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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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So as I was saying here

True, it's just depressing when you see people going on about how fucking Lady Gaga is genius or some shit. It'd just be nice if I could make a thread for a band and people would actually post something other than "Who?" or just straight up ignoring it.

*is actually tempted to make a thread about the new Apologies album called "London - The Best Album You Haven't Heard" or something*

Yes I have been fanboying out about this album for the last few days. But it deserves it.

This is the exact type of thing I was talking about. Jesus fucking christ.

I am honestly debating making that thread now.
Go to bed, you're angry and triple posting.

Nah, I don't get angry often. More just...I can't even think of the word. On the verge of hysterical. Basically, pretend I'm drunk, I've learned from observing other people that drunk people sometimes act like this.

...I have no idea.

But yeah, just 'cause there's a lot of them swear words doesn't mean anger from English people. We just seem to throw those words around for fun. 'CAUSE FUCK IT, YO!


But yeah genuinely thinking of making that thread. Anyone have any input on whether that's a horrible idea?

Ok seriously going now.
I'm sorry to hear that...

Well, it was for a friend's father, so I was not directly impacted. Due to the diligent actions of one of our mutual friends (fellow who runs a LARP here on Long Island, pretty crazy good at boffer fighting, as well), a whole bunch of our social group showed up. A few hours of a chatty, generally happy time, which is what wakes are typically supposed to be. I'll be missing out on the funeral, which will be the sombre half of the friends&family part of what's going on.

We'll be hanging out at a local SF convention next weekend. He does a lot of speaking at panels, and I think he'll be pretty good for that, despite what happened.


Reluctant Member
My bad. I habitually forget which girls are creepy stalkers and which are the regular kind.

I am normal! D: (I'm in Oregon not SF~)

Also at the airport. Also! If anyone doesn't know I am heading to Germany right now. In an hour or so. Tralala~

I might be a bit strange today because all my attempts at sleep ended in failure.


I am normal! D: (I'm in Oregon not SF~)

Also at the airport. Also! If anyone doesn't know I am heading to Germany right now. In an hour or so. Tralala~

I might be a bit strange today because all my attempts at sleep ended in failure.

You wont see this because of your trip, but if you call being from Oregon "normal" than the fear I harbor for you shakes my very soul (if I had one).

Portland, late 1800's... the practice of Shanghaiing weary travelers and forcing them into a life of slavery and prostitution by drugging them, beating them and shoving them in cells located underneath the city (Shanghai Tunnels) until a ship leaving the port would take their beaten bodies and ship them off to who knows where.
There's a regular kind?

Yes, non-creepy stalkers. One of my friends really liked that I was wearing a suit and tie at the wake yesterday, so she made a point of standing next to me and heading my shoulder for much of the night.

She has giant boobs. This is pretty much what makes it non-creepy in our society.
You wont see this because of your trip, but if you call being from Oregon "normal" than the fear I harbor for you shakes my very soul (if I had one).

Portland, late 1800's... the practice of Shanghaiing weary travelers and forcing them into a life of slavery and prostitution by drugging them, beating them and shoving them in cells located underneath the city (Shanghai Tunnels) until a ship leaving the port would take their beaten bodies and ship them off to who knows where.

You can actually still go tour those tunnels. It's pretty neat.

Also...weird is normal in Oregon. That's how we like it.


Oregon is like that house in the neighborhood that kept to themselves all the time. You had no idea what was going on in that house. Probably something illegal but you doubt they’d hurt anyone. The weeds are overgrown in the front yard and the house badly needs a paintjob. They have ugly white curtains.
Oregon is like that house in the neighborhood that kept to themselves all the time. You had no idea what was going on in that house. Probably something illegal but you doubt they’d hurt anyone. The weeds are overgrown in the front yard and the house badly needs a paintjob. They have ugly white curtains.

