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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Yeah, it usually starts to get hopping around 8PM my time (PST)

I'm going to have to wait until Friday for the next time I go on though. I've got a lot of work I need to catch up on.

The question is, are you going to keep to that or go "I'll just check it out for a few minutes" and then be on the rest of the night?
:brofist, I had no idea we had a couple other card carriers here!

If I didn't have it, I think I would probably be dead. Not sarcasm.

The general hours are like 10EST to 6AM

I think I'll be broadcasting from starbucks tonight! Caffeine induced chatting is something I haven't tried yet.

Yeah, it usually starts to get hopping around 8PM my time (PST)

I'm going to have to wait until Friday for the next time I go on though. I've got a lot of work I need to catch up on.

It won't be the same without our favorite :| face :(
The general hours are like 10EST to 6AM
I think I really prefer IRC; more people chatting at better hours for me (I am an hour ahead of EST), and I can still follow the text chat if I look away for a minute.

Audio chat appeals to me, since I can really look away and work on things, but nobody seems to use it for that.
I think I really prefer IRC; more people chatting at better hours for me (I am an hour ahead of EST), and I can still follow the text chat if I look away for a minute.

Audio chat appeals to me, since I can really look away and work on things, but nobody seems to use it for that.

Usually it's only me and KC but talking stop once music starts.


I think I really prefer IRC; more people chatting at better hours for me (I am an hour ahead of EST), and I can still follow the text chat if I look away for a minute.

Audio chat appeals to me, since I can really look away and work on things, but nobody seems to use it for that.

Everytime I'm there, everyone's staring at each other's webcam, yet still typing to one another while SA spins the music


Reluctant Member
I checked and found that there isn't a thread on gaming side for ChatChat. How can this be!?

I thought about making one, but I'm too lazy for that.


I checked and found that there isn't a thread on gaming side for ChatChat. How can this be!?

I thought about making one, but I'm too lazy for that.
I don't know what is a bigger travesty. The lack of GAF recognition for that game or your lack of dedication to get the word out. =P


Reluctant Member
Thread title got edited :O

Totally understandable edit though. I didn't think there would be people on GAF who didn't know who Terry Cavanagh was. But I guess there probably are a few.
I knew that would come up =).

Let me clarify. I'm 100% deaf in my left ear. I'm 75% deaf in my right ear. I wear this...

[IM G]http://i.imgur.com/jCNSZ.jpg[/IMG]

... a hearing aid in my right ear to conduct business as someone with hearing.

Were you born deaf or did it get that way over time?


Do you have one of those funky Blutooth hearing aids, Dave?

Yes, my hearing aid has bluetooth capabilities. Its really not as cool as it sounds because you still have to have an external mic for it to be two way or a transmitter on your TV (or build in) for it to pair. I dont have anything connected to mine, but I could if I spent the money for the accessories.

Were you born deaf or did it get that way over time?

I lost my hearing at 23 years old. Woke up one morning and it was gone. No doctor has ever been able to tell me why no matter how many tests they run.

Can you read lips or ever try? I think that would be an awesome life skill, deaf or not.

I can to a degree. Its a skill that you constantly develop, but I've gotten decent at it. Its amazing what the word vacuum looks like. (hint: It looks like FU)


Reluctant Member
I lost my hearing at 23 years old. Woke up one morning and it was gone. No doctor has ever been able to tell me why no matter how many tests they run.

That sounds really scary :< Sometimes I worry about something like that happening to me. Especially after one time when I got sick where my ears got so plugged up I couldn't hear out of one and with the other it was difficult. Having a situation like that be permanent, and especially so suddenly, is just terrifying.
I can to a degree. Its a skill that you constantly develop, but I've gotten decent at it. Its amazing what the word vacuum looks like. (hint: It looks like FU)

Haha. Must be confusing if your wife tells you that she's going to clean.

Dave's wife: I'm going to vacuum later.

Dave: *takes off clothes* Why wait?


That sounds really scary :< Sometimes I worry about something like that happening to me. Especially after one time when I got sick where my ears got so plugged up I couldn't hear out of one and with the other it was difficult. Having a situation like that be permanent, and especially so suddenly, is just terrifying.

It was scary for a while and its still frustrating to this day. I'm an overall confident person, but you'd be surprised how self conscious you get when you've grown tired of asking people to repeat themselves, or asking someone to turn the TV up, or other simple things like that.

When it happened though, the most scary part was the fact that I had lost all equilibrium for 2 weeks. I couldn't even stand because I was unable to feel myself falling over. It was the strangest thing standing up, seeing the ground come towards you and your body not able to react to do anything about it. Thankfully that subsided, but that was horrifying moreso than the hearing loss.

The Dr. that I saw at the time had the beside manner of a fence post. After the MRI had come back and he basically had told me that there was no reason for it to go and he had no idea if my right ear would follow suit, I felt rather distraught. He looks at me in my eye socket and says "Well, at least you're not blind"
I can to a degree. Its a skill that you constantly develop, but I've gotten decent at it. Its amazing what the word vacuum looks like. (hint: It looks like FU)

I now have my stock insult word for the next year.

"You know, this neighborhood would be better if we didn't have so many of ... those people, ya know?"


"Sorry, what was that?"

"Oh, I was just remembering that I forgot to do something at home. Excuse me, I have to go."


I lost my hearing at 23 years old. Woke up one morning and it was gone. No doctor has ever been able to tell me why no matter how many tests they run.

I am not a doctor, but I was studying biomedical engineering at one point in my life. Did they ever tell you what was on those tests? I'm assuming the cilia and other ear structures were intact?
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