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I find that the older men get, the more they talk about a bunch of shit no one cares about. I've found my dad continuing talking about his stuff long after I leave the room and eventually come back some time later.

Yeah. He wasn't that bad to be fair. It's perfectly fine if he has a normal two-way conversation with me. The problem with my uncle is he tends to move the conversation to subjects of a political nature in which he has very strong opinions. It becomes more like a rant than a conversation about what is wrong with the world. Because his opinions are strong he will fiercely contest any differing opinion to the point where you just don't bother anymore, you just agree with him.

So you've got this guy ranting, getting louder and louder and more animated, and it is completely a one-way conversation. Not only that, I've heard it all before. You've got this guy who is like 2ft away practically shouting at you and not stopping once to take a break. And all you can really do is nod and not say anything. It becomes mentally tiring after a bit.

He wasn't like that today though.


Amen, dude. Looking back, it may end up as the darkest month of my adult life. It's nice to be coming on the outside of it, but it's very sobering to realize the lows you've hit and the turmoils you've been through.

Onward and upwards.

At the end of the day, if you're able to survive it then it becomes another story to tell when you're in good company. Keep on walking man.
Yeah. He wasn't that bad to be fair. It's perfectly fine if he has a normal two-way conversation with me. The problem with my uncle is he tends to move the conversation to subjects of a political nature in which he has very strong opinions. It becomes more like a rant than a conversation about what is wrong with the world. Because his opinions are strong he will fiercely contest any differing opinion to the point where you just don't bother anymore, you just agree with him.

So you've got this guy ranting, getting louder and louder and more animated, and it is completely a one-way conversation. Not only that, I've heard it all before. You've got this guy who is like 2ft away practically shouting at you and not stopping once to take a break. And all you can really do is nod and not say anything. It becomes mentally tiring after a bit.

He wasn't like that today though.
lol, oh man that sounds awful. My grandmother is a bit like that. Always passionately talking without realizing that other people aren't interested. She's a vegan, Quaker, socialist, feminist. Wearing high heals? Oh shan, I can't believe you've caved into the societal pressures of American footbinding. Glass or wine/ cup of coffee in presence? Long speech about when she gave up smoking and coffee at the same time and got sick, followed by an exclamation that all alcohol should come in identical plain bottles with the words 'alcohol is poison ' on them. Discussion about gay marriage? Don't say 'gay marriage ' shan, that's oppressive towards women because gay is between two men. Uses 'gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual and intersex marriage ' everytime she says it, which was about once a sentence because of the topic. Still though, we have great political discussions, and shes very clever. I just cant live with her for more than a day at a time.


Yeah. He wasn't that bad to be fair. It's perfectly fine if he has a normal two-way conversation with me. The problem with my uncle is he tends to move the conversation to subjects of a political nature in which he has very strong opinions. It becomes more like a rant than a conversation about what is wrong with the world. Because his opinions are strong he will fiercely contest any differing opinion to the point where you just don't bother anymore, you just agree with him.

So you've got this guy ranting, getting louder and louder and more animated, and it is completely a one-way conversation. Not only that, I've heard it all before. You've got this guy who is like 2ft away practically shouting at you and not stopping once to take a break. And all you can really do is nod and not say anything. It becomes mentally tiring after a bit.

He wasn't like that today though.

That sounds like me. Damn. Hmm.


lol, oh man that sounds awful. My grandmother is a bit like that. Always passionately talking without realizing that other people aren't interested. She's a vegan, Quaker, socialist, feminist. Wearing high heals? Oh shan, I can't believe you've caved into the societal pressures of American footbinding. Glass or wine/ cup of coffee in presence? Long speech about when she gave up smoking and coffee at the same time and got sick, followed by an exclamation that all alcohol should come in identical plain bottles with the words 'alcohol is poison ' on them. Discussion about gay marriage? Don't say 'gay marriage ' shan, that's oppressive towards women because gay is between two men. Uses 'gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual and intersex marriage ' everytime she says it, which was about once a sentence because of the topic. Still though, we have great political discussions, and shes very clever. I just cant live with her for more than a day at a time.


