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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Reluctant Member
Does anybody else default to Something Awful every time someone abbreviates ShockingAlberto

No, because I don't go there, and have never liked them :D I always forget they exist.

Maybe we'll get someone around here with the initials GAF, then it would be really confusing.


Oh, and let me weigh in on the old topic of girl gamers/dating/etc. I've been married to a woman for 10 years who thinks video games are nothing but a child's hobby, has little to no interest and occasionally will watch me play if its a good story.

This may be one of those 'grass is always greener' scenarios, but do you know how much I would love to have her be as wildly interested in them as I am? To share the same excitement I have when a new game is coming out. To hear "OMG, when is the release date?!?" instead of "Is that $60 too?"

Haters gonna hate. Geek girls are hot.
I never understood the obsession for girls gamers mostly because I don't feel it's a common ground we need to share. I've always enjoyed video games as my own hobby and I actually prefer if I didn't have to share it with a partner. I'm sure it would be nice but I much rather explore other interests with a girl. It keeps things from being dull and when I'm exhausted I can retire to my games without being bothered.

In past relationships, I've had girls tried to get into the games I played and I was appreciative that they were trying to understand my hobby more so than them physically playing next to me.


I never understood the obsession for girls gamers mostly because I don't feel it's a common ground we need to share. I've always enjoyed video games as my own hobby and I actually prefer if I didn't have to share it with a partner. I'm sure it would be nice but I much rather explore other interests with a girl. It keeps things from being dull and when I'm exhausted I can retire to my games without being bothered.

In past relationships, I've had girls tried to get into the games I played and I was appreciative that they were trying to understand my hobby more so than them physically playing next to me.

lol. Dont get married or have children then.


I never understood the obsession for girls gamers mostly because I don't feel it's a common ground we need to share. I've always enjoyed video games as my own hobby and I actually prefer if I didn't have to share it with a partner. I'm sure it would be nice but I much rather explore other interests with a girl. It keeps things from being dull and when I'm exhausted I can retire to my games without being bothered.

In past relationships, I've had girls tried to get into the games I was playing and I was appreciative that they were trying to understand my hobby more so than them physically playing next to me.

I see your point, but it is nice to have a girl who understands. My wife doesn't play console games (except little big planet) but she gets why I like them. So if I want to buy the new Zelda she says: Cool, go for it...instead of... thats another 40 euro you damn manchild!
Surely you dumped the bodies already. Any leftover brains in the fridge might be suspicious should the plumber get hungry

It's actually the multitude of wine/beer bottles stacked in the kitchen that I'm worried about. ;P Since moving in a few months ago I found out that they don't have a recycling bin and I've been dithering on what to do with all the bottle/cans from my boozy life. They all currently make a very pretty mosaic of colored glass/metal on my floor.

Wow... guilty until proven innocent huh? Aside from a few misplaced comments, I've always been nice to you. =|

no, I'm not actually upset, but I play one on TV

^_- I mean that in my favorite perverted uncle kind of way.

You're the perverted uncle I've always wanted.

Every time I read the word "protagonist" in my readings I think of HP. It's kind of annoying actually.

Exactly what I was thinking. And ha! about my name. I'm already in your brain.
I never understood the obsession for girls gamers mostly because I don't feel it's a common ground we need to share. I've always enjoyed video games as my own hobby and I actually prefer if I didn't have to share it with a partner. I'm sure it would be nice but I much rather explore other interests with a girl. It keeps things from being dull and when I'm exhausted I can retire to my games without being bothered.

In past relationships, I've had girls tried to get into the games I played and I was appreciative that they were trying to understand my hobby more so than them physically playing next to me.

This is pretty much how I feel. It used to really bother me that my wife didn't play video games, but it's a good thing to have your own hobbies. It's healthy.

I see your point, but it is nice to have a girl who understands. My wife doesn't play console games (except little big planet) but she gets why I like them. So if I want to buy the new Zelda she says: Cool, go for it...instead of... thats another 40 euro you damn manchild!

Yeah, my wife is much the same way. I would hate it if she treated it like an absurd child's hobby. She gets it, she doesn't mind when I prattle on about them and she usually knows what I'm talking about, she just doesn't care about them.

edit: and to her credit, there are a FEW games she will play every once in awhile, like Starcraft II and UMvC3, and she does a little casual gaming on her iPad. Though everyone here knows that isn't quite the same thing... ;p


My problem with trying to be romantically involved with girls who are geeks is that, in my experience, every single one has a fucking boyfriend! That automatically erases romantic intent, I'm not getting caught up in any cheating. I've met a few too who are coocoo bananas before but that had less to do with them being geeks and more to do with them being women ;P

Morning RPGaf! Gotta shower and fill my cup with coffee before class, how is everyone! :)
See, I think of "geek girl' and "gamer girl" as two entirely different things. My wife isn't a gamer, but she's definitely a geek. There are plenty of geeky interests we share that don't have anything to do with vidya games.


