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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I am not a doctor, but I was studying biomedical engineering at one point in my life. Did they ever tell you what was on those tests? I'm assuming the cilia and other ear structures were intact?

The nerve behind the cochlea collapsed and is dead.


The vestibulocochlear nerve just up and died? No head trauma or anything applying pressure to it?

Their best guess was that a virus came in, did its damage and left. They chocked it up to a condition called Sudden and Total Sensinoral Hearing Loss, which is doctor speak for "I dunno".

There was no pressure, no pain, no injury, nothing leading up to the event.


This is totally me:

Well this is totally me


(I changed my avatar, yay!)

edit: I may have used this as my first RP-GAF pic, but without the added fakeness. It's from this New Year's Eve party. As is the custom in Long Island, NY, you must do one life-threatening act upon the transition of the year. I decided on fire.
I sent in an application for a job today so I accomplished something. There are 2 more openings at the same company. Should I space out my applications or send them all in one go?
Yes, my hearing aid has bluetooth capabilities. Its really not as cool as it sounds because you still have to have an external mic for it to be two way or a transmitter on your TV (or build in) for it to pair. I dont have anything connected to mine, but I could if I spent the money for the accessories.

Ah okay, my friend has a transmitter in her TV and an iPhone so she uses the BT connection constantly.
The Pseudo-Wife cooked up some tacos for dinner... Oh god they were good. Also, evening RP Gaf.

My pseudo-wife is called "the stove". She's incredibly hot and never disappoints me with the tastiest meals, but I do have to turn her on and give her a lot of attention.



This happens in TC

Me: I really like this song!

*everyone yawns*

*plays Pump Up the Volume and everyone dances*

That was me last night. We had that classic rock vibe going for a bit, and someone asked for Neil Young. So I linked to Southern Man. Responses:

"Damn, this song is sad"
"Well this is a downer"
"When I asked for Neil Young, I meant like Cowgirl in the Sand... Cinammon Girl... Harvest Moon... you feel me?"
Alberto: "I'm going to put on something more upbeat, if that's alright with you guys."

But I suggested that Pink Floyd song which most people liked, so I went 1 for 2.
4 o'clock hump (I don't want to hear it, Dave)... I'm dyin' here. -_-

Well this is totally me


(I changed my avatar, yay!)

edit: I may have used this as my first RP-GAF pic, but without the added fakeness. It's from this New Year's Eve party. As is the custom in Long Island, NY, you must do one life-threatening act upon the transition of the year. I decided on fire.

A someone who appreciates fire.... *thumbs up*
A someone who appreciates fire.... *thumbs up*

...oh, crap, just realized that I forgot to draw on clothing. I swear, people, I wasn't breathing fire in the buff!

I would only do that if paid. And, frankly, after much personal time with a razor. I've heard bad stories about hair and fire. I'm lucky that the only burning everclear that hit me was on my knuckles, and I could just brush that off.
We're making history!

Aye, between this and the Disability-Age thread my time on the community board has increased by approximately 1000%

Not that I've been tempted to enter any of the other threads here, which is ultimately the reason community can never be as big as OT imho. But I'm glad this thread was handled in this way...I was a bit annoyed that there wasn't an announcement (that I saw anyway), and that it was moved right at the last minute, but ultimately, looking back, I'm pleased our crimson benefactors handled it the way they did.


Reluctant Member
Well, bed time for me. Later.


Aye, between this and the Disability-Age thread my time on the community board has increased by approximately 1000%

Not that I've been tempted to enter any of the other threads here, which is ultimately the reason community can never be as big as OT imho. But I'm glad this thread was handled in this way...I was a bit annoyed that there wasn't an announcement (that I saw anyway), and that it was moved right at the last minute, but ultimately, looking back, I'm pleased our crimson benefactors handled it the way they did.

I already had Girl-GAF over here, and there are a few of the old OTs that I read (if not post.) Like Skyrim and Xenoblade.
...oh, crap, just realized that I forgot to draw on clothing. I swear, people, I wasn't breathing fire in the buff!

I would only do that if paid. And, frankly, after much personal time with a razor. I've heard bad stories about hair and fire. I'm lucky that the only burning everclear that hit me was on my knuckles, and I could just brush that off.

No clothes...! So vulgar!

RealPic GAF

Don't bother us between 4-6

Seriously. Ah, well. Back to the excel files... ;_;


Reluctant Member
Rush. I know that I know their songs, but I've never been very good at connecting songs with bands (unless I really like them, and even then it is difficult for me.) My dad used to listen to them all the time though (among other things.)


I like Rush a lot and that pic is sweet. First album is still my favorite. I've always loved Finding My Way and Working Man. I used to have a ritual of playing Working Man as I was pulling into work and then listening to Finding My Way as I was getting back home each day.


Reluctant Member
I haven't been able to get up the energy to continue playing ME2.

I suppooooose I could play something else, but I feel bad when I start up a game and then abandon it.
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