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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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So here is a story I have about Furries. Once, long ago, I played Second Life for about a week. During that time I made all sorts of costumes, one of which was an anthropomorphized fox. I've always liked stories of anthropomorphic animals, though I'm not really into all of the Furry culture (not to my taste.) I soon learned this was a mistake, as others began hitting me with cars and screaming obscenities at me. But other people dressed in animal costumes came to help me, and were all really nice and friendly. Honestly, some of the nicest people I've met on the internet. Now it kind of upsets me when people make fun of them, since I know many of them are really nice people at heart. :/

So many of them? It's one internet experience.

Also, Second Life.
I find that thread much better than "Make a thread every hour about Wii U on the smallest of rumors, Predicting specs, launch games, tablet possibilities etc" that we would get (and that we still get but in vastly smaller portions) if the thread didn't exist.

I think that in either case it just proves that the scourge of the Nintendo fan must be wiped clean from the surface of the Earth.
I think that in either case it just proves that the scourge of the Nintendo fan must be wiped clean from the surface of the Earth.

... I'm a "Nintendo fan" more than anything else I'd say, though I like and own all the systems. Except for a few crazies I dont really see a problem with most of them, they keep to themselves(as in they stick to nintendo related threads) and hardly do anything in other threads other than play victim and be defensive. Certain other fanatics are far more annoying and insufferable in my opinion.


Reluctant Member
Holy logic leap. No, I don't think all of them are horrible people.

Do I think furry sexuality is weird? Hell yes.

For a lot of Furries I know it is not a sexual thing.

For those that it is, well, that's their business. Lots of people have things they prefer that are something I wouldn't want to do myself. It is only a problem if they are hurting others with it (er, unless that's what the other person WANTS.)




Underrated and one hardly anyone remembers but it was one of my favorites. I mean for fuck sake, look at the porn mustache on that guy!
Do I think furry sexuality is weird? Hell yes.

Just for what it's worth, the sexuality of most furries consists of having sex while not wearing fursuits. The other kind of sex is something that a minority of furries have. Hell, posessing fursuits is a minority thing among anthropomorphic enthusiasts.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I like Mountain Dew. I like Doritos. I also like cupcakes.
I do not like the idea of mixing all three together in a horrible Frankenstein's Monster kind of way.

That cartoon sucked.
No u

What do you like, Tom and Jerry? Bah
Easily one of the best 90's cartoons.
I prefer ReBoot. That was such an awesome show. :< I want DVDs.
That's my favorite stop liking all my favorite things

I like it so much I bought the whole thing bootlegged on eBay while waiting for DVDs that will never come.
I was never into Gargoyles. I'm sorry. :<

It gets its props for being one of the very, very few American animated programs of its time with something resembling a long-term plot and multilayered character traits. I have not watched enough of it to really say that it was fantastic or anything, but it certainly was more ambitious and less "kiddie-oriented" in several ways compared to its contemporaries.

I was told that the final season was very, very bad.


Gargoyles had a really interesting rogues gallery. Xanatos, Macbeth, Demona, the Hunters, the Wolfpack cyborgs, Oberon, Titania, Puck, etc.


The Cryptarch's Bane
It gets its props for being one of the very, very few American animated programs with something resembling a long-term plot and multilayered character traits. I have not watched enough of it to really say that it was fantastic or anything, but it certainly was more ambitious and less "kiddie-oriented" in several ways compared to its contemporaries.

I was told that the final season was very, very bad.
I can't say I remember seeing the last season or any full seasons. But it had character arcs, and that blew my goddamn mind as a kid. "You mean they're mentioning that thing you'd only know about if you saw that other episode?! WTF MIND EXPLOSION"

Reboot didn't even start doing that until the very end of season 2, which is when things got really really good.
I can't say I remember seeing the last season or any full seasons. But it had character arcs, and that blew my goddamn mind as a kid. "You mean they're mentioning that thing you'd only know about if you saw that other episode?! WTF MIND EXPLOSION"

Reboot didn't even start doing that until the very end of season 2, which is when things got really really good.

Yea I really really love serial cartoons, though episodic stuff like aventure time and regular show (or to keep it 90/00's Dexter and Rugrats) are also good.


Reluctant Member
That's my favorite stop liking all my favorite things

I like it so much I bought the whole thing bootlegged on eBay while waiting for DVDs that will never come.

Aren't the DVDs out? :eek: I would buy them but I really can't afford it right now. :< By the time I can I'm sure they'll be out of print or something.

