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The Cryptarch's Bane
Woke up in a bad mood. Not a good way to start the day.
The fact that I even woke up this early is reason enough for me to be in a bad mood. It is a nice day out, suppose I could...exercise or something. Excellent chapter Hawk, keep up the fantastic work :)
Me too. Irritable and too lazy to leave bed. My solution will be to get some exercise, do a little bit of shopping, then have some people over and play "Time Warp" at 1:58am.
Sorry about the bad juju starting your days off, fellas!

The weather is glorious in South Florida at the moment, and I managed to get a good night's sleep. Just pull yourself up like a celestial marionette-worker's got you by the strings, and make your day a good one! Gonna be going to the farmer's market in a bit, then working out, then doing some coding for the site and finishing chapter 3 (in one order or another). Maybe watch the Heat later if I can motivate myself to care about the Pacers.
The weather is glorious in South Florida at the moment, and I managed to get a good night's sleep.

It may just be the warmth in my case. I usually have the temperature set between 50 and 55 °F. Because there's a party, I've set the thermostat at 65°F, so I woke up to drastically warmer conditions than the night before. Now I have a very low level headache, so that could be the reason.


Awesome again Hawk.

As a reward, a pic of Loki.

Hawk, the story is brilliantly written and a pleasure to my mind after work... I still haven't really figured anything about me. I try though, but in the meanwhile you can be creative on your own part if you wish to do show. That is always highly appreaciated though.

And oh my gods Tence, is that a ragdoll!? <3


Even if it wouldn't be, I might need to steal it.

Oh and darlings. I am most likely failing to go to bed today, even if I need to work tomorrow so you better come to tinychat later on to entertain me.


It is not a Ragdoll but a (superior) Sacred Cat of Burma. You can tell by the white socks.

Here's a pic of him with his older brother.


And another pic of his older brother Azumi, who is also the kitten in my hood.


I got nothing to look forward to. So, meh.

Aren't you hanging out with us friday? That's certainly something to look forward to. As crappy as my week has been (it just got worse...my cpu got its fan broken so im out of a desktop computer for the time being) I try to always focus on the positive and see that there is ALWAYS something to look forward to.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Aren't you hanging out with us friday? That's certainly something to look forward to. As crappy as my week has been (it just got worse...my cpu got its fan broken so im out of a desktop computer for the time being) I try to always focus on the positive and see that there is ALWAYS something to look forward to.
You are my role model, clear.
Probably not even going to go to the meetup.
But whyyyy


Knowing HP, la1n, and clearcell I sincerely doubt they would allow you to be miserable. Shake it off, whatever's offsetting your mood can't possible be worth missing out on a great night (nights!?).
I'll probably a miserable bastard if I go anyway.

A former coworker of mine is going and he's ALWAYS miserable. ;) You'll be in good company!

On a serious note (bc I've also had these bouts of don't-want-to-go-out/do-anything/miserableness), getting out and among people, while it takes a real effort to leave the house when you're feeling depressed, does often break the funk. The cycle of unhappiness needs something to interrupt it, and the meet up might be just the thing. You'll have friends there, so don't feel like you'll be alone or allowed to be miserable. We'll be stupid/silly. I promise.

Here's a cat pic for extra mood-up-ness:



Yeah, I'm always a miserable fuck, but Jason didn't let me fall into that when I hung out with him.

Go to the meetup, dude. Seriously. Trust me on this.


let's just leave it at it being deeper than just being in a funk.


I'm sure you have a valid reason to be in a lousy mood and you may need some space before it gets better. But you've brought it up out of the blue in this thread so you clearly want to vent. Talk to somebody about it. Hell, you have ears here or in TC or in irc. PM even. Dwelling on a funk is just time wasted and I've been guilty of this. Just don't let it interfere with the good times.


My status from last night:

I wish more people would just tell me when I'm wrong/stupid/etc instead of just laughing at me behind my back for it. I have enough social problems as it is. Help me make it better, not worse. I wish no harm on anyone.
I'm bad at venting. I always want to have a massive rant, then can't think of how to word it and it ends up like a line long, and I give up >_>

...I'm not good at not being cheerful, even if I feel shitty >_>

Also, From Dusk Till Dawn: what a fucking ridiculous film
Hope you feel better doitlive, and that you make it to the LA meetup.

If it's clinical depression you're dealing with, then I advise seeking treatment. That isn't something that should be allowed to fester.
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