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This other guy told me to add him on Facebook then never accepted


It's always a helpful practice to add a brief message to the friend request reminding the person who you are. Like "Hey, I'm that guy from the concert with the really raw music!". I have six or seven friend requests pending that I'll likely never accept because for the life of me I cannot figure out who these people are!


I just forget to check that kind of thing. Usually there's no notification and I just forget I sent the request out. Awkward thing though, is a couple of times I forget that they've said no and try to friend request them again =/

I usually remember when I've friend requested someone. That's probably not a good thing. D:

A lot of the people I have on there never even talk to me. Am I that unlikeable?
I wish I got more friend requests

It's always a helpful practice to add a brief message to the friend request reminding the person who you are. Like "Hey, I'm that guy from the concert with the really raw music!". I have six or seven friend requests pending that I'll likely never accept because for the life of me I cannot figure out who these people are!

I've seen him multiple times since though. I was speaking to him on Monday.



The Cryptarch's Bane
I want to learn piano

There should be more piano in punk

I love piano

I play piano!

I had enough funds in PSN for Journey. Weird. I have my playstation hooked up to a DC-ethernet network so it's fast enough to stream 1080p, but it makes the download speeds so awesome. 16% done.


75% so good.
I play piano!

I had enough funds in PSN for Journey. Weird. I have my playstation hooked up to a DC-ethernet network so it's fast enough to stream 1080p, but it makes the download speeds so awesome. 16% done.


75% so good.

YE GODS, stop leaving us in suspense!

(I'm up late because it's taking forever for my bedsheets to dry after finally tossing them into the clothes washer. :| )


go to your page and click on subscriptions. I think I had a couple, but it creeped me out so I turned it off for people I'm not friends with. Oh, be careful. If you unfriend someone they are still subscribed to you unless you delete that too.

That only shows who I am subscribed too. Appearantly you have to have timeline to see who is subscribed to you?
You know what's really annoying? Making a small event on facebook (yumcha with 10 people) and people putting "not attending" without stating a reason. I know its being picky, but it just feels rude if they don't even write a quick "sorry, assignments/ prior engagement/ whatever" excuse. If its a big party or something, its still polite, but its okay not to. But 10 people? =/

That only shows who I am subscribed too. Appearantly you have to have timeline to see who is subscribed to you?

Oh really? I swear I could see it back before timeline.


Oh really? I swear I could see it back before timeline.

Well you might be right. But it says in the help file: Click on subcribers (timeline).. and I can't seem to find it :/

Well I bet I don't have any anyway haha. I'm the kinda guy that accepts almost any friends request
Well you might be right. But it says in the help file: Click on subcribers (timeline).. and I can't seem to find it :/

Well I bet I don't have any anyway haha. I'm the kinda guy that accepts almost any friends request

When I click there it talks about how I can enable subscriptions on my profile by clicking a button. So it's apparently not on by default for those who still don't use timeline.

I refrained from clicking it, because I suspect it would enable timeline, of which I am not the biggest fan.

Yay, sheets are dry, bed is made, sleep time soon!


Well you might be right. But it says in the help file: Click on subcribers (timeline).. and I can't seem to find it :/

Well I bet I don't have any anyway haha. I'm the kinda guy that accepts almost any friends request

You have to click subscribers. I know this is it because it shows people I've unfriended are still subscribed.


You know what's really annoying? Making a small event on facebook (yumcha with 10 people) and people putting "not attending" without stating a reason. I know its being picky, but it just feels rude if they don't even write a quick "sorry, assignments/ prior engagement/ whatever" excuse. If its a big party or something, its still polite, but its okay not to. But 10 people? =/

I solved that issue by never registering with facebook. I've seriously never had a facebook account. It's funny when people ask me what my facebook account is and I tell them I haven't got one.

