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I've never been banned since my admission to gaf in 2007. Seems odd since I sometimes say some offensive things

Me neither. Got a 'heads-up' once though... I think it was actually EviLore... he said it might be wise if I'd tone it down in a religious debate considering I was a junior

And we know what happens if they get banned so I did tone down :p


Oh my god, there is nothing to do at work today. The last e-mail I got was at 7:30 in the morning and that's like half an hour before I even come in for work. I have no speakers or headphones so I have to sit here in utter ennui. Sucks that today of all days I forget to bring my ipod charger. :|


I've got an idea that is festering into an uncontrollable storm of additional ideas about an order of Magi, set in present day, that have protected the realm of man for eons, yet no one knows of their existence.

You're going to rip-off Assassin's Creed, aren't you? :p


Actually no. Hadn't thought about that connection though. I'm not quite that deep, I'm a mere hobbyist with writing.

I was just joking. I just got a bit of an Assassin's Creed vibe from it. I think it is mainly because of playing the first two back-to-back. Too much Assassin's Creed absorbed into my brain. :/

I was thinking about writing a sad but inspirational story about a worm that gets chopped in half by a lawn mower and becomes two worms. You know how being separated from a loved one feels like a part of you has been ripped away? Well a part of him has literally been ripped away and flung across the garden.

It is a story about two worms that used to be one worm. Their struggles, their adventures, their desires to make it in life. There will be a heart-warming scene towards the end where they eventually meet back up, entirely by accident.


Reluctant Member
That's a fairly common trope in fantasy, certainly Assassin's Creed isn't the only one. :eek: The important part is making it unique and well written within that framework.


That's a fairly common trope in fantasy, certainly Assassin's Creed isn't the only one. :eek: The important part is making it unique and well written within that framework.

What do you think about my worm story lissar?

It is factually inaccurate but it is playing on a common myth. The myth being, if you chop a worm in half it becomes two worms.


Don't quit your day job.

I look after dismembered worms and nurse them back to health. This story is for them lissar. ;.;

You don't joke around serious bibliophiles and story lovers!

The joke actually was Dave is going to rip-off Assassin's Creed, not that it wasn't a common trope in fantasy. :p

And the reason for mentioning Assassin's Creed is because I've played an awful lot of it recently and was speaking about the story to Dave.
I'm going to write a love story between an american female drama writer and a russian cosmonaut, taking place somewhere in the 1950-60s (whenever the ruskies were out in space).

How about that? :D
I've actually been working on a story myself. It's about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus."


I had a good idea about a story to write yesterday, but I forgot.

I've actually been working on a story myself. It's about a futuristic amusement park where dinosaurs are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques. I call it "Billy and the Cloneasaurus."

Oh, you have got to be kidding sir! First you think of an idea that has already been done. Then you give it a title that nobody could possibly like. Didn't you think this through?


Dinosaurs had feathers, deal with it. Also Pluto ain't a planet.

You nostalgia tokers are almost as bad as fundamentalists.

There, done. ^_^


Dinosaurs had feathers, deal with it. Also Pluto ain't a planet.

You nostalgia tokers are almost as bad as fundamentalists.

There, done. ^_^

I intend to go to the next Neo-GAF Dinosaurs-had-feathers meet-up and blow the whole meeting up. Infidels.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I'm watching my boyfriends band at a practice session and they just played the song of storms. May have just had a nerdgasm o_O


the 'secret discovery' fan fare is my text notification too, you'd be surprised by who recognizes it sometimes lol But my lock screen and home screen are both portal 2 wallpapers.. Mega Man 2 stage select is my alarm clock notification, yea, my phone is all nerded out

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Yep that's pretty nerdy haha. I've got Apocalyptica as my ringtone and my wallpaper alternates between my bf and cats. I'm just a closet nerd for now


So I'm in a foreign city with a few friends and one of them decides to wander by himself drunk. We can't find the guy and is just waiting for him after all the bars are closed. Why would this idiot wander by himself in a city he isn't familiar with? Damnit!


So I'm in a foreign city with a few friends and one of them decides to wander by himself drunk. We can't find the guy and is just waiting for him after all the bars are closed. Why would this idiot wander by himself in a city he isn't familiar with? Damnit!

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the drunk part of it had a lot to do with it.


Tramadol, WTF?!?

I'm in Cambodia now, and I told a doctor I was having some neck pains after wrenching it a few days ago. He prescribed me this stuff. I guess it goes by Ultram in the USA.

I was sipping on a whiskey and took one. 20 minutes later, and I am stumbling like I downed a liter of vodka. It's like I took 2-3 vicodins. Or maybe I'm just not used to pain-killers, not having taken them in so long. But I used to combine alcohol and vicodin or codeine, and I don't ever remember feeling this fucked.

Strangely, I can still type. Somehow it's more of a mental numbness than a physical numbness, although the latter is still there. I can't even explain. This drug is cool.


Not pure anymore!
I used to take Tramadol when I broke my ankle and knee. Hated it with passion! Makes you really sleepy and drowsy, destroys your appetite and makes you feel sick and nauseous. I hear it can be highly addictive too but it was't for me.

Also, alcohol + medication = bad combo!


I was walking down Broadway here in Vancouver last night. Dudes pull up in a car and yell "GO TO HELL, WHITE BOY" and peel off.

Tramadol, WTF?!?

I'm in Cambodia now, and I told a doctor I was having some neck pains after wrenching it a few days ago. He prescribed me this stuff. I guess it goes by Ultram in the USA.

I was sipping on a whiskey and took one. 20 minutes later, and I am stumbling like I downed a liter of vodka. It's like I took 2-3 vicodins. Or maybe I'm just not used to pain-killers, not having taken them in so long. But I used to combine alcohol and vicodin or codeine, and I don't ever remember feeling this fucked.

Strangely, I can still type. Somehow it's more of a mental numbness than a physical numbness, although the latter is still there. I can't even explain. This drug is cool.
Haha, I like how you're used to mixing alcohol and medication :p
Yeah, there is a reason doctors advise you not mixing the two.
Oh oh oh dream time!

Dreamt I was on a big space ship, very happy and pleasant, like in Wall-E. Then it crashed (or suffered some sort of calamity), and everyone was directed by an AI akin to the one in Portal. I don't remember much, except rushing water, broken escalators, platforming puzzles, and bananas.

I release this idea for a video game to the public domain.
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