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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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"Don't worry honey, I won't get mad if you tell me what I can't do"

Striking resemblance to Dave:


Coincidence or conspiracy?????
My wife wont let me shave. I keep telling her I'm going to lose the goatee and she does that woman thing... you know... where she says "Ok, fine" but you KNOW its totally not fine.

My best friend always does that whiny voice all women know how to do when they stretch out a syllable of a word. I always falter to it. :(


Let's not do hats again, please. We should do more drawings of ourselves, but in a different style this time.

I doubt we can find another fool who will draw all our avatars again.
I am sad to say this... but it will be:

Real Pic January
Fake Pic February
RPG Pic March

And if I am really brutally honest.... I also think the RPG story is dead... it has lost it's 'momentum'. If we're lucky it will have one more chapter and then it's gone.


I doubt we can find another fool who will draw all our avatars again.
I am sad to say this... but it will be:

Real Pic January
Fake Pic February
RPG Pic March

And if I am really brutally honest.... I also think the RPG story is dead... it has lost it's 'momentum'. If we're lucky it will have one more chapter and then it's gone.

It was never supposed to be anyway. It was just something silly that I started writing, Hawkian picked up after and kinda went from there. The sad truth is that real life always trumps fantasy.


It was never supposed to be anyway. It was just something silly that I started writing, Hawkian picked up after and kinda went from there. The sad truth is that real life always trumps fantasy.

Very very true.

But to be honest I reeeeaaally hoped reality would trump fantasy a bit later...I wanted to read a bit more of this story.
I doubt we can find another fool who will draw all our avatars again.
I am sad to say this... but it will be:

Real Pic January
Fake Pic February
RPG Pic March

I can't think of what will come next >< Unless we do a different photo thing (silly hats, old pics, doppelgangers, something).


I just deleted and reposted the same Facebook status like 4 times in a row, because there's no edit button. It probably made me look slightly neurotic.


The Cryptarch's Bane

If no one can think of anything for an avatar I'm just going to use an old picture. D: Come on people, we can't lose the thing the ties us together!
Maybe we should all acquire Jester hats, for we are, after all, fools.


and others

RPGRPG Story Chapters 1-3 available to read (complete with dropcaps and all the illustrations I've got so far in-line!).

Site has been expanded considerably but is still under construction. Some stuff might be wonky, but let me know if you run into anything weird. Chrome highly recommended.


Truly sorry it took so long to get this out to the masses. More story forthcoming of course. :)

From a technical perspective, the site got out of control kind of quickly. I don't know why I decided to do it this way, but it's been a ton of fun and I've learned a lot of tricks. Feel free to let your eyes glaze over at this next part, but... I abused the hell out of jQuery and CSS for this thing and it's really remarkable what you can pull off. The "site" is technically one page that you never leave, but all content is loaded and switched in hidden divs (pure javascript) and SSIs are used all over the place to make some feeble attempt at keeping things clean. There's no HTML5, php, or Flash anywhere on the site. Basically once it loads the home page you can access everything immediately like clicking a button in an application rather than clicking a link on a website. I wish more sites were put together this way honestly, though of course it has drawbacks. Kudos to the creator of the idTabs script, it is really good tool.

On a personal note...

I don't much like talking about my personal life on this forum or any forum for that matter, and I certainly can't see myself ever making a thread about what's going on in my life, but I like you lot and it's a little relevant. Today I ended things once and for all with the only girl I'm at all interested in at the moment. We've been essentially in a psuedo-relationship for some six months, and in this six months a number of the craziest things to ever happen to me took place. Really, just some seriously twisted stuff. I've been on this forum for about 4 years now and I swear to you that no threads- no Girl-Age, no "help I can't decide what to do about this girl" rants, no tangential thread-derailing confessions, that I have ever seen can even compete. I really can't get into it without betraying the trust of an alarming number of people close to me, but suffice it to say that this shit would make an incredible story (or handful of them) and in like 2 years if one of you remembers this little aside and mentions it, I'd love to just give you folks some highlights for the lulz.

Anyway, for reasons of clinging to what passes in my mind for sanity, I decided to just call it quits and say we should just be friends. The truth is I'm crazy about her and I really would do just about anything to make something real work out in the end, but she is really just not anywhere close to capable of it right now. And it's certainly no use torturing myself in the meantime.

So I'm feeling pretty melancholy; even an illusionary relationship with her was pretty comforting and it was nice to be able to be honest about how I felt rather than bottling up.

But I'm also sanguine now. I've got a solid opportunity to make something out of these next few months. I believe this should be a summer of self-improvement. Instead of spending a lot of my free time and brainpower on what may or may not happen with a girl, I will focus on my career, my music, fitness, playing some more good games, and little side projects like those in this thread with you fine people.

Thanks very much for serving as my Livejournal tonight RPGaf! Promise it's not likely to happen more than like once a year.

Man... typing all this crap out and feeling like this is giving me quite the middle-school deja vu. I believe Limp Bizkit just started playing involutarily in my head. Yup, this is the one.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.


Reluctant Member
Awww, Hawk. *hug* Well, if you know something just can't work out then it's good to just let go. It's hard, especially if you still love someone, but sometimes it's just the best thing you can do for everyone involved. I hope things work out!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Awww, Hawk. *hug* Well, if you know something just can't work out then it's good to just let go. It's hard, especially if you still love someone, but sometimes it's just the best thing you can do for everyone involved. I hope things work out!
Thanks, wizened scholar. :) It is hard, and I can't in all honestly imagine not loving her no matter what happens... perhaps to my folly. But for now it is the best thing.

You're so compassionate, was it how you were raised? This dude was dissing your art earlier sans provocation and I pretty much had an aneurysm. Almost got myself banned but I figured it'd be better to remain a part of the community :p
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