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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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...nope, can't use my name as a pun.

You must be some sort of emotionless robot. But just because other people have been able to hammer out puns doesn't mean you can't ninja one out yourself before other people do it. Once you get that one good one, the others will be as angry as a hornet's nest.

I tried.


What does avatar quoting mean?

hell if i know



Reluctant Member
I die a little each time I see one.

Oh, HP.

You just need to let your standards go!

Ahh, I see. Oh well, Might as well post this one two. I was going to keep it for the american switchover, the whole going out with a bang thing, but I'll post it for the British Isles. Really love the countdown at the end. Short but awesome*:


*I think so anyway. :|

Japan really does go all out with fireworks.

Though the ones I saw in Cologne weren't half bad.


Well its been fun. Whatever it is that we did.

I think If I'm still awake in eight hours time, I'll post the other vid. Not so much of bang, but a peace offering to the sky - reflecting the thread as it were.


Reluctant Member
A place I go against my better judgement to repeatedly find myself firmly ensconced in arguments which make me feel like a fool for even participating. You could say we have a love/hate relationship.

I feel that way about that JRPG-JPOP thread... I don't know why I keep replying to things in there.
huh.... so GAF has other subjects... who knew

I wonder sometimes, I really do. And hearing SA say that he's basically given up on that side means that the number of sane voices posting keeps falling. Maybe it's time for the older generation to hand the reigns over to the onslaught of Gen-Y.

I feel that way about that JRPG-JPOP thread... I don't know why I keep replying to things in there.

Usually it's a combination of boredom and general irritation with other things with me. When I was having a really hard time at work last year, which actually resulted in me resigning, my posts here became totally aggressive without good reason, and it was only after I was feeling better that I saw a couple of them and was shocked at their content.

Arguing about videogames... SMH.

The only thing worse is arguing about market share.

Did you like your musics?


I wonder sometimes, I really do. And hearing SA say that he's basically given up on that side means that the number of sane voices posting keeps falling. Maybe it's time for the older generation to hand the reigns over to the onslaught of Gen-Y.

But you'll miss the next Mass Effect thread.
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