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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Except in reality my math skills are dismal ;.; Scholar is much preferred.

Honestly, its GAF-RPG (Real Pic Gaf/Role Play Gaf) which is incredibly redundant... anyway.... GAF plays all kinds of RPGs, we shouldn't just pigeonhole one class. All are available for this mega beatdown of epic goodness.
As absurd as THIS sounds, I've come to see GAF (more specifically, those that frequent this thread) more as friends than as random avatars with opinions. I'm not even joking about that. I appreciate the help ya'll are giving me.

None of you guys are just avatars to me. Hell, I've seen you all (well, many anyway) every night for the last 4(?) night as it is. You're my buddies. My secret internet buddies. :D

I came to simply troll HP and be on my way. Somehow three hours flew by and I'm still here.

I will never ignore anyone who's in need of encouragement. I don't claim to be an expert, I just know how it feels when shit hits the fan and all I needed was someone to help me snap out of my funk. I can't tell you how helpful those moments are.

You can always PM me if you ever need an ear. I will listen.

I am so doing something to your drink when we meet. Just you wait and see...

You should choose whatever class you want to be. Do you have any particular classes you usually play?

Also, everyone should PM me their pics and class choices to keep it organized.

Hmmmm... I usually play as a mage with assassin tendencies or a thief. What pic would be good for that...?

Lets go with Final Fantasy Tactics classes.

H Pro is a Dancer.
la1n is a Black Mage
SA is a Time Mage because he's always seems so still
Dave is a Monk since he's shirtless
Puddles is a Bard

Not sure what I'd be though.

Why the eff am I a dancer, and better question, what does that even mean? I don't want to be a pansy-ass dancer. I want to KILL things.

I think it is fairly easy to figure out what class I always play.

edit: damn James already nailed it. lmao.

If Firestarter isn't a class, then you should make it one. It's the only true class for you.
Hmmmm... I usually play as a mage with assassin tendencies or a thief. What pic would be good for that...?

Why the eff am I a dancer, and better question, what does that even mean? I don't want to be a pansy-ass dancer. I want to KILL things.

A mage with a caneblade, of course!

And Dancers are pretty much the class that debuffs everyone on the field at once. I...do not know how well that fits you.


Reluctant Member
Yup, it's decided. I'm going to be a pantsless mercenary.


Honestly, its GAF-RPG (Real Pic Gaf/Role Play Gaf) which is incredibly redundant... anyway.... GAF plays all kinds of RPGs, we shouldn't just pigeonhole one class. All are available for this mega beatdown of epic goodness.

I was thinking that would be a good idea. I like the idea of being able to choose from anything.
If we expand to Dark Souls job classes, this would be la1n



For the curious about the Final Fantasy Tactics classes

Dancer - Lower stats to all enemies on the field.
Bard - Buff party
Monk - Powerful melee
Mediator - Speech skills like turning an enemy into an ally, or raising courage
Oracle - Many different status ailments
Summoner - Summons powerful minions
Geomancer - Uses nature as a weapon
Mime - Copies the moves of any ally on the field precisely
Priest - Healer/Holy
Thief - Steals... no seriously
Calculator - Uses math to decimate enemies based on their stats equation
Knight - Like the name says
Samurai - Sword master
Time Mage - Stop/Slow/Hasten time
Chemist - Powerful potions, etc.
Lancer - Same as Dragoon... basically jumps on people.
Ninja - Quick, dual wielding assassin.
Squire - Grunt
Wizard - Black Mage.
My Ramza in FFT was a Ninja with the ability to use two-handed swords with one hand

So I stole one Defender from Meliadoul and one from Dycedarg and dual-wielded them with the Weapon Guard ability. Each Defender adds 60% to physical evade, which meant any physical attack on Ramza failed and he would counter back with two knight swords to the face.

And if something did manage to hit him, he had auto-potion with nothing but high level potions in my inventory.


Some generic classes to think about.

Dark Knight
Dragon Knight
Red Mage
Battle Priest
Witch Doctor

Just off the top of my head.


So I'm a bard?

Very well. My sitar boosts stats for the entire party. Ignore the ridiculous hair. It's hard to find a barber when you're backpacking.



Reluctant Member
So I'm a bard?

Very well. My sitar boosts stats for the entire party. Ignore the ridiculous hair. It's hard to find a barber when you're backpacking.


Nice :O Just don't become our Edward!

If you could PM it to me so I can keep track of it, that would be great :3


I get my phone on Monday. Hopefully it will be the right one this time.

If they offered me a better contract I would've kept the standard sensation really because it has the same hardware in it, it's just that they underclocked the processor. It can quite easily be unlocked with modded firmware. The thing is though, because the XE is a newer handset, and on paper at least it has better specs, it is worth more. If I ever get around to selling it, I will get more for it. Add to that the better battery and earphones, I felt it was worth going through the hassle of having it changed.


I get my phone on Monday. Hopefully it will be the right one this time.

If they offered me a better contract I would've kept the standard sensation really because it has the same hardware in it, it's just that they underclocked the processor. It can quite easily be unlocked with modded firmware. The thing is though, because the XE is a newer handset, and on paper at least it has better specs, it is worth more. If I ever get around to selling it, I will get more for it. Add to that the better battery and earphones, and I felt it was worth going through the hassle of having it changed.

