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Halo 3 is nearly five years old, and I think your memory of the first XBox is overly rosy.

'intense and claustrophobic' sounds like 'on-rails shooter' to me, so I really hope that's not representative of the game. There are lots of games like that already and more in the pipe. I'm very happy to know that the demo is a compressed version of part of a level.

It is, but it looked bad when it first came out. I said that at the time it actually came out, so it is not anything to do with how games look now. It is graphically better than your typical Xbox 1 game, but there were places in that game where it just looked ugly. It wasn't exactly on par with the best looking games at that time.

Well, it could be more influenced by CoD, and I don't know if that is necessarily a good thing, but there was certainly something about it that interested me. And more so than previous Halo games.

And speaking about Ubisoft, one game I am looking forward to is FarCry 3. Again, like halo, I was not particularly interested in the franchise until seeing this new game. I'm not sure yet how good the gameplay will be, but in terms of the characters and story, it seems really quite interesting. The characters are believable. The dialogue and voice acting seems top-notch. They're trying to bring a sense of real insanity and madness to the island and I think they have nailed it.
Well, every controller Nintendo has made the competition has copied. If there is one thing Nintendo know how to do, it is make controllers.

They take some concepts but certainly not everything. Nobody wanted to build on the idea of asymmetric button design (eg, different sizes and positions based on how commonly a button is used) or the analog-to-digital shoulder buttons of the Gamecube controller. And Microsoft, to their credit, did not yoink anything from the Wii Remote or Nunchuk.

It confuses me why people think that it'd be all that awkward to reach the analogs on the Pro Controller. I mean, they're located at the thumb's primary resting position. The dpad and buttons are located in the standard secondary position of the thumb, so they shouldn't be hard to get to, either. I don't know if this positioning is better, but I don't at all see how they're obviously worse.


They take some concepts but certainly not everything. Nobody wanted to build on the idea of asymmetric button design (eg, different sizes and positions based on how commonly a button is used) or the analog-to-digital shoulder buttons of the Gamecube controller. And Microsoft, to their credit, did not yoink anything from the Wii Remote or Nunchuk.

It confuses me why people think that it'd be all that awkward to reach the analogs on the Pro Controller. I mean, they're located at the thumb's primary resting position. The dpad and buttons are located in the standard secondary position of the thumb, so they shouldn't be hard to get to, either. I don't know if this positioning is better, but I don't at all see how they're obviously worse.

Yeah, they haven't copied everything they do but rather the stuff considered to be a major step forward in game control. They invented the dpad and the basic design you associate with a game controller, and of course they were the first to use an analogue thumb stick for 3D games. They also released the 'Rumble Pak' which you find built into pretty much every game controller these days. While Microsoft never designed their own wiimote style controller, they were influenced by Nintendo's concept of motion control.


I expected Assassin's creed 3 to be the highlight of the show, but then I saw Watch Dogs and was blown away. Game of the conference for sure. Possibly the best game at E3 so far (based on first impressions). The game came out of nowhere.

I don't know if it was the quality of the feed, but there were times when it looked almost photorealistic. I was watching it in disbelief. Is it really open-world? Can the PS3 or 360 really run it? Is it next-gen?

Ubisoft's conference is probably the best so far actually. That says a lot about the current state of the 360 when a 3rd party conference beats Microsoft's own conference by a huge mile.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Well, the Assassin's Creed engine (forget what it's called) has been pulling off more and more detailed open world environments for what, 6 years? They probably know exactly what tricks to pull.

That said, I bet it only looks that good on PC. ;)


Well, the Assassin's Creed engine (forget what it's called) has been pulling off more and more detailed open world environments for what, 6 years? They probably know exactly what tricks to pull.

That said, I bet it only looks that good on PC. ;)

They've got to confirm what they were playing it on. Whatever it is regardless, you know I'm getting it on PC. ;)


The Last of Us was brutal. The thing that caused the most impact to me was the fact that it's not really clear who these people are he is killing. Are they definite enemies? Are they just random people simply trying to survive in post-apocalyptic world? It's kind of ambiguous. It's really quite unsettling.
Are laptop batteries easy to replace? I got a notification just now that mentioned that my battery is slowly losing the ability to hold a charge at a good rate.

EDIT: Looked it up, looks easier than I thought.
I've always been a Nintendo fangirl, but I've never felt like they would be saving the industry (IMO, I understand people are happy with what we got).

I feel like no one is catering to me any more.

I just feel bored with this gen, tired of shooters and killing, and my only outlet for new stuff that isn't Nintendo right now basically said "fuck you, here's a logo , ps3 ports and a game (which i'm excited for i guess) that you already knew about since saturday!" . So in short I guess I really need a PC and to focus on indie games and the like.
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