ReBoot kinda sucked, too.


Do you hate Sonic SatAM and Darkwing Duck too!?
BestGAF locked, fuuuuuuuuuuck!

Guess I'll have to post more in this thread.
That's why F1 gaf is the best gaf.
We are all united for our obsession with Mark Webber.

Note: you people are old and most cartoons sucked.
huge fan of Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Histeria! and The Simpsons...and people wonder why this generation is uh, witty.




Underrated and one hardly anyone remembers but it was one of my favorites. I mean for fuck sake, look at the porn mustache on that guy!

holllllly shit I forgot about the Centurions. Seriously one of the bests. I can't believe I forgot such a huge favorite of mine. Thank you Dave.


I remember when I used to post on GT a few years back (biggest internet mistake I made was joining that site) that Nintendo fans, albeit self-righteous and defensive, usually kept to themselves and were relatively harmless if you didn't provoke them. It was always the Sony and Microsoft fans that would go into the rival console threads and start stirring shit up. Conversely, I can't recall even one instance where a Nintendo fan went out of his/her way to antagonize PS3 or 360 owners.

So with all that said, I think Sony fans are the worst breed of fanboy, followed by Microsoft and then Nintendo. The reason Sony comes in first is due to the often creepy Final Fantasy fetish many of them have. *shudder*
So with all that said, I think Sony fans are the worst breed of fanboy, followed by Microsoft and then Nintendo. The reason Sony comes in first is due to the often creepy Final Fantasy fetish many of them have. *shudder*

For me it goes PC>Apple(they usually bring themselves into the gaming equation so i might as well include them)>Sony>Nintendo>Microsoft , Note this is explicitly fanboys and not all fans of said company/products. Microsoft is last on the fact that I find the idea of Microsoft fanboys (both in and outside of gaming) more hilarious than they could ever be annoying.



Friday I went to my ear doctor (for those who don't know, I'm deaf in my left ear) to get tested for the Baha implant (a device that is drilled into the base of the skull and vibrates from a sound processor to simulate sound on that side of my head) and I told that I am what they consider a perfect candidate for the surgery.

The doctor had a simulator device that was different than the device I was shown during the demo I had 2 weeks ago and he had me plug my good ear. The simulator had a valve on it that basically turned it on and off to simulate sounds with the device on and without it. With my finger still plugging my right ear, he turned it on and I could hear everything clearly and when he turned it off, my world went quiet. Quite fascinating to be honest.

So, right now I'm hunting down the three parts of the surgery to find out a bottom line cost with my insurance. Right now I know I have to pay $500 for my deductible and $66 for the anesthesia (10% of total cost). I'm just waiting on the BIG cost, which would be that of the surgery center where it will actually take place.

Kind of excited and a little frightened. I hope it doesn't come back out of my price range. I mean, if it goes up much more, I don't necessarily have $3000 laying around waiting to get spent. Then there's the whole surgery aspect of drilling into my skull that has me a bit petrified.... but anyway.

Maybe I'll contact Tim Schaffer and hold a kickstarter with a very small goal to get my hearing back =P.

Friday I went to my ear doctor (for those who don't know, I'm deaf in my left ear) to get tested for the Baha implant (a device that is drilled into the base of the skull and vibrates from a sound processor to simulate sound on that side of my head) and I told that I am what they consider a perfect candidate for the surgery.

The doctor had a simulator device that was different than the device I was shown during the demo I had 2 weeks ago and he had me plug my good ear. The simulator had a valve on it that basically turned it on and off to simulate sounds with the device on and without it. With my finger still plugging my right ear, he turned it on and I could hear everything clearly and when he turned it off, my world went quiet. Quite fascinating to be honest.

So, right now I'm hunting down the three parts of the surgery to find out a bottom line cost with my insurance. Right now I know I have to pay $500 for my deductible and $66 for the anesthesia (10% of total cost). I'm just waiting on the BIG cost, which would be that of the surgery center where it will actually take place.

Kind of excited and a little frightened. I hope it doesn't come back out of my price range. I mean, if it goes up much more, I don't necessarily have $3000 laying around waiting to get spent. Then there's the whole surgery aspect of drilling into my skull that has me a bit petrified.... but anyway.

Maybe I'll contact Tim Schaffer and hold a kickstarter with a very small goal to get my hearing back =P.

Damn, that sounds crazy. I hope everything goes well for you, price-wise!
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