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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Reluctant Member
Thanks, wizened scholar. :) It is hard, and I can't in all honestly imagine not loving her no matter what happens... perhaps to my folly. But for now it is the best thing.

You're so compassionate, was it how you were raised? This dude was dissing your art earlier sans provocation and I pretty much had an aneurysm. Almost got myself banned but I figured it'd be better to remain a part of the community :p

Wait, when and where did that happen? :eek:

I actually had a guy PM me asking where my avatar was from. I should write him back.
Aww poor Hawkian :( It's okay I'm sure you'll bounce back with something real rather than just a pseudo-relationship

Any going on more themes...

Maybe pictures of us with candy or plates of food in celebration of Easter? It's something pretty easy to do.
But I'm also sanguine now. I've got a solid opportunity to make something out of these next few months. I believe this should be a summer of self-improvement. Instead of spending a lot of my free time and brainpower on what may or may not happen with a girl, I will focus on my career, my music, fitness, playing some more good games, and little side projects like those in this thread with you fine people.

I dig your style, man. Can't imagine a better attitude to have.

Coming to grips with the reality of a relationship is a tough thing to do, particularly when you know that facing it will leave the relationship irreversibly altered. It's something I've had to do a couple of times myself, so I can empathize somewhat. I know it's painful and feels horrible but your life will be so much better in the end, particularly with the attitude you are going in with. I wish you the best of luck during this "readjustment."
I dunno, some jerk made a thread asking about the fad avatars and he specifically wanted these explained

I can't get over how much of a prick that guy is. UGH, he's making me so mad. How dare he insult Lissar like that. ARGGGGGHHHHH. SHANRAGE. :<

Plus, I reckon she's really managed to capture everyone's likeness - even though it was just a quick sketch. I really, really like mine.
On a personal note...

I don't much like talking about my personal life on this forum or any forum for that matter, and I certainly can't see myself ever making a thread about what's going on in my life, but I like you lot and it's a little relevant. Today I ended things once and for all with the only girl I'm at all interested in at the moment. We've been essentially in a psuedo-relationship for some six months, and in this six months a number of the craziest things to ever happen to me took place. Really, just some seriously twisted stuff. I've been on this forum for about 4 years now and I swear to you that no threads- no Girl-Age, no "help I can't decide what to do about this girl" rants, no tangential thread-derailing confessions, that I have ever seen can even compete. I really can't get into it without betraying the trust of an alarming number of people close to me, but suffice it to say that this shit would make an incredible story (or handful of them) and in like 2 years if one of you remembers this little aside and mentions it, I'd love to just give you folks some highlights for the lulz.

Anyway, for reasons of clinging to what passes in my mind for sanity, I decided to just call it quits and say we should just be friends. The truth is I'm crazy about her and I really would do just about anything to make something real work out in the end, but she is really just not anywhere close to capable of it right now. And it's certainly no use torturing myself in the meantime.

So I'm feeling pretty melancholy; even an illusionary relationship with her was pretty comforting and it was nice to be able to be honest about how I felt rather than bottling up.

But I'm also sanguine now. I've got a solid opportunity to make something out of these next few months. I believe this should be a summer of self-improvement. Instead of spending a lot of my free time and brainpower on what may or may not happen with a girl, I will focus on my career, my music, fitness, playing some more good games, and little side projects like those in this thread with you fine people.

Thanks very much for serving as my Livejournal tonight RPGaf! Promise it's not likely to happen more than like once a year.

Man... typing all this crap out and feeling like this is giving me quite the middle-school deja vu. I believe Limp Bizkit just started playing involutarily in my head. Yup, this is the one.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

I understand you don't want to (or just plain can't) explain the details of this, but the words "pseudo-relationship" set off alarm bells in my head. But without really knowing what you mean, I'll just offer general, non-specific advice.

We have a tendency to romanticize other people in our heads when we're not actually with them. It seems silly that an official title or label on a relationship (whether it be boyfriend/girlfriend or beyond) can actually change the tone, but outside of some exceptions, it actually is mostly true. To put it another way, we're too often on the outside looking in and not realizing that it's not really love, it's...idolatry, really.

