I would be bored at work or anything though.)

You and me Shan.... you and me :(
You didn't really miss that much though. There weren't that many people online and if the highlight of those times were me giggling without any reason, that is kinda cheap. :p

Yeah. I did actually go on my webcam once. Showed everyone my cheesecake and toblerone I was eating. lol.
You are making me extremely jealous at the moment. Good thing that was long time ago in a galaxy far far away...

Yeah, I can't make one for the life of me. Otherwise, I'd be glad to contribute.
This. I am a failure and can't figure out how to do it and thus I can't.
The e sigs can be typed with a fancy font then saved as a png file....I drew mine out .

Ill be forever alone on tc in a couple of hours so I hope people can stop by and make fun of me


Still playing Demon's Souls. I can't stand that knight with the javelin on the bridge that can kill you with ONE FUCKING HIT.

What have gotten myself into?


Ill be forever alone on tc in a couple of hours so I hope people can stop by and make fun of me
I was there forever (my eternity is kind of short though, meaning around ten minutes) alone and then decided to go kill some people on Xbox.

I will perhaps check it later on though, if there would be people actually online. I am also thinking should I go and take a short nap. In the last two days, I have slept all in all under 5 hours.
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