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: Thank you for joining me. I am your host...
: Hey guys it's that reporter who's always getting nosebleeds on the air.
: I'm coming to you live from Lake Stankshorts where...
: where are the nosebleeds? you promised me nosebleeds.
: wait for it...
: This intoxicating stench is as repugnant as it is...




bah ha ha ha ha ha I just saw this and it about killed me
I might have to rotate
Yes I know it's a long quote from three pages back, it's my moment in the stinky sun dammit

That depends, was it taken in Oregon? (looks like it) If so, totes jealous!

Yessar, Trillium Lake!
I haven't been in TC at all so I can't speak to his racism or otherwise, but ultimately my issue is that he's someone who seems to really enjoy making other people feel uncomfortable. That was my impression before RP and his behaviour since has done nothing to disabuse me of the notion.


I haven't been in TC at all so I can't speak to his racism or otherwise, but ultimately my issue is that he's someone who seems to really enjoy making other people feel uncomfortable. That was my impression before RP and his behaviour since has done nothing to disabuse me of the notion.

I hope you realize, every post you make now sounds Scottish to me because of your avatar.


Reluctant Member
I believe it. Most of the people that called me "filthy Jew" throughout my life weren't truly antisemitic. Some were actually Jews themselves, believe it or not.

Of course there are people who hate their OWN race (not that I think that would be the majority, mind.)

I don't know, it's hard for me to comprehend the personality of anyone who likes to insult people. Racist comments or not. I mean even in friendly banter between friends, people usually know where the line is and why you shouldn't cross it.

Ars Technica review of the cat game. (Where I got the link for it in the first place.) It's a bit sad to see comments from people who just didn't get it D: It was lots of fun for a short round. Wouldn't mind playing it again every so often.
I hope you realize, every post you make now sounds Scottish to me because of your avatar.

Aye ye ken, jest es loong as ets Connery and nowt soom wee bairn.

Of course there are people who hate their OWN race (not that I think that would be the majority, mind.)

I don't know, it's hard for me to comprehend the personality of anyone who likes to insult people. Racist comments or not. I mean even in friendly banter between friends, people usually know where the line is and why you shouldn't cross it.

Low self-esteem is usually the easiest answer, but then again some people are just arseholes.


Rolling Girl
Of course there are people who hate their OWN race (not that I think that would be the majority, mind.)

I don't know, it's hard for me to comprehend the personality of anyone who likes to insult people. Racist comments or not. I mean even in friendly banter between friends, people usually know where the line is and why you shouldn't cross it.
I generally react badly to racist comments since I grew up not being exposed to racism for the most part. x: I usually get deep sinking feeling in my chest whenever I encounter something of that nature.

Ars Technica review of the cat game. (Where I got the link for it in the first place.) It's a bit sad to see comments from people who just didn't get it D: It was lots of fun for a short round. Wouldn't mind playing it again every so often.

I'll get the most mice next time! O:


I have low self-esteem, but I am very much a proud Jew. It's not that I don't find it insulting. I just don't like giving these bullies what they want from me: a reaction.


I generally react badly to racist comments since I grew up not being exposed to racism for the most part. x: I usually get deep sinking feeling in my chest whenever I encounter something of that nature.

True. I've had to deal with it my entire life.

All that said, I personally drew the line when someone drew swastikas all over my backpack when I was in 5th grade. I was, to put it lightly, not pleased.


Reluctant Member
I'll get the most mice next time! O:

This time we'll wait until everyone is in the room before playing.

Also, I didn't even know about leaving mice at the door until I saw you do it! I thought you were supposed to eat them ;.;

Lol well yeah drinking will accentuate certain personality traits in anyone.

When I drink I become silly. What does this say about me?

When I drink, I make inappropriate innuendos and make bad passes at women.

And that's different from normal, how...?
When I drink, I make inappropriate innuendos and make bad passes at women.

I tell everyone they are pretty and they are my best friends.

I'm way too honest a drunk, too. Like, not in a bad way. I'm never like "I've always hated you!"


David Comes to Life is such a good album

Also that Cat MMO was weird. I couldn't figure it out :C

Also when I get drunk I don't know what happens. Noone does.

It might happen at some point.
What is it about alcohol that possesses people to act like complete morons?

Actually quite a bit of it, especially within the first couple of drinks, comes from the subconscious, collective acceptance in our culture that drunk people say and do stupid shit. People tend to lose control way sooner than they technically should (myself included).
What is it about alcohol that possesses people to act like complete morons anyway?

It lowers your inhibitions.

Fuck, it's terrible when I have feelings for someone and get drunk with them. Some part of my head goes "Now is a good time to tell them!" and drunk ShockingAlberto goes "THAT IS A GREAT IDEA THANK YOU ALCOHOL"


This may shock some of you, but I tend to shed clothing when I drink.

