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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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It's the Norton ad which is doing that marrec, it's locking my PC up when it starts too. Apparently you don't even need to install Symantec products for them to fuck your PC up these days.

But you'll miss the next Mass Effect thread.


Meh, I dunno. I'm really enjoying Thousand Year Door right now, and that FF7 thread was fun while I managed to keep going with it. I'll probably just take GAF on a journey through my ongoing LTTP mission :lol


Did you like your musics?

You mean when I spent hours arguing over acoustic guitar etiquette? Yeah, that was a fucking waste of time. However, I don't entirely regret it, because now I'm aware that there is a definite subset of people who fucking hate guitar music, and that the majority of the population would actually prefer to listen to Ke$ha rather than a few good musicians jamming. I'm more in touch with the general population after that thread.


It's the Norton ad which is doing that marrec, it's locking my PC up when it starts too. Apparently you don't even need to install Symantec products for them to fuck your PC up these days.

Wow, so glad we have these Ads that don't allow me to actually browse the Forums.
You mean when I spent hours arguing over acoustic guitar etiquette? Yeah, that was a fucking waste of time. However, I don't entirely regret it, because now I'm aware that there is a definite subset of people who fucking hate guitar music, and that the majority of the population would actually prefer to listen to Ke$ha rather than a few good musicians jamming. I'm more in touch with the general population after that thread.

no no no :lol

I posted this for you last page http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_J4Mtn7YxA&feature=related

It's by Peace Orchestra (aka Peter Kruder of Kruder & Dorfmeister) and it's called Marakesh, I thought that a well traveled chap like you would appreciate the vibe.


Reluctant Member
I wonder sometimes, I really do. And hearing SA say that he's basically given up on that side means that the number of sane voices posting keeps falling. Maybe it's time for the older generation to hand the reigns over to the onslaught of Gen-Y.

I can understand the frustration, what with console-war season being nigh. I never got into that stuff to begin with, so with each passing generation I get more confused.

Onslaught? D: Me, HP, and SA are all still technically in Gen-Y! (just barely though.)
Wow, so glad we have these Ads that don't allow me to actually browse the Forums.

Actual screenshot of the ad:


You can't make this shit up.


There's no way in hell I'd quit gaming-side anytime soon. We're in the calm before the storm now. The meltdowns are coming, and I want a front row seat.


Reluctant Member
There's no way in hell I'd quit gaming-side anytime soon. We're in the calm before the storm now. The meltdowns are coming, and I want a front row seat.

It's like Colosseum entertainment. Still, I don't want to be there in case the lions get into the audience seats.

Gaming side is like one big ban trap. That's why I stay away, for the most part.

As long as you think about what you're going to post for more than five seconds before you post it, it's not that scary.
Gaming side is fine as long as you pick the right threads and you have some perspective. I've only ever been banned for going into the wrong threads and getting sucked into stupid arguments.
I've only ever been banned once and it was a 24 hour "joke ban". Sometimes I wonder how I've managed to get away with it all this time honestly, it's not like I hesitate to unload with both barrels.

I can understand the frustration, what with console-war season being nigh. I never got into that stuff to begin with, so with each passing generation I get more confused.

Onslaught? D: Me, HP, and SA are all still technically in Gen-Y! (just barely though.)

Hey I'm pretty much on the cusp ;) There are things I associate with Gen-Y though, like a pathological inability to communicate without abbreviation, and a complete ignorance of anything which happened before 2005.

I love that percussion.

Oh? Take one of these with dinner too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGIoZR33cN8

There's no way in hell I'd quit gaming-side anytime soon. We're in the calm before the storm now. The meltdowns are coming, and I want a front row seat.

I'm almost out already honestly, but I'm sure I'll be lurking around for the fireworks. As long as I can resist getting pulled into another round of fanboy-stubbornness vs pseudo-intellectual pseudo-sophistry I think I'll survive.


I dunno why but the past few nights I can hear the neighborhood cats gather outside my porch and they are always fighting and screaming every hear and there. I should be annoyed but it's quite comical to hear.


Gaming side is fine as long as you pick the right threads and you have some perspective. I've only ever been banned for going into the wrong threads and getting sucked into stupid arguments.

I never got banned.

In the gaming threads, I like to keep a neutral non-agressive tone for the most part.
I make flippant comments there sometimes, but the problem is the flippant comments are not taken flippantly and people try to respond with stupid things that their brain squeezes out like ice out of a slushee machine.

Like, I made a joke about how Assassin's Creed Revelations is not really worth playing. Someone responded that they disagreed and he did it politely. Then someone else went "DON'T BOTHER, IT'S JUST COOL FOR PEOPLE TO HATE THINGS."

Which...what. I played the game! There is evidence that confirms this fact! I made plenty of posts in the official thread about how I didn't like it. And the best defense that someone can muster for it is that I dislike it because it's cool to do so?

