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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Dave, we have all come to know you over the past few months and really we all care about you. It's such horrible news and I really can't imagine what you're going through. We're all here to listen if you ever need to vent.


Some of you know and some don't but I've been living apart from my wife and 4 year old daughter for about a month while we transition from Arizona to the DC metro area. Unfortunate circumstances have put me back in AZ for the last couple of days. I don't really know why I'm telling anyone here this other than its an outlet to express myself almost anonymously and allows me to get a few things off my chest.

My wife called me at 7:30 in the morning on Thursday and said that my four year old daughter had come in to her room in the middle of the night and was saying she couldn't breathe. Her lips were blue and she was unable to take any breath in. My wife said she collapsed as if she had given up. She hooked her up to our nebulizer since we have children with asthma and proceeded to head to the hospital. She called me panicked from the emergency room and gave me the information that she knew at the time when almost all of the sudden they said they would have to medivac my daughter to phoenix because they had never seen anything like what they saw when they xray'd my daughters chest.

It was four hours until I was able to talk to my wife again and when I did, the news was worse. My daughter couldn't breathe because a tumor had grown in her chest cavity so large that it was causing her airway to close from 15mm where it should be, to 3mm. The cause of the tumor is t-cell ALL leukemia. My happy little four year is daughter has cancer.

Before I flew in, they had already begun chemotherapy and its a challenge with the tumor keeping her upright so the weight of it doesn't continue to block her airway and constrict her heart.

So needless to say, the past few days have been horrendous for me. And the next few years of my life have just changed dramatically. The prognosis is positive and the doctors are confident about recovery and a cure, but its going to be a long road.

Aye, let's be honest here: we're beyond that already, if I see you in a pub, then I know that's Dave, off, neogaf, and I owe him a drink, it'd be a real shitty thing to blank you then. New age, new way of communicating. I hope your daughter, your wife and you pull through this shitty situation. As the others have said, here if you need to talk.


Thanks everyone for the kind words. She's making progress. She had her second dose of chemotherapy last night and on a positive note, she hasn't needed oxygen forced into her for almost 24 hours now. We aren't in the clear yet as far as the mass goes but the doctors say that she is doing very well to the treatments. They believe she might be able to be moved out of icu as early as tomorrow.


Thanks everyone for the kind words. She's making progress. She had her second dose of chemotherapy last night and on a positive note, she hasn't needed oxygen forced into her for almost 24 hours now. We aren't in the clear yet as far as the mass goes but the doctors say that she is doing very well to the treatments. They believe she might be able to be moved out of icu as early as tomorrow.

She's alive, that's the main thing. At least she is getting treatment now and reacting positively to it.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Holy crap, Dave. I'm so sorry. You know you're a lion around these parts, I don't think any of us would second-guess you wanting to share with us or think twice about doing the same with you. My heart goes out to your daughter and all our hopes for the best possible outcome are with you of course. I'm glad she seems to be responding to the chemo and hasn't needed oxygen for a full day; I'm sure they impressed in your how much worse the other possible prognoses could have been. I'll be keeping the three of you in my today, let me know if there's anything I could possibly do to help you through this awful turn of events.


So who is up for a game of LoL later on?

I've went through the tutorial and have a better idea of what I am doing. Doesn't mean I am necessarily any better at what I am doing, but nevertheless I know sort of what I am meant to be doing.

I also got my mumble working.


Confirmed Asshole
My neighbour's flat (in the same house) just burned down. Smells like ass in here now, and there's a fine layer of smut everywhere. Noone was harmed. But they shut the water down because some pipe broke or something. No water for me!


My neighbour's flat (in the same house) just burned down. Smells like ass in here now, and there's a fine layer of smut everywhere. Noone was harmed. But they shut the water down because some pipe broke or something. No water for me!

Fucking hell. What did you think at first? "shit it's getting hot in here!"

Burning my dinner smells bad enough. It must absolutely stink in there.


Confirmed Asshole
Woah Dave, just read your story. I hope everything goes well and your daughter gets healthy again. That is some scary stuff indeed. Stay strong!

And I'm whining about a bit of smut, haha.

Fucking hell. What did you think at first? "shit it's getting hot in here!"
I didn't smell anything, then I heard some beeping, then I heard more beeping, then my other neighbour ringed at the door, told me shit's burning down, so I unplugged my MacBook and got the fuck out.

Burning my dinner smells bad enough. It must absolutely stink in there.

Yeah, it smells like a cold oven, basically. If you've ever smelt that.


I didn't smell anything, then I heard some beeping, then I heard more beeping, then my other neighbour ringed at the door, told me shit's burning down, so I unplugged my MacBook and got the fuck out.


Yeah. Only the computer counts in that situation. You can live with having most of your personal possessions burnt to a crisp, but not your computer.

The first thing I would be thinking in that situation is, "I can't leave my computer here, how will I be able to get on GAF?".

Nah, just kidding.


Confirmed Asshole

Yeah. Only the computer counts in that situation. You can live with having most of your personal possessions burnt to a crisp, but not your computer.