Its a better phone. Just let yourself off the hook for sending it back. It'll be worth it.
You entrance and suck the life out of everyone on the field. I think its an apt comparison.

You do have a point there... Still sounds pansy-ass.

He's just trying to see you in skimpy clothing.

The Dancer in FF:T was your basic status ailment "mage" if you will. They'd confuse with their dances in an area effect.

No... they weren't that good. http://www.cavesofnarshe.com/fft/jobs.php?job=Dancer

Are skimpy clothes a requirement or something?

They could attack with Rugs, though. That was...something.

Pansy-ass-ness confirmed.

If we expand to Dark Souls job classes, this would be la1n



For the curious about the Final Fantasy Tactics classes

Dancer - Lower stats to all enemies on the field.
Bard - Buff party
Monk - Powerful melee
Mediator - Speech skills like turning an enemy into an ally, or raising courage
Oracle - Many different status ailments
Summoner - Summons powerful minions
Geomancer - Uses nature as a weapon
Mime - Copies the moves of any ally on the field precisely
Priest - Healer/Holy
Thief - Steals... no seriously
Calculator - Uses math to decimate enemies based on their stats equation
Knight - Like the name says
Samurai - Sword master
Time Mage - Stop/Slow/Hasten time
Chemist - Powerful potions, etc.
Lancer - Same as Dragoon... basically jumps on people.
Ninja - Quick, dual wielding assassin.
Squire - Grunt
Wizard - Black Mage.

Hmm... Based on this... Wizard-Ninja-Summoner? :D


Dancer - Clearacell, GameplayWhore, Inanna
Bard - Puddles, Beef, Jim-jam?
Monk - LazyBones, SRG?
Mediator - ShockingAlberto, CD
Oracle - Malvolio? Zeppu?
Summoner - Ashes?
Geomancer - Lissar
Mime - Jason (heeheehee)
Priest - Acid (healing smile?)
Thief - HP (brains?)
Calculator - Echo? (You any good at math?)
Knight - Dave, Steamlord? Leadbelly?
Samurai -
Time Mage - Tence (you froze us in time with your art)
Chemist - James (dat soju), Nex?
Lancer - Zero? Doitlive?
Ninja - Ezalc, RobotNinjaHornets
Squire - Raw (j/k)
Wizard - .la1n

These are just off the top of my head from who I remember seeing the last few pages. Not a comprehensive list by any means.


Dancer - Clearacell, GameplayWhore, Inanna
Bard - Puddles, Beef, Jim-jam?
Monk - LazyBones, SRG?
Mediator - ShockingAlberto, CD
Oracle - Malvolio? Zeppu?
Summoner - Ashes?
Geomancer - Lissar
Mime - Jason (heeheehee)
Priest - Acid (healing smile?)
Thief - HP (brains?)
Calculator - Echo? (You any good at math?)
Knight - Dave, Steamlord? Leadbelly?
Samurai -
Time Mage - Tence (you froze us in time with your art)
Chemist - James (dat soju), Nex?
Lancer - Zero? Doitlive?
Ninja - Ezalc, RobotNinjaHornets
Squire - Raw (j/k)
Wizard - .la1n

These are just off the top of my head from who I remember seeing the last few pages. Not a comprehensive list by any means.
Don't drag me into this nonsense!


Its a better phone. Just let yourself off the hook for sending it back. It'll be worth it.

Well, it is not so much letting myself off the hook, I am quite happy with what I am getting. It was mainly the hassle of doing it; whether it was actually worth it or not. I had to take the damn thing to the post office and arrange it to be sent back, and then I had to phone them up to activate my old sim card as that was not working. I then had to potentially wait up to 10 days for them to cancel it and go through the process of upgrading my old phone again.

In reality it took only 4 days for them to cancel it.
Perfect! Any class from any game under the sun I say.

Also, if you have a particular game in mind that your class came from, that would also be helpful to get a specific reference.
Blue Mages only have distinct looks in FF5 and FF11 (it's either Enemy Skill Materia or a regular abiliity on a character with no distinctive attire in the other games where Blue Magic is available). I'd rather not have to choose from those two. :|

EDIT: Forgot that Tactics Advance 1 and 2 had BM as a job class. Never mind, then!
Dancer - Clearacell, GameplayWhore, Inanna
Bard - Puddles, Beef, Jim-jam?



Reluctant Member
Geomancer - Lissar

Hmm, I don't know. I mean, I know I'm a mage of some sort, but I don't know if earth magics necessarily fit me.


You kind of are :D

But don't worry, before long you can change your class to anything you want!

Blue Mages only have distinct looks in FF5 and FF11 (it's either Enemy Skill Materia or a regular abiliity on a character with no distinctive attire in the other games where Blue Magic is available). I'd rather not have to choose from those two. :|




Our April/May assignment could be a piecemeal video much like that Star Wars compilation. We figure out a topic and each person submits 15 seconds of video... we mash them all up coherently to tell whatever story we've decided on.

We've got enough writers and creative minds here to come up with something good =)

But thats all cart before the horse, lets iron out this one first.

Edit: more I think about it, it relates absolutely nothing to the avatar, so nevermind.
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