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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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GMT afternoons get tedious so people start talking nonsense to entertain themselves. Don't worry too much. We're in community now!!!!


I'm mostly kidding btw. The females on here are very down to earth and approachable which would explain why they've created the mangaf asks ladygaf thread. I don't see why just because 'gaming girls just ain't my bag' should change anything, it's interesting to get a woman's perspective about things which you already like.

I find it interesting at least...

To be fair, I didn't say I wouldn't ever talk to a girl gamer in a platonic way.


Don't think he was talking about that kind of adult. XD joking btw.

I think he was.



We should make one of those Build Your Own Character things with templates from your art style tence. But then it'd be too hard to tell the originals apart. Also, effort.


Wow. I'm tired. Got a whopping 3.5 hours of sleep last night. Personally, I blame Lissar. She didn't have anything directly behind my inability to just go to bed, but somehow I know she's at fault.


Wow. I'm tired. Got a whopping 3.5 hours of sleep last night. Personally, I blame Lissar. She didn't have anything directly behind my inability to just go to bed, but somehow I know she's at fault.

: I am going to bed now!
: Ok maybe a bit longer

One hour later
: I really think it is time I go to bed...
Ok.... 5 more minutes..

One hour later
: Can I please go to bed Lissar???
... k
Thank you sweet Lissar...THANK YOU.



Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I ended up changing my avatar for the KoA thread. I'd love to see tence's take on my real pic av.


That usually happens no matter what I do, at least in real life. D:

The way you see yourself is largely how others will see you. Don't go around interacting with people with these kinds of negative feelings. Think of yourself as a cool guy. Thats it, just a cool guy. That's all you need to be most of the time.


Passing metallic gas
I've been immortalized on the great wall of beard gaf. I can now sail down to south america and live out the rest of my days in the sticks.
I spent 15 minutes looking for my phone as the alarm went off. It sounded like it was coming from everywhere in my apartment.

How are you so far?
I spent 15 minutes looking for my phone as the alarm went off. It sounded like it was coming from everywhere in my apartment.

How are you so far?

Not too bad...I guess. Apparently that pipe bursting thing in my apt. is more serious that I though. Seemed like a simple backup/pressure burst, but this morning water was pouring out the bottom of the complex... I may have to go back at lunch to let the maintenance guy do his thing (my house is disaster right now too...)

I'm tired. It's Lissar's fault. You were suspiciously absent last night. I stayed up until almost 3 am trying to get my cat impressed by my bare chest with no one in RPchat

Haha. Judging from the cartoons it seems you guys had good conversation, though. Sorry I ducked out earlier than usual and missed your bare chest/sumo show.

Oh, Tence. You so good.
Not too bad...I guess. Apparently that pipe bursting thing in my apt. is more serious that I though. Seemed like a simple backup/pressure burst, but this morning water was pouring out the bottom of the complex... I may have to go back at lunch to let the maintenance guy do his thing (my house is disaster right now too...)

That sucks. Do you have hardwood flooring or carpeting? Anything with water damage?


Not too bad...I guess. Apparently that pipe bursting thing in my apt. is more serious that I though. Seemed like a simple backup/pressure burst, but this morning water was pouring out the bottom of the complex... I may have to go back at lunch to let the maintenance guy do his thing (my house is disaster right now too...)
Bow chicka wow wow.


Bow chicka wow wow.

"I heard you was having problem with the plumbing?"
"Come on in. I'm not really sure what's wrong with the plumbing."
"That's why they sent me; I am expert."
*H.Pro's friend walks in from the kitchen*
"You must be here to fix the plumbing..."
That sucks. Do you have hardwood flooring or carpeting? Anything with water damage?

Tile floor, no damage (which is why I didn't think it such a huge deal after I cleaned up the other night). Managed to save anything vulnerable in time.

Bow chicka wow wow.

80s porn music played in my head when I read the last sentence, too.

"I heard you was having problem with the plumbing?"
"Come on in. I'm not really sure what's wrong with the plumbing."
"That's why they sent me; I am expert."
*H.Pro's friend walks in from the kitchen*
"You must be here to fix the plumbing..."

Idiots. ;P
I'm proud of me. I refrained.

I could feel you thinking it all the way over here in Cali after I re-read what I wrote.

But you thought it so you're just as guilty.

Yup, yup.

Well that's good.


n'yuk n'yuk n'yuk[/QUOTE]

It's good...kind of. Water is still pouring out of the bottom of the apartments (there's a convergence of 4 sharing the same pipes apparently), and they still might have to go into mine (which I do not relish).

[quote="echoshifting, post: 34781966"]You've failed us all.


G'morning rp![/QUOTE]

Seriously. I was looking forward to a swanky new monitor. And mornin', echo.
It's good...kind of. Water is still pouring out of the bottom of the apartments (there's a convergence of 4 sharing the same pipes apparently), and they still might have to go into mine (which I do not relish).

Surely you dumped the bodies already. Any leftover brains in the fridge might be suspicious should the plumber get hungry


Reluctant Member
Just because your girl likes playing games doesn't mean you guys always have to play together.

I've dated guys that were non-gamers and guys that were, my fiance is a gamer so he understand my hobby and doesn't judge me because of it. Non-gamer guys/girls are sometimes a bit judgemental about it, though. I have a few friends that hate their significant others playing games for hours and spending money on it but they themselves have so many other hobbies that they can spend ages doing and spend insane amount of money on but that doesn't matter because in their mind gaming is useless and only for children or immature people. :\

Gamer or non-gamer, we're all the same really. Its just a hobby.

Yep. I've heard a lot of comments from guys that they wouldn't ever date a girl who plays games because they're all crazy D: I always want to point out that there is nothing inherent in a girl liking games that would make her crazy, they were just made a bad choice in that particular instance. I usually get ignored on this point. There is also a sort of possessiveness in this hobby that I haven't seen elsewhere. Many guys say they do not want to share gaming as a hobby, but would not have a problem with like the same books or movies.

Usually for the most part my boyfriend and I play different games. And most of the games I play are single player anyway. We don't usually play together.

Sometimes it's fun to play together though. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was great for that.

Wow. I'm tired. Got a whopping 3.5 hours of sleep last night. Personally, I blame Lissar. She didn't have anything directly behind my inability to just go to bed, but somehow I know she's at fault.

It's okay, I blame SA for my staying up too late.

Life is a great circle, and everything is connected.

Especially in RP.


Wow... guilty until proven innocent huh? Aside from a few misplaced comments, I've always been nice to you. =|

no, I'm not actually upset, but I play one on TV
You're the perverted uncle I've always wanted.

Does anybody else default to Something Awful every time someone abbreviates ShockingAlberto

Every time I read the word "protagonist" in my readings I think of HP. It's kind of annoying actually.


Oh, and let me weigh in on the old topic of girl gamers/dating/etc. I've been married to a woman for 10 years who thinks video games are nothing but a child's hobby, has little to no interest and occasionally will watch me play if its a good story.

This may be one of those 'grass is always greener' scenarios, but do you know how much I would love to have her be as wildly interested in them as I am? To share the same excitement I have when a new game is coming out. To hear "OMG, when is the release date?!?" instead of "Is that $60 too?"

Haters gonna hate. Geek girls are hot.
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