The first thing I would be thinking in that situation is, "I can't leave my computer here, how will I be able to get on GAF?".

Nah, just kidding.

Computer, mobile phone, wallet. That's all I'd take with me if it ever came down to "you just lost your home, reroll lol".

And grabbing the MacBook takes like 3 seconds. If I'm honest though, these 3 seconds could be the difference between life and well done wolf steak, so maybe not the smartest thing to do ever, but fuck it, I'll take my chances.


Computer, mobile phone, wallet. That's all I'd take with me if it ever came down to "you just lost your home, reroll lol".

And grabbing the MacBook takes like 3 seconds. If I'm honest though, these 3 seconds could be the difference between life and well done wolf steak, so maybe not the smartest thing to do ever, but fuck it, I'll take my chances.

Yeah, probably the same for me. Although, I would really want to take my gaming computer as well, which I imagine would be quite difficult with my phone, laptop and wallet in my hand. lol


Confirmed Asshole
Action shot:


Flames-out-the-window action was on the backside, didn't want to go there just to impress the internet while the firemen were busy doing what they do.

Edit: I live on the top floor, right side if you look at the house front. So I didn't have the fire directly under me, which is good, haha.


Reluctant Member
I would probably grab my cat and run. Wouldn't have arm space for anything else. Art files are backed up on Dropbox, which would be the most important things on my computer.


Confirmed Asshole
I would probably grab my cat and run. Wouldn't have arm space for anything else.

Yeah, don't want to get animals trapped in a fire, of course. And you can't really trust in them making the right decisions either. So you gotta grab that cat.

My parents would somehow have to get a crow, a dog, two cats and a rabbit out. If the fire spread, add two donkeys, six ducks and eight chickens and a rooster. Good luck with that!


Reluctant Member
*taking notes*

Yeah, don't want to get animals trapped in a fire, of course. And you can't really trust in them making the right decisions either. So you gotta grab that cat.

My parents would somehow have to get a crow, a dog, two cats and a rabbit out. If the fire spread, add two donkeys, six ducks and eight chickens and a rooster. Good luck with that!

Oh no, that would be a lot of animals. :O

But yeah, the life of my cat is worth far more than anything else I have in this room. I'd want to make sure she got out with me.


I'm late with this but I'm sorry for your situation Dave, but like others said your daughter is alive and the treatment sounds like is going well. She'll definitely be cured, keep on being positive Dave.


Computer (cost me a lot of money to build and I can' afford to replace it)
Kindle (not that important but small and can keep me entertained when I have nothing else)
3DS (I can probably only save one console and between DS and 3DS games it's the most valuable one)
I wish my computer was light/portable enough to easily save in a fire :p

Offsite backup. Many companies offer this, and if you and/or a friend are handy with computers, and have some old PCs kicking around you can set it up yourself (rsync is magical).

My dad and I have 300+ GB each backed up at the other's place. It's all encrypted so we can't read each other's stuff. Encrypted image on a sparse bundle from the Mac, rsync sends the diffs to a Linux box at the other end.

Computer (cost me a lot of money to build and I can' afford to replace it)
Kindle (not that important but small and can keep me entertained when I have nothing else)
3DS (I can probably only save one console and between DS and 3DS games it's the most valuable one)

Tenant insurance is cheap.

As much as it breaks my heart to lose some of my guitars, I'd let everything burn so long as my partner and I got out safely. Grab my phone and some pants (in that order, probably).


Not pure anymore!
I'd take my bag, the laptop and my cats in one trip, wouldn't have to pick the cats up because they'd be trying to run out the door before me!
TV in the second trip.
PS3 and important documents (very organised so it wouldn't take long to just grab some folders) in the third.

Everything else is replaceable


Now that I think on it, I'd rather have a nice laptop than a desktop. Most of the PC games I play are pretty easy to run (L4D2, TF2, PSO2) or are indie games which can usually run on almost anything.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Now that I think on it, I'd rather have a nice laptop than a desktop. Most of the PC games I play are pretty easy to run (L4D2, TF2, PSO2) or are indie games which can usually run on almost anything.
Felt that way, got a laptop, got incredibly frustrated toward the end of its lifespan not being able to play new releases, got a monster desktop, never looked back


Thanks everyone for the kind words. She's making progress. She had her second dose of chemotherapy last night and on a positive note, she hasn't needed oxygen forced into her for almost 24 hours now. We aren't in the clear yet as far as the mass goes but the doctors say that she is doing very well to the treatments. They believe she might be able to be moved out of icu as early as tomorrow.

I'm late on the news Dave but you know that I am here the same as you have been for me. You also have my number so feel free to call.


I'm really sorry about lol today lead ;.; I was going to play with you guys but I had no internet connection all day AAAARRGGGHH.

I was thinking it was yesterday, but then I remembered you are 10 hours ahead. probably was today for you. I don't think it mattered anyway. I posted asking others if they wanted to play, but no one responded. I'm not sure how many were on at that time really.
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