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another skyrim/witcher/lotr -copy.
haven't you had enough?
there's a reason you never finished #1.

hey, i like you, gaming-wise. let's not change that.

then go drool over devolutions distasteful avatar like in the other thread.

You're making a wonderful first impression.


Are you getting Guild Wars 2, or have you already?

I haven't already, but I've contemplated it. I'm on the fence because MMOs just dont suit me anymore. I get burnt out on them fairly quickly these days because the formula is always the same. I never did play the first Guild Wars, so I'm not sure I even really have a pull for the second, but the game has always intrigued me.

Edit: So far this steam sale, I've purchased Bioshock 1 & 2, Witcher 2 and LA Noir. All for about $31 so far and I've got $30 left in my steam wallet to last me the rest of the sale. I'm not sure if I'm going to make it. =P


I'm pretty set on buying it for the beta on the 20th, so I'll let you know. I just ask because it seems to have interesting enough combat that may suit your RPG lust.

I've only bought Guardian of Light, Trine 2 and was gifted Toy Soldiers. So $7.48 after 3 days ain't bad!


Reluctant Member
Co-op is fun, but do NOT play with a controller. It is pretty much impossible.

Also, get the $7.50 version with all the DLC.
another skyrim/witcher/lotr -copy.
haven't you had enough?
there's a reason you never finished #1.

hey, i like you, gaming-wise. let's not change that.

then go drool over devolutions distasteful avatar like in the other thread.



Its like GabeN has access to my mind. So many RPGs being offered in the flash sales. I think I'm going to stay away from the Arcania/Gothic bundle though.
Anybody feeling just a teensy weensy bit miffed about the Steam Sales so far?

Maybe the sales are just as great as they've always been and I've run out of things I want to buy, but so far I've made it through 4 days with just Trine 2 and DLC for Frozen Synapse and Dead Island. The indie bundles look quite good, but I have all but 1 of the games in the four indie bundles from impulse buying all the various bundles, so I can't even buy those :(

Also, I see they ripped off GOG's game voting idea. Not cool!


Anybody feeling just a teensy weensy bit miffed about the Steam Sales so far?

Maybe the sales are just as great as they've always been and I've run out of things I want to buy, but so far I've made it through 4 days with just Trine 2 and DLC for Frozen Synapse and Dead Island. The indie bundles look quite good, but I have all but 1 of the games in the four indie bundles from impulse buying all the various bundles, so I can't even buy those :(

Also, I see they ripped off GOG's game voting idea. Not cool!

I'm not sure the sales are any better or worse than they have always been. You always get a lot of the same games on sale that were also in previous sales. If you've bought a lot of those games then it becomes less interesting to you. There will always be something though that is newer, you just have to be patient.

Obviously publishers/developers are more than happy to put older games back on sale because they get a sudden huge boost in sales. It's just about waiting for something you've not seen before to come on sale. There is only so many games put up for sale each day.

Prince of Persia (modern version). A game I was never really that interested in, but it is currently going for £2.49. I tend to buy a lot of these kind of games in the sales. I just think, "well, it is only a couple of quid". Not sure if I will ever play it. :D


12Gb install takes forever over a measly 5Mb line =(

Oh, and best thing about Tinychat in the early evening? Uninterrupted naked time.

wait.... what?
Anybody feeling just a teensy weensy bit miffed about the Steam Sales so far?

Maybe the sales are just as great as they've always been and I've run out of things I want to buy, but so far I've made it through 4 days with just Trine 2 and DLC for Frozen Synapse and Dead Island. The indie bundles look quite good, but I have all but 1 of the games in the four indie bundles from impulse buying all the various bundles, so I can't even buy those :(

Also, I see they ripped off GOG's game voting idea. Not cool!

What about Ys? I see no mention of Ys!

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