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Last time I had a girl over she said she wanted to watch me play Team Fortress 2 and then Professor Beef killed me and she left :<


I played the 360 version. My PC couldn't run it, my "new" laptop can, and since it's F2P I've put a little time into it. I really should play it more, but I kinda suck :[


So I'm sitting here on my moms laptop, upstairs the girl im seeing is laying in my bed. she tried to get all sexy on me earlier but i rejected and she's upset...tomorrow morning might be a little awkward lol :[

Did you have a good reason to reject her? You better have!


I have/had my reasons! But I don't really feel comfortable telling the whole world!, yea lol But I did make up for it this morning!

ps. I eat way too many carrots, at least 4.5 pounds a week, my hands have turned yellowish lol I they're so delicious, I need to find a new snack to munch on and can't think of any :(
I have/had my reasons! But I don't really feel comfortable telling the whole world!, yea lol But I did make up for it this morning!

ps. I eat way too many carrots, at least 4.5 pounds a week, my hands have turned yellowish lol I they're so delicious, I need to find a new snack to munch on and can't think of any :(

No such thing as too many carrots. Best vegetable.

Unless we're talking cooked in which case parsnips probably take it.


No such thing as too many carrots. Best vegetable.

Unless we're talking cooked in which case parsnips probably take it.

I know, especially dipped in this:


but my hands are yellow! :(

I also just tried the 85% cacao lindt chocolate bar, it kinda sucks. it's really chalky and desinitgrated into my mouth, I will stick to my Valrhona bar


with no added sugar and made with a mix of sunflower/olive oil, so it's not only delicious, cheap (2 bucks), it's also the healthiest store bought hummus I've found. it's actually a little too good, I went through it in 3 days :( I only buy 1 tub per week


Hey RawPower, I just want to say this to you:

You're a great guy. Seriously, you are. You have a great heart. I can tell from reading your posts on here and on facebook that you are someone I would gladly associate with.

But your facebook posts are, at times, the most depressing things I read all day. No joke. I read some depressing stuff on a regular basis, and some of your facebook posts top that shit.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be yourself, but maybe mix it up a little. Throw in something happy for a change. Just a suggestion. Feel free to tell me to fuck off.


Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Hey RawPower, I just want to say this to you:

You're a great guy. Seriously, you are. You have a great heart. I can tell from reading your posts on here and on facebook that you are someone I would gladly associate with.

But your facebook posts are, at times, the most depressing things I read all day. No joke. I read some depressing stuff on a regular basis, and some of your facebook posts top that shit.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be yourself, but maybe mix it up a little. Throw in something happy for a change. Just a suggestion. Feel free to tell me to fuck off.

This too.


Happy birthday to everyone you are now in the official hitman lottery one of you will be chosen for a international contract in your next birthday if you survive the attack you will then have a double special birthday also called badass birthday. You can thank me later :)


So the long time regulars here will remember the fun we had with RPG RPG way back when, where Lissar drew the characters, I fleshed out their bios and Hawkian wrote their story... I've decided to make that the center point for my NANOWRIMO entry this year. I've begun my outline of characters and scenes today in hopes of having something concrete and ready to being writing when November comes around.

A couple of major differences however, I'm not going to be using Gaf nicknames because it comes off as silly, but there will be nods to that effect that will let the person the character is based after know, without a doubt, who I'm writing about and its not going to be set in a fantasy environment. I've got an idea that is festering into an uncontrollable storm of additional ideas about an order of Magi, set in present day, that have protected the realm of man for eons, yet no one knows of their existence.

Its going to be fun this year, hopefully I can "win" NANOWRIMO instead of always quitting halfway through because I lose interest in my story.
That sounds like a good way of not quitting on the first day of Nanowrimo.
I've entered it like three times now, and always give up after half a page.

It'll be different this time around though!


That sounds like a good way of not quitting on the first day of Nanowrimo.
I've entered it like three times now, and always give up after half a page.

It'll be different this time around though!

Yeah, outlining will not only pull new ideas for scenes out of your head, but also almost completely flesh out (if you do it right) your story so you're not just trying to come up with anything fresh out of the gates.

I've been using a free novel organization software called yWriter that is a little daunting at first, but once you start figuring it out, it organizes chapters and scenes for you quite nicely.
Yeah, outlining will not only pull new ideas for scenes out of your head, but also almost completely flesh out (if you do it right) your story so you're not just trying to come up with anything fresh out of the gates.

I've been using a free novel organization software called yWriter that is a little daunting at first, but once you start figuring it out, it organizes chapters and scenes for you quite nicely.

That program looks pretty good, gave it a go and I think I'll use it for other stuff as well.
So I had a...chat with my boss and my friend today, which ended with my friend getting fucked out of a potential £1000 because I'm a dicking retard.

Which is a fucking amazing feeling.


I wanna play burnout paradise so bad but when I try to I get an error (PS3 disc version), it's some error code with a lot of numbers. Neither EA/Criterion helped, I don't want to buy it again because 1. I already paid for it once and 2. I don't know if I'll get the error with a different copy. I don't want to download it either, I like discs! :(


I've never been banned since my admission to gaf in 2007. Seems odd since I sometimes say some offensive things

Registered in 09, I got juniored in like '11. Up to the point of when I was juniored, I never cared about making threads, then after it happened all of a sudden all of these thread ideas but I can't make them anymore. It's weird.
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