Relationships are about knowing someone's flaws and loving them despite them. When people have trouble even describing what they're in as a relationship, then no matter how close it feels, no matter how affectionate it gets, or whether the two people are thinking about each other all the time, how sure all parties are that they will never feel that same way about anyone else...unless it takes that next step, it never reaches that level of actual adult emotions.

I say this from totally first-hand experience. People at that sort of standstill simply can not have the necessary perspective to understand why a pseudo-relationship is distinct from an actual one. It feels the same, it looks the same, and it quacks just like any other duck. But it's ultimately just loving someone that doesn't exist, not really, because it's impossible to know who they really are from that emotional distance.

That said, maybe none of that applies to you, so I'm going off about nothing here. But I do wish you the best of luck, regardless.
I can't get over how much of a prick that guy is. UGH, he's making me so mad. How dare he insult Lissar like that. ARGGGGGHHHHH. SHANRAGE. :<

Plus, I reckon she's really managed to capture everyone's likeness - even though it was just a quick sketch. I really, really like mine.

LOL your response was a bit harsh though, even if justified. I proudly wear mine (for one more day!) because I love it.


Sorry, Hawkian. That's a rough break, you got there. D:

Wasn't he one of the guys who got banned in Girl-GAF a couple months ago? Seemed like a real bright guy. :|

Link me to the thread.

Edit: Never mind, I found it. That dude should have stayed banned. How can anyone not like Lissar? She's completely harmless! D: I really don't get it.


Reluctant Member
Thanks guys! it's okay though. He can complain as much as he wants, I don't mind. :3

Man, I gotta stop falling asleep at this time of night. I want to stay awake!
Man, I gotta stop falling asleep at this time of night. I want to stay awake!

No. You want to sleep...



Reluctant Member
Yep, people are entitled to their opinions, even assholes.

Is Nier really that good? Its fans always kinda seem like they're overselling it.

Probably. It's not really "good" in the traditional sense, but it still hit all the right notes with me.

My boyfriend is having a ton of fun though. Can't wait until he's on the second playthrough (hopefully I won't sleep through half of that.)
I loved Nier, but I think it could have just as easily been a game I hated if I played it in a different context.

SPEAKING OF GAMES, finished Kid Icarus last night and am going through the game again on a harder difficulty now.


I loved Nier, but I think it could have just as easily been a game I hated if I played it in a different context.

SPEAKING OF GAMES, finished Kid Icarus last night and am going through the game again on a harder difficulty now.

I bought Kid Icarus but haven't played past the first 3 chapters. Didn't grab me right away but that's probably because OoT has my full attention :p
I bought Kid Icarus but haven't played past the first 3 chapters. Didn't grab me right away but that's probably because OoT has my full attention :p

OoT's good, too.

This is kind of what I mean when I say how we enjoy games is mostly wrapped in context. I could have a game I'd really enjoy, but if there's something else that I'm playing, I might not get to the other game (or not feel the pull the game wants me to when it wants me to) in the same time. Plus there's stuff like hype around the initial release, backlashes, etc.

Context is like the only thing you can't design a game around, most everything else is manipulatable.


Reluctant Member
It's nearing time for avatar switch, decided to do it a bit early.

:| Lissar is back.

Since my boyfriend likes watching TV, I've seen a few TV shows since coming here (American ones.) I haven't really watched much TV since... I can't even remember. Over a decade ago. It's really distracting how perfectly beautiful and made-up everyone is. It makes it really obvious that this is not in any sort of reality.
It's nearing time for avatar switch, decided to do it a bit early.

:| Lissar is back.

Since my boyfriend likes watching TV, I've seen a few TV shows since coming here (American ones.) I haven't really watched much TV since... I can't even remember. Over a decade ago. It's really distracting how perfectly beautiful and made-up everyone is. It makes it really obvious that this is not in any sort of reality.

You were using a drawn picture of yourself like ten minutes ago. :eek:


The Cryptarch's Bane
Aww poor Hawkian :( It's okay I'm sure you'll bounce back with something real rather than just a pseudo-relationship

I dig your style, man. Can't imagine a better attitude to have.