Reluctant Member
I never understood the obsession for girls gamers mostly because I don't feel it's a common ground we need to share. I've always enjoyed video games as my own hobby and I actually prefer if I didn't have to share it with a partner. I'm sure it would be nice but I much rather explore other interests with a girl. It keeps things from being dull and when I'm exhausted I can retire to my games without being bothered.

In past relationships, I've had girls tried to get into the games I played and I was appreciative that they were trying to understand my hobby more so than them physically playing next to me.

I don't get why there is an obsession for wanting them, but I don't get why there is excessive hate for dating them either. To me, it's just like books or movies. You would never see someone say, "A girl who reads? Fuck no, reading is my time. Why would I want to share that?"

But then, I'm into book culture as much as I am into gaming culture, so the difference is probably more noticeable to me.
All this talk of peoples wives is making me feel weird and young.

RP project: get hitched by Sunday
You can do it!

edit: really though, I get what you're saying, and I am very grateful to be part of the first generation during which it was okay to be a geek, the first generation to be exposed to the internet, etc. Because it has grown up as I have grown up.
It's actually the multitude of wine/beer bottles stacked in the kitchen that I'm worried about. ;P Since moving in a few months ago I found out that they don't have a recycling bin and I've been dithering on what to do with all the bottle/cans from my boozy life. They all currently make a very pretty mosaic of colored glass/metal on my floor.

My local supermarket (two blocks away) has machines for recycling. Throw in cans, glass and plastic bottles and it gives you money. Maybe you should look for something similar near you.


RP project: get hitched by Sunday
You can do it!

If this was your primary goal, and you didn't care how, you could do it quite easily, provided you had some money.



Heck, some families would pay you!
Only a few states do this, alas. It should really be everywhere. We have them here in Oregon.

H Pro and I are both in LA so I'd imagine there's something near her.

If this was your primary goal, and you didn't care how, you could do it quite easily, provided you had some money.



Heck, some families would pay [I]you[/I]![/QUOTE]

I could go to the Philippines, walk into a bar and yell "LADIES, I AM AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!" and probably find a wife.


Reluctant Member
Only a few states do this, alas. It should really be everywhere. We have them here in Oregon.

Another +1 for Oregon!


Easy recycling
No sales tax
Don't have to pump your own gas (I know a lot of people seem to see this as a negative, but since we don't actually have to pay more than places that make you pump your own gas, it really isn't.)
Another +1 for Oregon!


Easy recycling
No sales tax
Don't have to pump your own gas (I know a lot of people seem to see this as a negative, but since we don't actually have to pay more than places that make you pump your own gas, it really isn't.)

People are way nicer here than almost anywhere else in the country
People don't drive like assholes
Urban f'in Boundary
Mountains AND beaches of every variety

A cab driver told me last week that once you've lived here for four years, you are done. You cannot move away without tremendous incentives to do so, and even then it would give you pause. In my experience, he's right. My wife and I tried it a few years ago. We were back here in about six months.


See, I think of "geek girl' and "gamer girl" as two entirely different things. My wife isn't a gamer, but she's definitely a geek. There are plenty of geeky interests we share that don't have anything to do with vidya games.

I don't get why there is an obsession for wanting them, but I don't get why there is excessive hate for dating them either. To me, it's just like books or movies. You would never see someone say, "A girl who reads? Fuck no, reading is my time. Why would I want to share that?"

But then, I'm into book culture as much as I am into gaming culture, so the difference is probably more noticeable to me.
I have no hatred for such a thing and I wouldn't completely oppose dating one. I just know what I want in a relationship and what works for me. And geek and gamer are two completely different specimens. I'm infatuated with dorky girls. I much rather hear a girl share me her opinion on James Joyce than her getting mad at me when I tell her how shit and stale the zelda games have become.
Don't have to pump your own gas (I know a lot of people seem to see this as a negative, but since we don't actually have to pay more than places that make you pump your own gas, it really isn't.)

Where I live, self service is usually more expensive than minimum service. This makes little sense, but it is the case due to the self-servers being the big brands.
All right, I'm in.

Lookin' good, Steamlord. Kind of like Elvis... O_O

My local supermarket (two blocks away) has machines for recycling. Throw in cans, glass and plastic bottles and it gives you money. Maybe you should look for something similar near you.