No one thinks on the Gaming side anymore. Everyone's on a team and that team is further subdivided in to other teams. You have to affiliate with a manufacturer. You have to defend that developer you like. No one is allowed to talk bad about the game series you enjoy. People who disagree with you are not on your team and are lesser (lissar?) people.

I don't think the inmates run the asylum, but it has gotten so crowded that there does not appear to be a major difference.
I never got banned.

In the gaming threads, I like to keep a neutral non-agressive tone for the most part.

I don't think it will happen again. I don't post much anymore and I stick to PC threads for the most part. Console threads are the mine fields, though graphics card threads have been getting stupidly hostile, as well.
Makes sense for you to use the saying of a girl kissed by fire.


At last, a weakness! SEND THE WORD, BOYS!


I can understand the frustration, what with console-war season being nigh. I never got into that stuff to begin with, so with each passing generation I get more confused.

Onslaught? D: Me, HP, and SA are all still technically in Gen-Y! (just barely though.)

What are the years for Gen Y???

Gaming side is like one big ban trap. That's why I stay away, for the most part.

Why are you so scared of being banned? You bring this up often, but to avoid being banned you just need to be polite, don't troll and stay on-topic (generally speaking). Unless you somehow predict assholish behavior on your part in the future, I don't know why you worry about this so much.


Reluctant Member
I never got banned.

In the gaming threads, I like to keep a neutral non-agressive tone for the most part.

Especially in the beginning I kept to threads where I could only have positive things to say (Like, oh I love this game!) Now I sometimes argue, but only if I can make a well-reasoned argument. I think there are two good rules to follow:

1. Explain your stance in as much detail as you can. Don't make drive-by flame posts.

2. Don't resort to insulting others just because they happen to disagree with you.

Secret rule 3: Read the entire thread before posting, and listen to the mods if they tell you to NOT do something.

What are the years for Gen Y???

Actually, this varies so much with your year especially that you are both in and not in Gen-Y. Usually they say 80s and early 90s.


I make flippant comments there sometimes, but the problem is the flippant comments are not taken flippantly and people try to respond with stupid things that their brain squeezes out like ice out of a slushee machine.

Like, I made a joke about how Assassin's Creed Revelations is not really worth playing. Someone responded that they disagreed and he did it politely. Then someone else went "DON'T BOTHER, IT'S JUST COOL FOR PEOPLE TO HATE THINGS."

Which...what. I played the game! There is evidence that confirms this fact! I made plenty of posts in the official thread about how I didn't like it. And the best defense that someone can muster for it is that I dislike it because it's cool to do so?

No one thinks on the Gaming side anymore. Everyone's on a team and that team is further subdivided in to other teams. You have to affiliate with a manufacturer. You have to defend that developer you like. No one is allowed to talk bad about the game series you enjoy. People who disagree with you are not on your team and are lesser (lissar?) people.

I don't think the inmates run the asylum, but it has gotten so crowded that there does not appear to be a major difference.

Kind of reminds me of Gametrailers comment section. Anything negative about a game instantly gets your post disliked about 50 times. lol

I stopped posting comments on the videos.


I just don't understand how an argument about Video Games can get heated enough for bans. I've been in some pretty ban heavy threads here in OT and said some pretty inflammatory things (haven't been banned yet thankfully) but never have I done anything like that in the Gaming side.


I make flippant comments there sometimes, but the problem is the flippant comments are not taken flippantly and people try to respond with stupid things that their brain squeezes out like ice out of a slushee machine.

Like, I made a joke about how Assassin's Creed Revelations is not really worth playing. Someone responded that they disagreed and he did it politely. Then someone else went "DON'T BOTHER, IT'S JUST COOL FOR PEOPLE TO HATE THINGS."

Which...what. I played the game! There is evidence that confirms this fact! I made plenty of posts in the official thread about how I didn't like it. And the best defense that someone can muster for it is that I dislike it because it's cool to do so?

No one thinks on the Gaming side anymore. Everyone's on a team and that team is further subdivided in to other teams. You have to affiliate with a manufacturer. You have to defend that developer you like. No one is allowed to talk bad about the game series you enjoy. People who disagree with you are not on your team and are lesser (lissar?) people.

I don't think the inmates run the asylum, but it has gotten so crowded that there does not appear to be a major difference.

There's a noticeable degree of hostility over there, to be sure. I just state my opinions, in the politest terms possible, and then exit the thread. Stupid shit like that is just not worth losing my account over.
The thread that got me into GAF was the fake adverts one. That was a great thread.

I don't like gaming side 'cause they all seem so negative about so much. I now understand what my parents said when they said "It's just a game".
The fear of getting banned thing is caused by the fact that on GAF you need to post with some personality or you get ignored. If you say "I don't think that Zelda is as great a series as a lot of people say" nobody will even reply, but if you say "Zelda is the most overrated pile of kiddy shit ZOMG Nintendo ZOMG" then suddenly you're the belle of the ball.

I don't think the inmates run the asylum, but it has gotten so crowded that there does not appear to be a major difference.