Coming to grips with the reality of a relationship is a tough thing to do, particularly when you know that facing it will leave the relationship irreversibly altered. It's something I've had to do a couple of times myself, so I can empathize somewhat. I know it's painful and feels horrible but your life will be so much better in the end, particularly with the attitude you are going in with. I wish you the best of luck during this "readjustment."
Sorry, Hawkian. That's a rough break, you got there. D:

Thanks fellas! My main objective was definitely to keep things from getting as bad as they could before having to do this anyway.

Actually I think making a decision which is unpleasant in the short term in favor of being ultimately better off is a good exercise in and of itself!
I understand you don't want to (or just plain can't) explain the details of this, but the words "pseudo-relationship" set off alarm bells in my head. But without really knowing what you mean, I'll just offer general, non-specific advice.

We have a tendency to romanticize other people in our heads when we're not actually with them. It seems silly that an official title or label on a relationship (whether it be boyfriend/girlfriend or beyond) can actually change the tone, but outside of some exceptions, it actually is mostly true. To put it another way, we're too often on the outside looking in and not realizing that it's not really love, it's...idolatry, really.

Relationships are about knowing someone's flaws and loving them despite them. When people have trouble even describing what they're in as a relationship, then no matter how close it feels, no matter how affectionate it gets, or whether the two people are thinking about each other all the time, how sure all parties are that they will never feel that same way about anyone else...unless it takes that next step, it never reaches that level of actual adult emotions.

I say this from totally first-hand experience. People at that sort of standstill simply can not have the necessary perspective to understand why a pseudo-relationship is distinct from an actual one. It feels the same, it looks the same, and it quacks just like any other duck. But it's ultimately just loving someone that doesn't exist, not really, because it's impossible to know who they really are from that emotional distance.

That said, maybe none of that applies to you, so I'm going off about nothing here. But I do wish you the best of luck, regardless.
That really is good advice if not completely relevant to my current situation; I can relate to it nonetheless. And I certainly agree with your assessment about recognizing one's flaws and loving them nonetheless. It's definitely how I feel about her- this is someone I've known a very long time; most of my life, in fact. To an extent I do believe the feelings have been genuinely reciprocated (she claims explicitly that they are), but there are a lot of mitigating factors in her mind that keep it from becoming anything real, maybe ever. I have been, for too long, too many things to her while not being her boyfriend or even a guy she's openly dating... it's just not healthy no matter how satisfying things might have been for me at any given moment.

It's all summarized quite nicely by this quote (Sagan, ironically one of her absolute favorites):
Carl Sagan said:
For me, it is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.

So... no more persisting in delusion for me.

I can't get over how much of a prick that guy is. UGH, he's making me so mad. How dare he insult Lissar like that. ARGGGGGHHHHH. SHANRAGE. :<

Plus, I reckon she's really managed to capture everyone's likeness - even though it was just a quick sketch. I really, really like mine.
Yeah I had quite a bit of hawkrage as well :p Dude really doesn't even know what he's looking at and has to run his mouth.
Stupid text as in you made a bad joke that may not be taken right or stupid text as in you wrote it in anger?

Stupid as in I'm really tired and didn't really think what I said through and ended up being quite inconsiderate. I've always had a bit of a problem with being tactless, but for the most part I'm good now. Tiredness managed to jank that up though.

I mean, it shouldn't be too much of a problem 'cause it's my best friend and this would be a really dumb thing to fall out over or anything, but I just feel pretty shitty about it.


Stupid as in I'm really tired and didn't really think what I said through and ended up being quite inconsiderate.

I mean, it shouldn't be too much of a problem 'cause it's my best friend and this would be a really dumb thing to fall out over or anything, but I just feel pretty shitty about it.

Hey, me too. I know tons of these people! Where do we come from?

It'll blow over. If not just unleash the hornets.


We're all gonna be ok.

But I don't drink D:

And yeah, I know it'll be fine, I just...bleh. Why did I send that text? It was dumb. And I know I shouldn't dwell on it, but it's just one of those things, you know?


I have sent some really, really regrettable messages over the years.

Fortunately, the vast majority have not resulted in any kind of permanent damage. Unfortunately, a few of them have.
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