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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I was banned twice. One, I agreed with, the other I did not.

Also, I registered to GAF about the time of the Cruis'n Wii screenshot thread.

There's my gaf story.


The problem becomes infinitely worse if you're a Junior Member- my views on the virtues of Mario Kart Super Circuit are original and highly compelling! I'm a veteran of several well to do niche forums, dammit! Acknowledge me! LOVE ME!

I like your style. You'll go far here kid.
What's always weird are the people going "I can't wait to see the bitter tears over ______!" because obviously they are above something like that.

But I'm thinking, "Aren't you the guy that posted how he hates all games and systems from company X and thinks everyone who likes them is stupid?"

The bar is so low for being considered rational there.

The Ace Attorney announcement is a good example. The platform is unknown, but instead of guessing what it would be or why it hasn't been announced, people just argued why it should exclusively be for the system they are championing.

"It'll be 3DS and nothing else because that's always what AA games are on."

"It will be Vita only because Capcom loves the Vita."

"It's going to be iOS only because phones are the future and handhelds are dead forever."

Me: "It will probably be 3DS/Vita with a planned iPhone port sometime down the road because that's the best path to profitability and several graphic adventures like Time Travelers and Good People Die are doing the same thing."

*is ignored*

*posts well reasoned and thought out explanation of my stance*

... five pages later.

Why did no one read my post!?

I've got the opposite problem at the moment, it seems that there's a cabal of Uncharted fans following me waiting for me to diss it so they can POUNCE

There have been times (on other boards) where I was perceived as trolling when I really was just stating my opinion. For instance, on another board (which I no longer visit), I said I didn't like Super Mario Galaxy 2 as much as everyone else, and then shit hit the fan because they took it the wrong way. That's why I'm cautious.

In general I'd suggest only joining "positive" threads until you become a member, because that should give you some time to establish that you're a real person with real opinions and not some lame troll who is just out for laughs. Mods generally take your history into account when looking at a post, so if you're a good poster having an off day they'll be more likely to be lenient than if you have a history of being a shit-stirrer.

But more importantly, you didn't like SMG2? What the fuck is wrong with you?
i don't have the motor skills to ms paint my rp avatar.


I really hope noone beat me to this


Why can't games just be fun? Brand names are just that: names. I don't care if war criminals in bunny suits produce my games, as long as they're FUN.


I lurk the gaming side for the official topics but whenever I want to participate, OT is what I always load up. I can always find something that interests me more over here. At 37 years old, I've finally realized that games, while fun, aren't the end all be all of human existence. I like talking about the wide breadth of topics provided on this side instead of the tunnel vision hive mind of gaming GAF

I agree. Everyone knows that is a Mcdonalds chocolate milkshake.


What's always weird are the people going "I can't wait to see the bitter tears over ______!" because obviously they are above something like that.

But I'm thinking, "Aren't you the guy that posted how he hates all games and systems from company X and thinks everyone who likes them is stupid?"

The bar is so low for being considered rational there.

The Ace Attorney announcement is a good example. The platform is unknown, but instead of guessing what it would be or why it hasn't been announced, people just argued why it should exclusively be for the system they are championing.

"It'll be 3DS and nothing else because that's always what AA games are on."

"It will be Vita only because Capcom loves the Vita."

"It's going to be iOS only because phones are the future and handhelds are dead forever."

Me: "It will probably be 3DS/Vita with a planned iPhone port sometime down the road because that's the best path to profitability and several graphic adventures like Time Travelers and Good People Die are doing the same thing."

*is ignored*

Proving once again, you are far too reasonable for this forum.


I've got the opposite problem at the moment, it seems that there's a cabal of Uncharted fans following me waiting for me to diss it so they can POUNCE

In general I'd suggest only joining "positive" threads until you become a member, because that should give you some time to establish that you're a real person with real opinions and not some lame troll who is just out for laughs. Mods generally take your history into account when looking at a post, so if you're a good poster having an off day they'll be more likely to be lenient than if you have a history of being a shit-stirrer.

But more importantly, you didn't like SMG2? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Well, I really liked it. I just think it kinda fell victim to all of the hype behind it. That's more or less my fault for not buying it day one. XD

I always try to make friends with those that I meet, whether online or in real life. Those words probably don't count for much, coming from me. But it's the truth. I hate getting into fights with people, especially over something we should be enjoying.


Who are you again?


Dave. I expect you to be an attendance tonight.
I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. I was watching your video............ Oh wait. No I wasn't.

Truth be told, I probably won't be on tonight. My wife grabbed my hand, looked me in the eye socket and said "let's go to bed early tonight".

Moral of the story: going online shirtless makes women hot


I used to post a lot more on the gaming side but ever since the incident that caused my being juniored I've been less active posting there. Still every time there's a Capcom, Nomura Fantasy, or Smash bros thread I can't help but post in each of those topics since they're all so terrible. I've somehow survived all this time.
A while back, there was a guy who told me to stop posting my opinion that Gears of War 3 is a better third-person shooter than Uncharted 3.

I posted it once

In a thread about Uncharted 3 not being very good.

And the one time I posted it is what he replied to.