This describes at least half the houses in Portland and the surrounding area

We are also the house that, once you finally meet us and spend a little time with us, you might decide that while we are definitely weird and our worldview is a bit "off," we actually have some mighty fine ideas about how to do things and it's hard to understand why everyone doesn't do it that way


Quick questions: is this the thread where all the GAF-meetups are organized? I wanna know if there's one in Nashville.

There isn't a catch all thread for all meet ups so unfortunately you would have to keep your eye in OT for one to pop. Otherwise you can just start a thread yourself to see if there's any interest.

Edit: Oh, it looks like you did. :(


Trying to shake my addiction to sweets has to be one of the hardest things I've ever attempted. Nevertheless, you don't quit just because something is hard, and I have no intention of giving in. Does it get any easier?
Trying to shake my addiction to sweets has to be one of the hardest things I've ever attempted. Nevertheless, you don't quit just because something is hard, and I have no intention of giving in. Does it get any easier?
Yes, after a while you won't crave it anymore. Did this with soda and after like a month of just drinking coffee, tea or water I had my first coke and it way too sweet I din't finish the whole bottle.


Yes, after a while you won't crave it anymore. Did this with soda and after like a month of just drinking coffee, tea or water I had my first coke and it way too sweet I din't finish the whole bottle.
Same. I can barely stomach soda anymore. It's way too syrupy
Trying to shake my addiction to sweets has to be one of the hardest things I've ever attempted. Nevertheless, you don't quit just because something is hard, and I have no intention of giving in. Does it get any easier?

I still love sweet things. My body no longer lies and tells me I need them to survive, though. It's even the case that they taste *better* because I have them more sparingly.

Also, all artificial sweeteners are crap. Splenda is the least horrible, but it's really nice once your tongue learns to savor food.


Just got back from the dentist. Had #31 pulled (my furthest back molar on the lower right). A week ago it proved to be abscessed; pretty amazing how much pain a tooth is capable of causing. Wasn't even lucid really when I got scheduled initially, never experienced anything like it. The week of antibiotics leading up to this killed most of the pain, thankfully. Today's surgery was pretty weird, I've never had a tooth extracted; somehow I expected modern dentistry to be more elegant, but if you think about it I guess there's no way around it. All told it wasn't miserable, but the noises were unsettling at times. Still can't feel my face. Was handed a slip for a fat stack of vicodin once that wears off. Might not even need it, I feel like last week completely changed how I'm going to regard pain from now on.
Just got back from the dentist. Had #31 pulled (my furthest back molar on the lower right). A week ago it proved to be abscessed; pretty amazing how much pain a tooth is capable of causing. Wasn't even lucid really when I got scheduled initially, never experienced anything like it. The week of antibiotics leading up to this killed most of the pain, thankfully. Today's surgery was pretty weird, I've never had a tooth extracted; somehow I expected modern dentistry to be more elegant, but if you think about it I guess there's no way around it. All told it wasn't!!!!! miserable, but the noises were unsettling at times. Still can't feel my face. Was handed a slip for a fat stack of vicodin once that wears off. Might not even need it, I feel like last week completely changed how I'm going to regard pain from now on.
Tooth pain can be a singular sort of agony. Times like that remind you that dentistry is an important profession.


I remember my wisdom teeth surgery.

Got about 12 numbing shots in my gums and was totally awake the whole time they were breaking and ripping out my teeth. Was a very surreal experience.


I remember my wisdom teeth surgery.

Got about 12 numbing shots in my gums and was totally awake the whole time they were breaking and ripping out my teeth. Was a very surreal experience.

Yeah, that is really the part of it all that is unnerving. Mine was sectioned multiple times to get it out because apparently I have extremely long teeth. The pressure awkward but not like the cracking & breaking sounds.

Still, I didn't mind because after last week I wanted that fucker gone. The pain that it caused last week was on a completely different level compared to anything I've experienced in my life and I've been on the wrong end of some serious pain.
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