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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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There was a lot of awkwardness and then I was on the ground.

There are actually quite a few stories about my ex and awkward places. For example: on a train...

I never enjoyed these places, mind. I am not quite so adventurous.

*shakes fist at PSN* Updating their Twitter to announce that Journey will be out later today. But WHEN is the question. Tell me WHEN.

When Grace Chen feels like it.
sometime between now and 11:59PM EST


Very, very nay.


Bromances.....who wants a 3 way? :D

Sorry it's a mutually exclusive thing based on a love for tequila and vodka
I dunno, if people don't feel the biological necessity for the continued survival of humans I find that to be extremely terrifying.

Some percentage of the population is asexual. Leave 'em be.

I've had to jump out of a 2nd floor of a house before. Good times.

"I was with a married girl, having some fun, when in walked her husband with a great big gun."

So what's gaf's deal with circumcision? For or against?

It's very passionate on either side. Have a read, everyone needs to read one GAF thread about it (and then you can stop, they're entirely interchangeable).

I've destroyed some wall art, a bed and a lamp or two in my time. Maybe some dishes too. :p

I'm trying to find an appropriate movie scene on YouTube that I saw once, but the title and actors are escaping me at the moment.

Know how you can't see into windows during the day? Turns out that's caused by the screen. No screen and you can see in very clearly. One of my rooms at university was a corner room with big windows on two sides of the bed. No screens (there were curtains, but since you can't see in a window during the day, no point in closing them right?). ...

Tried to find a tree in a park to make-out in, but there were either too many people around or I couldn't scramble up.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith springs to mind...

No, older movie, I think (I only ever saw this clip), scene was a close shot from the side, shoulders up, and followed the couple as the slid around the walls and floor wrecking stuff. Warm light, not cool like in Mr & Mrs. Smith.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Vodka has potatoes in it.
Dude, I'm so sorry!

And Sentry..... love your post in the Trumpson thread.

Fucking cowards
There's a lot of hyperbolic praise about the Ys games being the best ARPG battle systems ever, don't listen to those because you will go in expecting too much. But they're fun, have a good amount of depth, really good bosses, and excellent OSTs.
Sounds promising enough.

Vodka has potatoes in it.
Actually, many popular vodkas are distilled solely from grain.

Regardless, vodka is still boring.
I now know HP's weakness is frogs! *schemes*

They just annoy me, to be honest. I really enjoy them as a food, though. I know Nex'll back me up on Jean Georges' frog leg dish. Mmmmmm...

It's very passionate on either side. Have a read, everyone needs to read one GAF thread about it (and then you can stop, they're entirely interchangeable).

I'm trying to find an appropriate movie scene on YouTube that I saw once, but the title and actors are escaping me at the moment.

Know how you can't see into windows during the day? Turns out that's caused by the screen. No screen and you can see in very clearly. One of my rooms at university was a corner room with big windows on two sides of the bed. No screens (there were curtains, but since you can't see in a window during the day, no point in closing them right?). ...

Tried to find a tree in a park to make-out in, but there were either too many people around or I couldn't scramble up.

I read a bit and both sides sound about even (and a bit like school children). :p The scene you're thinking of is probably not my scene unless the two people indiscriminately smash something in their klutziness, pause to look at the remains, laugh for about 5, then return to what they're doing. ;) And damn those screens for making us think we're safe!

I'm gonna order Ys as soon as the steam listing is up.

Never tried whiskey.

Always seemed like a grizzled old man drink.

It has an acquired taste. If you'd like to try it without actually consuming alcohol, I recommend Arkay*. I personally prefer the relatively flavourless drinks (or pre-mixed beverages), as (A) I hate how alcohol tastes, and (B) drinks without their own flavour are easier to mix.

Top tier for me is Everclear, followed by the "99" series, then vodka, then Mike's and similar drinks. Pinnacle's series of flavoured vodkas are particularly non-terrible. The exception to this is their "cookie dough" vodka, which is kind of like the Jar Jar Binks of alcoholic beverages, except that kids would hate it, too.

* I don't actually recommend it. It's a terrible idea unless you want to trick people and see if they get fake drunk on the stuff or something.
I like jack and coke
and gin and tonics.
I must be an old man then.

Raw: also being moody helps. I think I have gotten a lot more attention from women since my depression got a lot worse. Too bad I feel like crap to do much anything with it.


Reluctant Member
*watches clock*

Ughhhh, last time I waited for PSN to update (for Costume Quest) it updated at like 6pm. Why must you do this to me!?
So apparently, being witty is very important in attracting women.

I have no wit to speak of. Am I doomed?

No. I have a very slow wit, and I used to have none at all. The things that make women interested in you are as varied as they are mysterious.

(being different from the norm in some way that doesn't involve negative emotions seems to be an important facet, though)


I like jack and coke
and gin and tonics.
I must be an old man then.

Raw: also being moody helps. I think I have gotten a lot more attention from women since my depression got a lot worse. Too bad I feel like crap to do much anything with it.

Ha. That's never worked for me at all, to be honest.
This is the most blasphemous invention I've ever come across

I actually started to get angry, then I thought that maybe it'd have some merit for recovering alcoholics

I believe it is primarily for people who belong to religions that cannot have alcohol (whether ever or at certain times, I am not sure).

I re-checked the website. It is considered to be Halal.
They just annoy me, to be honest. I really enjoy them as a food, though. I know Nex'll back me up on Jean Georges' frog leg dish. Mmmmmm..
That's one of JG's signature dishes ("Young garlic soup with thyme, sautéed frog legs" as written on the menu). Next time you're in NYC, snag a weekday or Saturday lunch reservation in the main dining room. There's plenty of good stuff to try.

Never tried whiskey.

Always seemed like a grizzled old man drink.
Not even a single kind? There are a lot of whiskies out there.

This is the most blasphemous invention I've ever come across

I actually started to get angry, then I thought that maybe it'd have some merit for recovering alcoholics
Single malt Scotch Real-GAF seems to be a small group. I'd like to see vodka soda drinkers try Ardbeg, Lagavulin and Laphroaig in quick succession.
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