"You haven't got one? But everyone has a facebook account!". *gasp!* :O

People seem to think it is a compulsory thing. If you're on the internet you simply must have a facebook account.
I solved that issue by never registering with facebook. I've seriously never had a facebook account. It's funny when people ask me what my facebook account is and I tell them I haven't got one.

"You haven't got one? But everyone has a facebook account!". *gasp!* :O

People seem to think it is a compulsory thing. If you're on the internet you simply must have a facebook account.

It just makes you more accessible, which is what many people prefer. I mean I still know people without a cell phone (You don't have a cell phone?!?!) and I even know people that don't have computers...............I know right?!

It's a cultural thing, we live in the information age, where everything can be wiki'd and known, same goes with people. Our culture seems to believe if we want to know something about someone we should be able to just look them up over the internet.


It just makes you more accessible, which is what many people prefer. I mean I still know people without a cell phone (You don't have a cell phone?!?!) and I even know people that don't have computers...............I know right?!

It's a cultural thing, we live in the information age, where everything can be wiki'd and known, same goes with people. Our culture seems to believe if we want to know something about someone we should be able to just look them up over the internet.

Good point. In terms of accessibility though there are now 101 ways to be more accessible. With facebook however, I've never really saw the point in it. With some people their whole life is on facebook. I kind of like being able to do things without every single person knowing. If I had a facebook account it would be completely empty anyway because I have no interest in sharing my life in that way with the world.
You know what's really annoying? Making a small event on facebook (yumcha with 10 people) and people putting "not attending" without stating a reason. I know its being picky, but it just feels rude if they don't even write a quick "sorry, assignments/ prior engagement/ whatever" excuse. If its a big party or something, its still polite, but its okay not to. But 10 people? =/

I promise this isn't me playing devil's advocate, it's just the way I look at things. I get a crapload of invites by lazy friends who haven't even bothered to eliminate the people on their lists who live out of state and could not possibly attend the big party they are throwing in three days, the gallery opening they are hosting, etc. They just want exposure so they "invite" everyone.

I just hit "not attending" any time I see something like that on my wall, usually without even checking the invite list...I figure if it's something I'm really interested in or if someone really wanted me there I would have received a more formal greeting, an e-mail or a phone call. Some people don't respond well to the mass invite thing and I am definitely such a person. Perhaps it's a generational proclivity, I dunno.

Personally I just don't think it's a good way to set up a small gathering, though, not so much an age thing. People like some assurance that their presence is genuinely wanted and that the host had them in mind when envisioning the event. The Facebook mass invite doesn't express this at all. I used to give each and every one a serious look...until I found myself constantly asking questions like - "this is four states away and it's in two days, why did I get invited to this?" or "this person knows I am disabled, why did they invite me to their bellydancing party?" and so on. People who misuse it make it useless for everyone.
You know what's really annoying? Making a small event on facebook (yumcha with 10 people) and people putting "not attending" without stating a reason. I know its being picky, but it just feels rude if they don't even write a quick "sorry, assignments/ prior engagement/ whatever" excuse. If its a big party or something, its still polite, but its okay not to. But 10 people? =/

This is one of my biggest gripes, too. I invite a lot of people to my excursions and parties, and it really kills the signal:noise ratio of the event wall. For every person who posts a cool idea to make the event more interesting, there are five "Sorry, going to a Firefly-themed burlesque show" posts. Then nobody gets to hear about the cool idea.

Event creator needs to be able to supress "not attending" messages entirely.


You know, I die a little every day that passes without you accepting my PSN friend invite.

Just fyi. As long as we're talking about such matters. Thought you'd WANT TO KNOW.

You know, you had issues with friend requesting with me via Steam too. I'm beginning to think the trouble isn't on our ends...

In other news:

Going by GAF policies, what would you feed this?

You know, you had issues with friend requesting with me via Steam too. I'm beginning to think the trouble isn't on our ends...

That was just a weird glitch. I've been watching the "Pending Response to Your Friend Request" message on my PS3 next to Hawkian's name for
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