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Reluctant Member
The Princess and the Vita: Part I

One day there was a beautiful princess who lived in a lonely tower. Unlike many princesses in this situation, she did not desire a prince to come rescue her (though a princess would not have been looked down upon. Unless she was standing below the tower window, which would make said looking-down-upon inevitable.) No, it was in fact the latest video game system that was truly her hearts desire. Many said this system was the root of much pain and misery, but the princess did not care about this. She had heard tales from the faraway land of Sonia that this system was the most beautiful, the most brave, and the most totally awesomes.

Unable to obtain the system, she went to visit the local witch Amazon. 'O powerful Amazon,' she declared in the most heart-wrenching of voices. 'You must find a way to bring this system to me or else I fear I might perish of want.' Witch Amazon, knowing she could get quite a sweet deal from this, grinned her sharp grin and howled with a laugh to make the coyotes proud. 'The system from the land of Sonia is it, my dear? I think I could arrange that. Yes, I think I could. But…' she said, leering around the smoke billowing forth from her cauldron, 'It will cost you, dearly.'

The princess was unsure of what to think of this, but knew she had to have that system at all costs. She had seen illustrations of it in Medieval Gaming Monthly and it had sparkled and shown in her vision. 'O yes, powerful Amazon, I will give anything you ask if only I might get my (pale and delicate and not at all grabby) hands on this mythical system.'

The witch hid her smile behind her hands and coughed. 'Well it won't be easy, I can tell you that much. It won't be easy at all.' The princess shook her head. 'Please, just tell me what it is you wish of me?' Stepping slowly out from behind her cauldron, the witch reached into her sleeve and pulled out something flat and square. The princess leaned forward to try and get a glimpse at the front cover. It… no, it couldn't be! Her hand flew to her mouth. 'You… you couldn't possibly mean…' The witch cackled. 'Oh yes my dear, I do! To get your new system you'll have to let me watch you play… SONIC 2006!'

'NOOOOOOOOO!' the princess screamed, fainting in a pile of chiffon and lace.
Hey. Even having no games is better than that, thank you very much.

Sonic 2006 earned $1000 for charity.

This makes it of more worth than Dynasty Warriors Next.

Like Gravity Rush!

Now available on PS Vita for only $34.99/$39.99

And SA, I'm send you a PSN friend request. You best accept it!

I haven't turned on my PS3 in months but I was thinking about finishing Resistance 3 soon.


Reluctant Member

The Princess and the Vita: Part II

The princess sat up, woozy from her faint. She had never been the type to faint before, but the witch had given her quite a shock. It couldn't have been true, surely she wouldn't have suggested…

Glancing at the table just a short distance away from her, the princess saw horrible, terrible truth laid out before her. Looking around the room, she realized she had been trapped. The room had no doors or windows, only a table with a small repast, a television set, and a console. There was no way out, except by… but it was too horrifying to think about! The princess felt she must resist, and yet not only was her system at stake, but her very freedom.

With trembling hands, she picked up the case and opened it. The princess had only heard of its terrors in legends and tales. Never would she have dreamed it would come to this! There was an acrid taste in her mouth as she slipped the game into the console. Two tears spilled down her cheeks, shining and golden as the morning sun, splashing down onto the case in her hand.

The case began to shimmer, to shine. It stretched, and shrank, and blossomed into the most beautiful thing she had ever beheld. The system she had so long dreamed of! It sat in her hands, still glistening wet from her tears. A deep voice sounded in her mind. 'Dear princess, I have waited for you to come rescue me from that horrible witch. She had kept me trapped here, unwilling to let me free. But now you are here, beautiful princess, and we can escape together.'

The princess gasped at the voice. 'But o, how shall we escape? And o, what shall I call you? I cannot simply call you "system"!' The system nodded. Or, she imagined it to nod. Systems do not, as a rule, have heads and necks with which to nod with. 'Very well. You may call me Vita. And as for escaping, as long as you are with me nothing could be simpler! Just lay your hands across my screen and make a wish.'

