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can't unsee

was it worth it echoshifting


Share my pain hawkian

I just can't get over the fact that my BIL thought I might, say, drape my genitals across a 1-day old kitten, and then take a picture of it and then put that picture on the internet. What the fuck. That's not even me. ;p


The Cryptarch's Bane
"Every time you pass a homeless person without giving them change, echoshifting drapes his genitals across a 1-day-old kitten"


Reluctant Member
I clearly said Ursula Le Guin, she isn't a thing. D:

Anyway, she is so completely awesome! She read from The Telling because the talk today was to partially be about censorship. She had some interesting things to say about how necessary the separation of church and state is (and how close that is to disappearing.) Her actual comments on censorship were brief. But she mentioned going to a high school talk when the discussion was around the banning of sci-fi and fantasy books and they were discussing her book. And apparently one boy said "I think this book is stupid. But I want to decide whether or not I think it's stupid." She thought that was a great response! She also mentioned that she thought e-books were great and that she thinks it's important that both e-books and paper books continue to exist. Which I completely agree with!

She's just a wonderful person overall. :D


Sup RP GAF. Haven't posted in a while :(
I blame ME3's ending :(

Anyone want Female Master Chief Armour for their Xbox Live Avatar? BD3PK-6377T-D4Q6P-GWYFC-433M3 is the code. I did post it on my facebook but maybe... 1 or 2 females on my friends list have a 360.

I got into the CS:GO beta :D and not long got back from a party. So a good night in all :D
wait hwat`

What a bizarre, unexpected melding of three of my favorite universes

The comments are an interesting mix of fanboyism and stereotyping. To wit, (SPOILER ALERT)
"i can not accept that master chief is a girl. he is much to awesome to be an asian woman."
← Please do not twitch at the overly bad grammar herein.
I thought it was another kitten o_O

It's my wife's hand! I had no idea it was so ambiguous.

I clearly said Ursula Le Guin, she isn't a thing. D:

Anyway, she is so completely awesome! She read from The Telling because the talk today was to partially be about censorship. She had some interesting things to say about how necessary the separation of church and state is (and how close that is to disappearing.) Her actual comments on censorship were brief. But she mentioned going to a high school talk when the discussion was around the banning of sci-fi and fantasy books and they were discussing her book. And apparently one boy said "I think this book is stupid. But I want to decide whether or not I think it's stupid." She thought that was a great response! She also mentioned that she thought e-books were great and that she thinks it's important that both e-books and paper books continue to exist. Which I completely agree with!

She's just a wonderful person overall. :D

Where was this reading?


Does that mean you're heterosexual to plants if you're allergic to pollen?

I...guess so. I actually sneeze a lot more now than I used to for some reason. Never used to effect me. :/

I love the spring though. Seems to be the best time of the year now. The weather seems to be really pleasant and we have the most days of sunshine. The summer you don't know what the fuck we are going to get. It is said that the last week of July and the first week of August is the hottest time of the year, but for quite a few years now it hasn't really materialised.

Spring however seems like a more stable time of year now. The temps are not too hot or too cold and you have more days of sunshine.

I really can't make sense of that picture. I'm trying to make it a hand really hard, but I just can't quite figure it out. It just looks like a weird lump of flesh.

yeah, Its hard to see it as a hand because there are no visible fingers and I can't tell the proportions (and thus, how much of the hand/arm I'm seeing).


yeah, Its hard to see it as a hand because there are no visible fingers and I can't tell the proportions (and thus, how much of the hand/arm I'm seeing).

Yeah. That's exactly what it is. :/

At first I thought it was an arm, but then looking closer it looks a bit too weird for an arm. It's just a fleshy blob thing. :D




Didn't want to pick them up while they were eating


Your comment here is tipping me slightly closer towards hunting for one of those taco bell doritos tacos today.

I don't mean to say it's a GOOD thing to fall into a habit of eating unhealthy foods. It's just fucked up to say you hate (yes, hate) fat people for something that is, in all likelihood, not their fault. Take a look at Ponn's post on the 3rd page of that thread to see what I mean.
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