The market near me doesn't have one, and the Ralph's about 2.5 miles away didn't have one either from what I could see last time I trekked out there. And remember, no car, so it's hard to haul stuff anywhere far.
The market near me doesn't have one, and the Ralph's about 2.5 miles away didn't have one either from what I could see last time I trekked out there. And remember, no car, so it's hard to haul stuff anywhere far.

I remember. You could always do it a little at a time. Leave for work earlier, take a small bag of bottles with you and find a supermarket with the recycling machines on the way.


Reluctant Member
People are way nicer here than almost anywhere else in the country
People don't drive like assholes
Urban f'in Boundary
Mountains AND beaches of every variety

A cab driver told me last week that once you've lived here for four years, you are done. You cannot move away without tremendous incentives to do so, and even then it would give you pause. In my experience, he's right. My wife and I tried it a few years ago. We were back here in about six months.

This right here is why I love it here. Mountains, beaches, deserts even. It's great for outdoors lovers.

Germany has a lot of the same stuff (well, except for insane sales tax) so I probably won't mind living there. Definitely prefer Oregon if I'm in the US though.

I have no hatred for such a thing and I wouldn't completely oppose dating one. I just know what I want in a relationship and what works for me. And geek and gamer are two completely different specimens. I'm infatuated with dorky girls. I much rather hear a girl share me her opinion on James Joyce than her getting mad at me when I tell her how shit and stale the zelda games have become.

That depends, if you're giving your opinion in such an abrasive way of course it's not going to work out! That's all well and good on forums (not really) but in a relationship that's poor form. It's like if you said "Ernest Hemingway was a jackass with shit writing!" when you knew she loved Ernest Hemingway, rather than just saying you just don't enjoy his work all that much.

Though sometimes me and my boyfriend joke about our taste differences. Like sometimes I'll say "Yeah, FFVIII suuuuuuuucks" when I know he likes the game. And he'll say "D:< Divorce!" You just can't take it all that seriously.
This right here is why I love it here. Mountains, beaches, deserts even. It's great for outdoors lovers.

Oh man, I forgot about our awesome deserts. We have some of the craziest deserts in the country. My neighbor is a very talented photographer, this is one of my favorites from his portfolio. Alvord Desert.


That's a good site for all you poor bastards who have never been here to flip through...they aren't all Oregon, but most of 'em are west coast.
Yep. I've heard a lot of comments from guys that they wouldn't ever date a girl who plays games because they're all crazy D: I always want to point out that there is nothing inherent in a girl liking games that would make her crazy, they were just made a bad choice in that particular instance. I usually get ignored on this point. There is also a sort of possessiveness in this hobby that I haven't seen elsewhere. Many guys say they do not want to share gaming as a hobby, but would not have a problem with like the same books or movies.

Usually for the most part my boyfriend and I play different games. And most of the games I play are single player anyway. We don't usually play together.

Sometimes it's fun to play together though. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was great for that.

Honestly, as cliche as it sounds, (all things being equal) I would generally prefer to date a "gamer girl" instead of a woman who doesn't game.

Not because I insist on being with someone who is identical to me, that's not the case at all. But how do you explain to a non-gamer why Dark Souls actively fouls up your mood? Plus, gaming is essentially an isolationist hobby. Having someone that likes watching you play or is an active participant turns a situation where a partner can perceive you as being distant and alone in to simply another activity together.

From a relationship point of view, if you're going to game, having it be a shared hobby is better.

It's okay, I blame SA for my staying up too late.

Life is a great circle, and everything is connected.

Especially in RP.

Are you blaming me for our hours of conversation that kept us both awake? Oh no, I'm such a jerk. :p
I am a chronic Lost apologist. I loved it from beginning to end and I am quite fond of dreaming up excuses for its many flaws.

My wisdom tooth impacted last year and I didn't have the money to go to the dentist for a week and a half (when my health insurance kicked in) so I was in INCREDIBLE PAIN for a while. During that time, the only thing that made the pain go away was watching LOST, which I had never seen before.

I noticed the pain came back around season 3 (particularly "Stranger in a Strange Land," god what an awful episode) and I didn't like the ending. It's hard to recommend because the entire point of the show felt like it was building to a payoff that never happened, but at the time I enjoyed it.


I've never been able to finish that show, though I was in love with it for the first few seasons. I get to the last few seasons and I completely lose interest. Is it...like...worth it, in the end?

Yeah I do it with BSG as well, though I am much more obnoxious about Lost.
The X-Files does not end well, no.
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