A while back, there was a guy who told me to stop posting my opinion that Gears of War 3 is a better third-person shooter than Uncharted 3.

I posted it once

In a thread about Uncharted 3 not being very good.

And the one time I posted it is what he replied to.

I was in that topic. While I'm an Uncharted 2 fanboy, I agree pretty much with all the faults listed against 3. The Sony brigade is pretty crazy, never interacted much with the Nintendo or MS guys though.


A while back, there was a guy who told me to stop posting my opinion that Gears of War 3 is a better third-person shooter than Uncharted 3.

I posted it once

In a thread about Uncharted 3 not being very good.

And the one time I posted it is what he replied to.

I can understand that though, Uncharted 3 is obviously better.

What's Gears 3?


COLDVEIN! You brought your RP back for one last night. I salute you.

yeah, why not.

i'll be the first to admit that i've talked some shit on this whole concept, and certain people's manners in participating in it. but that's just mostly because i enjoy stirring pots. the concept was interesting, and has been entertaining to say the least, has brought some spice that gaf previously didn't have, and i appreciate that. it takes some courage to throw a real picture of yourself up next to everything you post. i've enjoyed it. i'd buy drinks for any of you fools if you were ever in my neighborhood. it has been a cool month on gaf and i will look back on it fondly. real pic baby.


Not pure anymore!
I hate saying bad things about OT or gaming side, because lets face it both sides have their fair share of problems. Saying one side sucks really bad and that you'd never go on the other makes you sound like an elitist. If we get fanboys/girls on gaming than we have the religious nuts and girl-age people on the OT.


Which reminds me, I was sad that they locked that thread earlier today. I felt like we as a group were finally having a measured and reasonable discussion about an important topic and its up and locked. :(

Nah...you never will. It's too taboo a subject.

I think 15 is a funny age though where you're not really a kid anymore, but also not really an adult. I actually think 16 is quite a reasonable age as a cut-off point though. Of course nature is one thing, and we all know what we were like at that age, but the problem is you're not really in a position mentally or financially to raise children. That is what causes all the problems really because of the way society is geared now. It's a very different world to 100 years ago. At the same time, I also see the other side of the story, and that is you can't really stop kids wanting to have sex.

I just don't feel the way it is handled is right. Anyway, probably best not to say mroe.


I hate saying bad things about OT or gaming side, because lets face it both sides have their fair share of problems. Saying one side sucks really bad and that you'd never go on the other makes you sound like an elitist. If we get fanboys/girls on gaming than we have the religious nuts and girl-age people on the OT.

I don't think anyone is being that serious.
Well, I really liked it. I just think it kinda fell victim to all of the hype behind it. That's more or less my fault for not buying it day one. XD

Hah, I was just messing around. I like them both but I think the first one is my favourite, though that could be because I bought a Wii a few months before it so I played the hell out of it during that honeymoon period to enjoy the new console smell.
I hate saying bad things about OT or gaming side, because lets face it both sides have their fair share of problems. Saying one side sucks really bad and that you'd never go on the other makes you sound like an elitist. If we get fanboys/girls on gaming than we have the religious nuts and girl-age people on the OT.

I haven't been in OT long enough to make a judgment about it.

But console wars Gaming side is not fun or interesting.
I hate saying bad things about OT or gaming side, because lets face it both sides have their fair share of problems. Saying one side sucks really bad and that you'd never go on the other makes you sound like an elitist. If we get fanboys/girls on gaming than we have the religious nuts and girl-age people on the OT.

Indeed, the danger with these meta-level discussions is that within 24-48 hours of disparaging a certain type of forum behavior you might find yourself about to hit "submit reply" on just the sort of behavior you were criticizing. ;p
OT is a cesspool when it comes to anything race related

That's made up somewhat by Pop-Gaf and their infinite repository of reaction gifs

I go where the beautiful people are. So whenever I post, consider yourself blessed
I think I've made a total of three threads, only one of which actually got more than 5 replies. I think AnimeGAF might be the only place I get regularly responded to, with RPGAF coming in second.

I've made one thread, it was great.

I'm generally too scared of being derided for starting threads :c


OT is a cesspool when it comes to anything race related

That's made up somewhat by Pop-Gaf and their infinite repository of reaction gifs

I go where the beautiful people are. So whenever I post, consider yourself blessed
I am beautiful. No matter what they say.


Hah, I was just messing around. I like them both but I think the first one is my favourite, though that could be because I bought a Wii a few months before it so I played the hell out of it during that honeymoon period to enjoy the new console smell.

I agree. However, there are days when I prefer Galaxy 2 over 1, and vice versa. It depends on my mood.


Indeed, the danger with these meta-level discussions is that within 24-48 hours of disparaging a certain type of forum behavior you might find yourself about to hit "submit reply" on just the sort of behavior you were criticizing. ;p

I think we're reaching the logical conclusion of Byakuya769's little sociology experiment.


I've made one thread, it was great.

I'm generally too scared of being derided for starting threads :c

The funny thing is, when I had the ability to create threads I never felt the need to besides the aforementioned few times. Now that I can't make them I get thread ideas all the time and I can't do anything about it. Feels bad man.
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