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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I always wait two minutes before I hit send on any text that is not making or affirming plans or answering innocuous questions.

Basically, if there's any emotion in this text, I am going to think about it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I have sent some really, really regrettable messages over the years.

Fortunately, the vast majority have not resulted in any kind of permanent damage. Unfortunately, a few of them have.
Of course I sympathize, but this gave me an awesome mental image of you standing sheepishly over the smoldering ruins of a hospital holding your phone, and I chuckled.
I think I'll send another apology text tomorrow morning, as unnecessary as it probably is.

In other news, that thread I made that disappeared? It turned up again. I don't. What?
Leagues Apart Facebook said:
Big news everyone!
We're excited to announce that Giles Bidder of Great Cynics fame will be joining Leagues Apart playing keys/synth/samples/all things tech!
We're gonna be practising hard, and your first chance to see us as a 5-piece will be on our Euro tour this month! #stoked

...can't tell if this is a joke or not. Hm.
I'm gonna go to bed now, seeing as when I get tired I get kind of depressed. And when I get kind of depressed I don't want to go to bed. And considering I already feel shitty because of the text, it's best that I go soon.



The Cryptarch's Bane

\didnt know if you wanted dimensions changed
LOL your response was a bit harsh though, even if justified. I proudly wear mine (for one more day!) because I love it.

LOL. Looking back it really was =/ I was half asleep and someone was being rude to Lissar for no reason, and a part of my brain I don't remember kicked in to write it.

Perma-juniored for asking a question? How silly Raw.

I don't mind him asking questions about "fad avatars", he was probably curious. Its just, the way he went about talking about the RPG avatars was incredibly rude and uncalled for, and then throughout the thread he kept repeating stuff about it in a mean way. I don't think he needs to be perma-juniored or anything, but the dude was pretty malicious towards the avatars and the person who drew them, and I don't feel like that's in line with the GAF community. Anyway, doesn't matter I guess.

Already have.

I'm one of those people who apologises way too much >_>

hi five! You know when people tell you to stop you're probably doing it too much :s
Don't worry about the text though, what's done is done. And don't apologise again either!


Reluctant Member
I do that too. I also say ehhhhh a lot. Sometimes I slip and even say heeeee a lot. D:

It doesn't bother me anymore, but for about a year after coming back the last time I had a hard time putting money into people's hands. I put it on the table in front instead. They looked at me oddly.


I never got an RPG picture anyway. :(

I know I never asked for one, but you could have surprised me lissar. You could have surprised me!


Reluctant Member
Things Lissar would like to do: stay up until 10pm tonight.

Oh god it's only 9pm and I'm already collapsing, help!
I always find it funny when I see those "articles read" on my facebook feed because you can really see the difference in gender interests...like there's very little crossover in the types of stuff males and females read


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