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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Speaking of dreams, I've always wanted to be able to lucid dream >< I was trying to last night, but it didn't work =/ ah...

I've had them for as long as I can remember. How exactly are you trying? I do the "Am I Dreaming?" thing. Basically you pick an item and whenever you see it you ask yourself "Am I Dreaming?" After a while it will become second nature to you, so when you DO see that item when you're dreaming you will instinctively ask yourself if you're dreaming, and once you realize you are, you will be consciously aware of what's going on. The thing is not to pick something you see every day, but only once in a while. I haven't had a ton of success controlling them for too long though, I get to excited and wake myself up most of the time, but I've had some...interesting ones :)

oh, and Oregano is heavenly. i put dat shit on everything


Speaking of dreams, I've always wanted to be able to lucid dream >< I was trying to last night, but it didn't work =/ ah...

I'm actually quite good at lucid dreaming. It doesn't happen every time, but sometimes I will be doing something and it'll catch me. I'll realize something isn't quite right and that there's no way whatever I'm looking at is that way in reality. So I test it. I'll stop everything and try to do things like make a building crumble, or make something appear when it wasn't there. It's sometimes very hard to get that kind of control, but most of then then not, I always begin to fly. I'll concentrate on levitating and end up flying around in my dreams. Sadly, they never last very long.
“And the dreams so rich in color. How else would death call you? Waking in the cold dawn it all turned to ash instantly. Like certain ancient frescoes entombed for centuries suddenly exposed to the day.” Cormac McCarthy, The Road.


I have some really weird dreams sometimes. I find they sound even more fucked up when trying to describe them to people because you tend to forget huge parts of it.

You: I was on this ship and a giant bird grabbed me and started feeding me M&Ms. I stole his hat and jumped onto a roller coaster, but it crashed. I kept trying to run, but I wasn't moving...and...and... water gushed up. I nearly drowned.

Friend: yeah! o_O


The Cryptarch's Bane
Speaking of dreams, I've always wanted to be able to lucid dream >< I was trying to last night, but it didn't work =/ ah...
If I ever find myself with a free, unscheduled month of my life somehow, I am going to be absolutely dedicated to developing the ability to lucid dream. I've been obsessed with it since I discovered the concept was a documented scientific phenomenon.

Full disclosure, I motherfucking loved Inception.
I've had them for as long as I can remember. How exactly are you trying? I do the "Am I Dreaming?" thing. Basically you pick an item and whenever you see it you ask yourself "Am I Dreaming?" After a while it will become second nature to you, so when you DO see that item when you're dreaming you will instinctively ask yourself if you're dreaming, and once you realize you are, you will be consciously aware of what's going on. The thing is not to pick something you see every day, but only once in a while. I haven't had a ton of success controlling them for too long though, I get to excited and wake myself up most of the time, but I've had some...interesting ones :)

oh, and Oregano is heavenly. i put dat shit on everything

This sounds very time consuming. What if I never dream about the item!?

I'm actually quite good at lucid dreaming. It doesn't happen every time, but sometimes I will be doing something and it'll catch me. I'll realize something isn't quite right and that there's no way whatever I'm looking at is that way in reality. So I test it. I'll stop everything and try to do things like make a building crumble, or make something appear when it wasn't there. It's sometimes very hard to get that kind of control, but most of then then not, I always begin to fly. I'll concentrate on levitating and end up flying around in my dreams. Sadly, they never last very long.

Even when things are crazily not right in my dreams I never realise it until at least 10 minutes after I wake up. That said, my dreams are usually pretty cool anyway. My mind seems to have based flying off of swimming, so I can only fly when the wind is blowing, and only 3~ metres off the ground whenever I dream about it.


Y'all really should develop this skill.

I for one use my lucid dreaming powers to watch an edition of the LOTR movies that includes the Scourging of the Shire.

Or to become Batman.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Y'all really should develop this skill.

I for one use my lucid dreaming powers to watch an edition of the LOTR movies that includes the Scourging of the Shire.

Or to become Batman.
The ways in which I am jealous of you continue to grow. :'(

btw, June 30th for SoFla meetup?