This is the thing which worries me moving forward. I'm sure that the quality of posting at Gamefaqs was better before they passed 100k members too.


No one thinks on the Gaming side anymore. Everyone's on a team and that team is further subdivided in to other teams. You have to affiliate with a manufacturer. You have to defend that developer you like. No one is allowed to talk bad about the game series you enjoy. People who disagree with you are not on your team and are lesser (lissar?) people.

This is a pretty accurate assessment of gaming side most of the time. It works the other way too; if you disagree about the reasoning someone is using to attack a developer/publisher/game, most commonly they'll do the following in the span of one post:

1. Lump user into "defense force" for said topic
2. Assign motives onto the collective they have moved that user into
3. Dismiss statement thanks to our newly created rationalization

So that's generally fun. The recent SWTOR threads were a good example of that rationale.
I must admit that I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself for having someone in the Steam thread seriously respond to my post about whether Serious Sam has controller support.


Reluctant Member
The fear of getting banned thing is caused by the fact that on GAF you need to post with some personality or you get ignored. If you say "I don't think that Zelda is as great a series as a lot of people say" nobody will even reply, but if you say "Zelda is the most overrated pile of kiddy shit ZOMG Nintendo ZOMG" then suddenly you're the belle of the ball.


*posts well reasoned and thought out explanation of my stance*

... five pages later.

Why did no one read my post!?


That's why I stick to OT most of the time, I love making flip comments but cannot imagine having a fun argument about a video game.

'Mass Effect II sucked!'


'No, you suck!'



Why are you so scared of being banned? You bring this up often, but to avoid being banned you just need to be polite, don't troll and stay on-topic (generally speaking). Unless you somehow predict assholish behavior on your part in the future, I don't know why you worry about this so much.

There have been times (on other boards) where I was perceived as trolling when I really was just stating my opinion. For instance, on another board (which I no longer visit), I said I didn't like Super Mario Galaxy 2 as much as everyone else, and then shit hit the fan because they took it the wrong way. That's why I'm cautious.


I just don't understand how an argument about Video Games can get heated enough for bans. I've been in some pretty ban heavy threads here in OT and said some pretty inflammatory things (haven't been banned yet thankfully) but never have I done anything like that in the Gaming side.

Yeah. I have a tendency to back up my criticisms with reasons though. I think the people that get banned over there are the ones who are just not very constructive with their criticism.

[inset game here] sucks ass!


I lurk the gaming side for the official topics but whenever I want to participate, OT is what I always load up. I can always find something that interests me more over here. At 37 years old, I've finally realized that games, while fun, aren't the end all be all of human existence. I like talking about the wide breadth of topics provided on this side instead of the tunnel vision hive mind of gaming GAF

*posts well reasoned and thought out explanation of my stance*

... five pages later.

Why did no one read my post!?

The problem becomes infinitely worse if you're a Junior Member- my views on the virtues of Mario Kart Super Circuit are original and highly compelling! I'm a veteran of several well to do niche forums, dammit! Acknowledge me! LOVE ME!



*posts well reasoned and thought out explanation of my stance*

... five pages later.

Why did no one read my post!?

I felt the same way. ;_;

When I first came here, I abused the fuck out of the smileys to make sure my post wasn't meant to be aggressive. Best thing Evilore ever did was remove them.
No one thinks on the Gaming side anymore. Everyone's on a team and that team is further subdivided in to other teams.

I don't think the inmates run the asylum, but it has gotten so crowded that there does not appear to be a major difference.

I dunno, it's getting worse over here too. There has been a disturbing rise in this type of post over the past couple of years:

"I wouldn't dream of being caught conversing with you monkeys, so I shall only read the title and perhaps the first line or two of the first post before I leave you with my disdainful, morally just reply. Never mind if my point has already been refuted half a dozen times, if you can't be bothered to refute MY post you are merely shying away from my supreme rightness."

Dangers of a large forum, I suppose. Can make having an actual conversation around a topic a frustrating exercise. I find myself drawn more to the social activities, gaffers showing their skills, mega-threads which are relevant to my interest, than anything else. I still post in other threads, but I'm trying to scale myself way back again now that RP is winding down. It usually isn't worth the signal:noise ratio.


Yeah. I have a tendency to back up my criticisms with reasons though. I think the people that get banned over there are the ones who are just not very constructive with their criticism.

[inset game here] sucks ass!

Which reminds me, I was sad that they locked that thread earlier today. I felt like we as a group were finally having a measured and reasonable discussion about an important topic and its up and locked. :(
My one and only ban (so far, hopefully!) was because I asked where to find scans, which I guess was implied as "please post the scans here for all to see." It stunk, but whatever.

My point is, screw Flanders.


The problem becomes infinitely worse if you're a Junior Member- my views on the virtues of Mario Kart Super Circuit are original and highly compelling! I'm a veteran of several well to do niche forums, dammit! Acknowledge me! LOVE ME!

Who are you again?


Dave. I expect you to be an attendance tonight.
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