Yeah. I think I would go mad if I had to live with him shan. You can't really question his views, that's part of the problem. If you dare to disagree with him he will spend an hour explaining to you why you are wrong, and doesn't let you get a word in edgeways (lol). It becomes just noise to me after a bit. I've switched off completely from it. Occasionally though he will say something that requires me to respond. I don't know if I should say yes, no, or what. I tend to just say something like, "I'm not sure". lol

He is a nice guy though, just when he goes on one of his rants it can be unbearable sometimes. :/


hmm.. Interesting. I wonder if I will become like your uncle Leadbelly, or your grandmother Shanshan. I suppose I am slightly different, in that, I'm challenging the older generation, instead of the other way round.

We were at Cornwall, for the annual family holiday, a couple of weeks ago, and someone brought up evolution, and how it was all crap. And I got a bit animated and went on to pose the argument for evolution as best as I can.

And there was that moment, as you described it, where I thought, hey ashes, you do realise none of this is making sense to them, they have stopped arguing, because, they are fed up, bored, just tired. And you're feeling annoyed. So I resigned the floor as it were, and went to read... or something can't remember.

But often enough, it's happened that someone's stepped in and said, hush Ashes. We're having dinner, we're not at the debate club. And I snapped saying that they shouldn't say something as stupid as saying that women who want to drive in Saudi Arabia ought not to drive for their own good, or risk losing their virginity etc etc.

I feel old. But I guess, I'll keep in mind, the other person, next time something like that happens. Peace is better than arguing/debating I think.


hmm.. Interesting. I wonder if I will become like your uncle Leadbelly, or your grandmother Shanshan. I suppose I am slightly different, in that, I'm challenging the older generation, instead of the other way round.

Well, unless you want to mentally drain everyone you come into contact with, I would suggest making a conscious effort not to become like my uncle. lol

Shan's grandmother sounds quite funny actually. I think I would find it amusing listening to her say 'gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual and intersex marriage ' every other sentence in full. :D


Well, unless you want to mentally drain everyone you come into contact with, I would suggest making a conscious effort not to become like my uncle. lol

Shan's grandmother sounds quite funny actually. I think I would find it amusing listening to her say 'gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual and intersex marriage' every other sentence in full. :D


:( I miss my grandmother. She past away two years ago but it doesn't feel like it.


Sorry to hear that.

I never knew my grandmother or my grandfather on my mother's side. They both passed away before I was born.

Sorry to hear that. She was the last one of the main 4 (direct Grand parents, both grandads died before I was born), she was my Grandma on my mother's side. You would had liked her. Most people liked her.

Shan's grandmother sounds quite funny actually. I think I would find it amusing listening to her say 'gay, lesbian, bisexual, transexual and intersex marriage ' every other sentence in full. :D

She's quite an amazing woman. I just wish she'd eat a steak or something, she's like 30 kgs :s
My dad's been doing the "suddenly conversation is about politics" thing for about seven years, to the point where I've made it clear that it makes me uncomfortable.

The odd thing is that I don't disagree with the basic gist of what he's trying to say -- he's all about preventing the government from impinging on peoples' freedoms, and I'm rather about that, too. But I get really unnerved when he relies on data with turns out to be blatantly false, or when he only seems to get angry when one particular political party tries to take away a particular freedom but just seems to ignore whenever the another particular political party tries to take away a particular freedom. Or when he blames one particular party that he doesn't like for actions that were done by the particular political party that he does like. It just seems like madness to me.

On the plus side, my thumbnail has now fully grown in from last month's power tool incident. I have five nights to flatten 50 pipe ends and drill 170 holes in those and in ends that have been already flattened. I've clocked myself as able to flatten 45 ends and drill 45 holes in a night, so I should be able to make the deadline pretty easily. Nice thing is that the end-flattening is the most exhausting part, especially in the recent heatwave, so once that's aside I might find myself dramatically faster with the rest of the work.

Still need to figure out the best way to construct a crude rope ladder to help people climb one of my trees.


Joint problems run in my family and my left leg still hurts from the jogging I did yesterday. Dammit, body! I am trying to improve you! Stop hurting me!

The pain is where the leg connects to the rest of the body so basically moving the leg at all hurts :<
Joint problems run in my family and my left leg still hurts from the jogging I did yesterday. Dammit, body! I am trying to improve you! Stop hurting me!

The pain is where the leg connects to the rest of the body so basically moving the leg at all hurts :<

Dam... I have to get checked for arthritis because my mother has (RA) Rumatory Arthritis.
Most people in my family have some sort of arthritis. I get pain when I run and all. Also when it rains I'm in some sort of pain.


