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That's why you must create your own OT thread! News threads...well, they are only as interesting as the actual news item and the controversy that can ensue from them. I wish more random threads would pop up though.


That's why you must create your own OT thread! News threads...well, they are only as interesting as the actual news item and the controversy that can ensue from them. I wish more random threads would pop up though.

Yeah. Maybe I'll make a thread about how uninteresting the threads have been lately. :p



The Nintendo pre-E3 show was pretty underwhelming I would say. It was basically explaining the social connectivity of the console and how you can communicate with other people with the touch controller while playing games or having something else independently showing on the tv. This they called the 'Miiverse'. You can for instance type in a question on the touch controller like how to defeat a specific boss and get answers from other people on the network. I suppose it is kind of interesting, but the social experience isn't exactly far removed from any other that currently exists.

The highlight of the show was Satoru Iwata explaining how they had come to the incredibly imaginative new name for the touch controller:
Wii U Gamepad
. Yes, this needed to be explained.

"Let me tell you how we decided on the name. In the 1980s we began selling a home console known in Japan as the Famicom and in America as the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES. The controllers for previous game platforms typically had a joystick of some sort, but the NES had only a flat surface with the plus control pad. Because of this players began referring to it as a gamepad."

And that my friends is the rather interesting story of how they came to the new name for the touch controller.

I have some rather good ideas for it myself. I think they should have at least considered these ideas:

Wii U Contribulator
Wii U Controlathon
Wii U Gamepadifier


Nah, the best bit was "Miiverse. Clearly this is a word that we have invented"

Also alcohol. Man. That's a weird thing.

Yeah, that was funny too. The fact that he felt he had to explain what seems to be such a generic name was just as funny though. Like no one understands what a gamepad is. :D

Edit: I've just noticed Rawpower has been banned again!
Taken from IRC

<RawPower> Bemoan your circumstances ---> ask for help --> get help --> say the help sucks and don't use it ---> bemoan your circumstances. Let's also mention the continual extreme pathetic attention whoring. GAF is not your therapist, seek pro he
<RawPower> verbatim


it's all about the risky internet browsing curtains

Yeah. I did find it kind of funny how he explained the curtain could be opened to reveal what is behind it for entertainment purposes.

What's behind the curtain?

It's............... a squished dead rabbit by the side of the road. Surprise!

Except he's apparently permabanned. :eek:

Oh, so no more Rawpower. He was not long unbanned as well.


Damn those waggle sticks look hard to reach.

It does seem a little awkward. I have to say though, Nintendo are usually very good at making controllers. I suppose you won't know until you have it in your hands.

The Microsoft conference is next up. I really hope we don't have to sit through a bunch of kinect games and new apps that are usually free on your PC, but behind a pay wall on your 360. I used to have Gold Live, but I found that I don't really play my 360 games online enough to really need it. If I want to play multiplayer games I would much prefer to play it on PC anyway.

I would like to see a whole bunch of good exclusive titles that aren't just crappy kinect party games.


The Cryptarch's Bane
After laughing hysterically at the Wiimote + Nunchuck configuration before holding it, I will never again doubt Nintendo's ability to craft a controller


Last night I went out for a friends bday, and the cake was a giant hamburger! it looked so real too, if was double chocolate which i hate, but what can you do, wasn't my BDay. but for dinner, ughhh we went to a sushi/hibachi place, I got the 'hunger games roll', they're special roll for the month, it's lobster and apple served with small chunks of mango..oh my gawwwd it was so good. who wants to go back with me


After laughing hysterically at the Wiimote + Nunchuck configuration before holding it, I will never again doubt Nintendo's ability to craft a controller

Well, every controller Nintendo has made the competition has copied. If there is one thing Nintendo know how to do, it is make controllers.


Halo 4 looked quite good actually. I'm not a big fan of Halo, so wasn't particularly interested in the game before the press conference. One thing that stood out for me was graphically it looks a lot better than previous Halo games. I know that Bungie isn't developing the game and it shows. In places Halo 3 looked like an Xbox 1 game. Gameplay wise, it seems more intense and claustrophobic.

I think the best game shown at the conference was Tomb Raider though. Before now it just seemed like Uncharted in Tomb Raider clothing, but that demo seemed a little more than that. It felt far more grittier and realistic than Uncharted, and I got a real sense of Lara's gruelling attempts to survive in the game. It felt like Lara was going through hell.

Smart Glass is quite interesting. Its success is entirely dependent on developers making good use of it though. If it is just used as a map or just to give you little hints, then the novelty of it will wear off quite quickly. It does have some potential. It could be the answer to the Wii U Gamepad, but that remains to be seen. Of course the Wii U Gamepad is entirely dependent on developers making the best use of it also.
In places Halo 3 looked like an Xbox 1 game. Gameplay wise, it seems more intense and claustrophobic.

Halo 3 is nearly five years old, and I think your memory of the first XBox is overly rosy.

'intense and claustrophobic' sounds like 'on-rails shooter' to me, so I really hope that's not representative of the game. There are lots of games like that already and more in the pipe. I'm very happy to know that the demo is a compressed version of part of a level.
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