Nodding, she did as he asked. Closing her eyes shut, she wished as hard as she could, hoping it would take (she wasn't quite sure about this whole wishing thing.) And lo! The Vita turned itself into a sparkling pink unicorn.

The Vita grumbled to itself and sighed. 'I mean, dear girl, to wish us out of here.' The princess gasped in embarrassment, and laid her hand across the unicorn's chest (assuming the chest was roughly the same region as the screen.) Soon the walls around them vanished, and she leapt onto the unicorn's back. 'Take us home, o Vita! Let me come here no more.'

And so the Vita and the princess reached her lonely tower. Now that the Vita was with her, she felt a lot less lonely. They chatted about many things, as he described the lands he had seen. But soon she began to tire of it, and wanted to use the Vita for his primary purpose. 'O Vita, your descriptions of far off lands is quite fascinating, but I do believe I want to play a game now.'

The Vita laughed. 'Of course, of course. Just turn me on and see all the wonderful games I have to offer you.' The princess smiled, holding him firm in her hands as she switched him on and watched the screen light up. Then the screen faded to black, as a strange logo came on the screen. This didn't seem to be right. 'Vita, are you feeling alright? There seems to be something wrong…' The Vita chuckled. 'Oh, nothing is wrong my dear. Nothing at all.'

Her eyes widened in horror as the title screen flickered across the screen. It couldn't… how could it possibly…

'My only game is Sonic 2006! And you will play it, for the rest of your life!'

The Vita laughed, the sound of mourning church bells.



The Princess and the Vita: Part II

I'm thinking the story needs more 3DS. A new game on the 3DS begins to lure her away from the Vita. The Vita is looking all sad, collecting dust, unused. 3D is the new thing in the princess' life. The Vita doesn't have 3D so needs to find another way to spark her interest. It just adds more drama to the story lissar. :p
Wait, aren't you like at least… *looks at photo* …sixteen? How did you work before this?

Or am I mistaken and you're interviewing somebody, like a famous person, as a member of the press?

I'm 20, and managed to get by without having a job >_>

I never really needed all that much money so never saw the point in getting a job before now *shrug*


I understand how you guys feel, I'm turning 20 next month and just started my first job two days ago. Gotta keep trying guys and gals, I went to a bunch of interviews before I got lucky with this one.


I'm happy with my 3DS right now, at least it has games to look forward to. Paper Mario, Animal Crossing(omg yes), and Kingdom Hearts.

Considering a Vita just for P4 Golden though -_-
Yeah if you buy them from PSN they (mostly) work on Vita.

Still not here :(
Most of the games I want are in Japanese>< so I don't know If they'd be on the psn.

I'm studying for an exam in a little study room at uni, and there's two other girls in here who won't stop talking. At first it was study related, and that was fine, but now it's more like "omg, did you see the photo I tagged Jess in at the party last night?". But they were here before me so I don't know If I can rightfully ask them to pipe down. Also I'm super nervous :s



"Don't hit on us you silly boy!"

The guy seems to be looking on with intense fascination. He looks like he is studying the mating rituals of the exotic greater bird of paradise. He probably started making notes after that picture. Notes with detailed illustrations.
Most of the games I want are in Japanese>< so I don't know If they'd be on the psn.

I'm studying for an exam in a little study room at uni, and there's two other girls in here who won't stop talking. At first it was study related, and that was fine, but now it's more like "omg, did you see the photo I tagged Jess in at the party last night?". But they were here before me so I don't know If I can rightfully ask them to pipe down. Also I'm super nervous :s
noise canceling ear buds + post rock.

The guy seems to be looking on with intense fascination. He looks like he is studying the mating rituals the exotic greater bird of paradise. He probably started making notes after that picture. Notes with detailed illustrations.
he has his hands in his pocket for a reason
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