Joint problems run in my family and my left leg still hurts from the jogging I did yesterday. Dammit, body! I am trying to improve you! Stop hurting me!

The pain is where the leg connects to the rest of the body so basically moving the leg at all hurts :<
I know that feel, I have shitty knees :(


My dad's been doing the "suddenly conversation is about politics" thing for about seven years, to the point where I've made it clear that it makes me uncomfortable.

The odd thing is that I don't disagree with the basic gist of what he's trying to say -- he's all about preventing the government from impinging on peoples' freedoms, and I'm rather about that, too. But I get really unnerved when he relies on data with turns out to be blatantly false, or when he only seems to get angry when one particular political party tries to take away a particular freedom but just seems to ignore whenever the another particular political party tries to take away a particular freedom. Or when he blames one particular party that he doesn't like for actions that were done by the particular political party that he does like. It just seems like madness to me.

Yeah. He sounds similar to my uncle actually. He will argue things sometimes that are without basis, and are just conjecture. When I point this out to him he will put forward some often flimsy evidence as fact and will state that proves his case. There's no point arguing with him half the time though.
Congrats man. You'll blow them away in round 2 as well. =)

As far as finding a place to live without the job being landed.... cart before the horse?
Well, it's more the fact that if I don't find somewhere to live before Saturday, I'm going to be moving back home. Which is a good 300 miles away from the job. It's not too bad, 'cause I can always stay at my grandmother's house 'cause she's only a city over, but still.

Also there's no internet there.

Fucken awesome man, did the nerves help you do better or did you get over them before you went in?
Well today was the technical interview, which had a test for the first hour, then for the next hour and a half a couple of guys came in and asked me about my CV and went through the test. So at the beginning of the test I was like "OH MAN THIS IS GONNA BE HORRIBLE", and parts of it were 'cause I don't know ASP or anything, but the after that it was fine, 'cause if I didn't get something they'd sort of guide me through it and ask me questions about it so that they could see that I did actually know stuff and would be able to do it.
The interview tomorrow should be alright as well, since now it's just convincing them that I would be able to fit in and I have a good personality and stuff. So here's hoping.

Hell yes dude. Hope you kill it!


Oh I also found out that at this job they often do things like paintballing and going to Alton Towers. Fuck yes.

I'll offer the golden nugget wisdom of retail work: pretend that you are working.

Yeah, just look annoyed

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Oh man. Just got to skype with my 9 week old little nephew. He's entering the stage where he is starting to just make ridiculous faces.


I get to see him in two weeks!
I was behind at work so I worked so hard that I ran out of things to do :/

You could always try to find other things to do that would be a visual benefit to the workplace. Surely there must be things that can be done to make the environment happier for everybody who works there. Forex, I manage a candy tin here for people to drop and take noms whenever they need extra energy to research the heck out of our digital brains.

The upside is that everybody will super like you. The secret upside is less boredom. The super secret upside is that you benefit from whatever improvements you bring into existance.

'cause if I didn't get something they'd sort of guide me through it and ask me questions about it so that they could see that I did actually know stuff and would be able to do it.

It sounds like they have a correct grip on hiring practices. They're really doing it right, trying to figure out if you have good acumen and flexibility in skill instead of rote memorization of things you've been taught before.

Oh I also found out that at this job they often do things like paintballing and going to Alton Towers. Fuck yes.

None of my jobs ever went to Alton Towers. Now I feel ripped off. :(

Also, guys, I'm super-done flattening pipe ends and half done drilling holes. Now I just need to make sure the other 120 holes are the right distances from the corresponding holes on the other ends of the same pipes. I think this part is going to go well. The only thing that can dash my plans is if it rains on partyday, which right now appears to be 50/50 odds. The pipes are rust-resistant, but I would need to paint them to make them really rust-proof. Or I'd have to get a tarp for a rainfly, but I'm pretty over budget as it is with this thing! D:


Just realized all the work I did today was what I was doing a week ago before I had to drop it for something else. I'VE ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING.
I know it's stupid as fuck, but these two might be my favourite comic creations. They're just so fucking dumb that it's just fucking hilarious and I'm not sure why. And 3:40 might be my favourite interview question ever.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hey guys, since you're all so understanding and mature and this is our little corner of the internets, I'm just gonna yell into the abyss real quick, please disregard.


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