I've had them for as long as I can remember. How exactly are you trying? I do the "Am I Dreaming?" thing. Basically you pick an item and whenever you see it you ask yourself "Am I Dreaming?" After a while it will become second nature to you, so when you DO see that item when you're dreaming you will instinctively ask yourself if you're dreaming, and once you realize you are, you will be consciously aware of what's going on. The thing is not to pick something you see every day, but only once in a while. I haven't had a ton of success controlling them for too long though, I get to excited and wake myself up most of the time, but I've had some...interesting ones :)
lol aka a totem

I can't stand you guys, I want to be able to do it SO bad. I have trouble falling asleep at all almost every night, let along dreaming, let alone remembering my dreams vividly, let alone lucid dreaming. Maybe melatonin is the answer. :p


The ways in which I am jealous of you continue to grow. :'(

btw, June 30th for SoFla meetup?

lol aka a totem

I can't stand you guys, I want to be able to do it SO bad. I have trouble falling asleep at all almost every night, let along dreaming, let alone remembering my dreams vividly, let alone lucid dreaming. Maybe melatonin is the answer. :p
Try writing down everything you remember from a dream the second you wake up.

And unfortunately I can't make it June 30th. I'll be in Colombia for a few weeks. :( You guys will just have to party it up in my honor.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Try writing down everything you remember from a dream the second you wake up.

And unfortunately I can't make it June 30th. I'll be in Colombia for a few weeks. :( You guys will just have to party it up in my honor.
The date's not locked down, if you'll be around either before or after.


Even when things are crazily not right in my dreams I never realise it until at least 10 minutes after I wake up. That said, my dreams are usually pretty cool anyway. My mind seems to have based flying off of swimming, so I can only fly when the wind is blowing, and only 3~ metres off the ground whenever I dream about it.

I do that also. I think a lot of people do that. When I try to fly in a dream I seem to float so far and then gradually drop to the ground.

I don't think it is because your mind has based it off swimming, it is because your mind understands gravity. It can't get over the concept of gravity. Probably why you can only fly when it is windy.
Sometimes I purposely sleep in because I like Dream World better than this one.

...Was that too personal?

&#8220;Such a man is like a dreamer who wakes from a dream of grief to a greater sorrow yet. All that he loves is now become a torment to him. The pin has been pulled from the axis of the universe. Whatever one takes one's eye from threatens to flee away. Such a man is lost to us. He moves and speaks. But he is himself less than the merest shadow among all that he beholds. There is no picture of him possible. The smallest mark upon the page exaggerates his presence.&#8221;
&#8213; Cormac McCarthy, The Crossing

That describes me to a T.
I suppose it would be interesting meeting Evilore if he did come to the London meetup.

:O Are you having one?!

I doubt he'll come to the Melbourne gaf meet up :( Which reminds me, I'm going to melbourne next week!! They have real winter down there, but I guess that's the price you pay for great food/ culture.


:O Are you having one?!

I doubt he'll come to the Melbourne gaf meet up :( Which reminds me, I'm going to melbourne next week!! They have real winter down there, but I guess that's the price you pay for great food/ culture.

Maybe. Evilore is going to Europe in a couple of weeks. It would certainly be interesting seeing him though.

I wouldn't mind meeting people from Real GAF either.


:O Are you having one?!

I doubt he'll come to the Melbourne gaf meet up :( Which reminds me, I'm going to melbourne next week!! They have real winter down there, but I guess that's the price you pay for great food/ culture.

You say they have winter like it's a bad thing D:

No winter where I live and I miss it :(
One thing I do long for is autumn leaves. They look so pretty and red... I wanna jump into a pile of them and crunch them with my feet.


Considering how she sees our summers as cold, I wouldn't like to think. Shan doesn't take her jumper off for anything under 30°C.

22°C is just about warm enough fro her to take her Arctic clothing off. :p

lol, even by standards here I'm incredibly wussy when it comes to the weather.


lol, even by standards here I'm incredibly wussy when it comes to the weather.

Actually 10°C can be fairly cold, I'll give you that. If you lived there I imagine you would get used to it though. I don't like winter either to be honest, it is just something I have to put up with. It's nice when it snows though.


Actually 10°C can be fairly cold, I'll give you that. If you lived there I imagine you would get used to it though. I don't like winter either to be honest, it is just something I have to put up with. It's nice when it snows though.

You have santa's hat on. Isn't it like a rule to like winter? ;)



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