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The scene in Thundergun when Frank is explaining the troll-toll song to the tourists on the boat fucking killed me.
Cunning, Lissar. All these puns are making me question my exis-Tence.

*blaaarg* I have a touch of consumption!

Also what's this about Fake Pic February? Would I get kicked out for drawing it myself due to the lack of present Tence? (badum tshh)


I just whipped mine up and copied his style. An expert in forgery am I.
Captain Hiro
She's a protagonist
Gonna take pollution down to zotagonist

Haha. A valiant effort! You'll have to sing it tonight on RP TC!

I've actually started reading Snow Crash, a bit of a departure from my McCarthy marathon I seem to be doing.

Yes! One of his best books. Diamond Age is great and Cryptonomicon is incredible (my fav), but the Big U is also good (though, Stephenson doesn't care for it himself). Let me know what you think when you finish. :)

I am roughly 6 hours away from midnight so I shall honor our code.

The code must be honored. It is known.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Would I get kicked out for drawing it myself due to the lack of present Tence? (badum tshh)
Seriously is it not the best username ever???

I guess my claims to being a linguist was really all pre-Tence.

Puns are great, I don't care what anyone says.

I'm just not going to listen to these malcon-Tence.

Ye gods, people, stop with the puns! You're making me feel very

ahhhh I'll miss this.


Reluctant Member
Someone has to expla1n what's so funny about this puns because I'm not getting it.

While being a lissar form of joke, the humor la1n its surprise.

Using ones own name is completely cheating. Especially since Dave already used this one.
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