I remember a friend had a pool party and I got hammered entirely too quickly. Everyone was outside around the pool and I came running out of the house stark naked and jumped into the pool, then proceeded to chase everyone around inside the pool. When everyone got out of the water, I started acting like I was a shark... but I was upside down, swimming on my back... making the dorsal fin out of my...........

I'm only mildly ashamed.
They don't call it "liquid courage" for nuthin'.

This is a terrible term

If you're nervous about something, alcohol doesn't make it easier

It just makes it so, when you do decide to do it, it's awful

Or you pass out drinking before you reach the point of building up the courage (I speak from experience on this one.)


What is it about alcohol that possesses people to act like complete morons anyway?
Well considering you're shutting down your frontal lobe, most people just become animals who want to eat, drink, and fuck. Alcohol makes us more primitive it seems so we get louder and more obnoxious!


Reluctant Member
It lowers your inhibitions.

Fuck, it's terrible when I have feelings for someone and get drunk with them. Some part of my head goes "Now is a good time to tell them!" and drunk ShockingAlberto goes "THAT IS A GREAT IDEA THANK YOU ALCOHOL"

I have had this happen. A few times.

Not me announcing my love for someone, mind, but someone else telling me their feelings in a drunk state.

It's pretty much the worst time to do it and hope to be taken seriously.

I'm only mildly ashamed.

That you're feeling any shame at all is the only part that surprises me! :D


This is a terrible term

If you're nervous about something, alcohol doesn't make it easier

It just makes it so, when you do decide to do it, it's awful

Or you pass out drinking before you reach the point of building up the courage (I speak from experience on this one.)

I wouldn't know. I've never drank before.


I prefer achieving my intoxicants from a more... medicinal variety. I've never acted a fool while under its sweet influence. I'm much more relaxed and less obnoxious.
Late last year someone I had feelings for, who has a douche boyfriend, told me that she loved me when she was drunk. It was the 2nd time she'd done it and I decided to brush it off like I did the first time, then she grabbed me and whispered in my ear that she loved me and had missed me so much since we stopped seeing each other regularly. So I thought about it for a couple of days then said to her "hey, you know I actually have feelings for you I've been ignoring for a while because you have a boyfriend, right?"

And she replied "oops, things are finally working with my douche of a boyfriend so I think I'll just stick with that" then stopped speaking to me.


Late last year someone I had feelings for, who has a douche boyfriend, told me that she loved me when she was drunk. It was the 2nd time she'd done it and I decided to brush it off like I did the first time, then she grabbed me and whispered in my ear that she loved me and had missed me so much since we stopped seeing each other regularly. So I thought about it for a couple of days then said to her "hey, you know I actually have feelings for you I've been ignoring for a while because you have a boyfriend, right?"

And she replied "oops, things are finally working with my douche of a boyfriend so I think I'll just stick with that" then stopped speaking to me.


There was a domestic dispute call into the authorities that night, wasn't there?


Reluctant Member
Late last year someone I had feelings for, who has a douche boyfriend, told me that she loved me when she was drunk. It was the 2nd time she'd done it and I decided to brush it off like I did the first time, then she grabbed me and whispered in my ear that she loved me and had missed me so much since we stopped seeing each other regularly. So I thought about it for a couple of days then said to her "hey, you know I actually have feelings for you I've been ignoring for a while because you have a boyfriend, right?"

And she replied "oops, things are finally working with my douche of a boyfriend so I think I'll just stick with that" then stopped speaking to me.

Well that's :/

Sounds to me like she wanted the idea of romance but was actually too afraid to get out of her relationship.
This may shock some of you, but I tend to shed clothing when I drink.

I remember a friend had a pool party and I got hammered entirely too quickly. Everyone was outside around the pool and I came running out of the house stark naked and jumped into the pool, then proceeded to chase everyone around inside the pool. When everyone got out of the water, I started acting like I was a shark... but I was upside down, swimming on my back... making the dorsal fin out of my...........

I'm only mildly ashamed.

I totally wish that alcohol had bravado-enhancing or at least personality-altering effects on me. I just get woozier and occasionally less able to express my sentences effectively. That's why my profile pics have me doing lots of questionable things -- because I force myself while sober to be far more outgoing than I really am.

There was a domestic dispute call into the authorities that night, wasn't there?

Nah, but the weeks following it are a bit of a blur to put it mildly. It's fucked because I had successfully compartmentalised my feelings for her. We have lots of mutual friends, so I'd built a bridge and was contented with where things were. We were close, and our friendship made me feel good in an utterly platonic way. Then she did that and completely destroyed the wall I'd put up around my feelings for her, and then to add insult to injury stopped speaking to me altogether.

Well that's :/

Sounds to me like she wanted the idea of romance but was actually too afraid to get out of her relationship.

It's fun being someone's emotional crutch when they're in a trainwreck of a relationship, at least until you try to get something out of it for yourself.
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