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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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I used to, but that was back when I was goth had super long hair. No surprises there.

Amended for accuracy regarding me.

I find it weird that that wasn't that long ago. Not even a year yet. But I'm now really used to having short hair, and can't even think of what long hair felt like.

RP, protip that I've found out about life: Don't give a shit about anyone else. They're all idiots. Fuck 'em. Tends to work for me.


Maybe they are looking at you cause you are awesome? if you don't mind my asking, what are you exactly insecure about?

I'm not fashionable (can't afford it) or clean cut (I have a beard and long hair). I'm awkward as hell, for reasons I can't control, for the most part.

Now that I think about it, I just answered my own question. I just wish it didn't hurt so much.
RP, protip that I've found out about life: Don't give a shit about anyone else. They're all idiots. Fuck 'em. Tends to work for me.

I wouldn't necessarily phrase it like this, but yeah. The first step to self-confidence is believing in yourself and that means not caring about the opinions of random strangers.

Individuality is not just something that those skilled at non-conformity-as-an-art can do, it's a core part of each of us. Part of being individual is knowing inside that you're better than people's estimations of you and if they think you're weird or strange or whatever, it's sad for them that they think that narrow-mindedly.
I clarify, I know the term, it's one I actually adhere too - I just don't know what other term to use, and this is sometimes colloquially used to describe the philosophy I'm referring too.
I actually follow somewhat of a paleo lifestyle. Not so much with food because all that lean meat can get expensive but I did give up soap and shampoo. Well, not all soap. I use an all natural avocado based soap for my scalp. Not slathering myself with all those chemicals has done wonders for me. My skin doesn't mass produce oils anymore because I'm not stripping it bare and dry. Best of all, women find my natural aroma to be quite pleasing. After a quick tumble with a girl, I asked her about my smell and she thought I smelled great and was shocked when I told her I haven't used soap in 4 months. Must be all the uninhibited pheromones that my body is pumping out now that it isn't clogged and masked with chemicals. I'm going on my 6th month and there's no way I'm getting dragged back into folly of wasting money on scented soaps and shampoos and whatnot.

Edit: still use hand soap as well.
I'm not fashionable (can't afford it) or clean cut (I have a beard and long hair). I'm awkward as hell, for reasons I can't control, for the most part.

Now that I think about it, I just answered my own question. I just wish it didn't hurt so much.

Are you seeing some kind of a therapist?

Don't answer if that's too personal.


Black Canada Mafia
I'm not fashionable (can't afford it) or clean cut (I have a beard and long hair). I'm awkward as hell, for reasons I can't control, for the most part.

Now that I think about it, I just answered my own question. I just wish it didn't hurt so much.

I'm not particularly fashionable, clean cut and I am pretty awkward at times... you just need to be positive. When people look at me on the street/bus, now I just think "they must think I'm foiiiiine" - and hey, it works. Less self conscious, more confident. Maybe too confident, but whatever, better than the alternative.


I'm not particularly fashionable, clean cut and I am pretty awkward at times... you just need to be positive. When people look at me on the street/bus, now I just think "they must think I'm foiiiiine" - and hey, it works. Less self conscious, more confident. Maybe too confident, but whatever, better than the alternative.

This is the right attitude. And I can confirm it works for me too.


I'm not fashionable (can't afford it) or clean cut (I have a beard and long hair). I'm awkward as hell, for reasons I can't control, for the most part.

Now that I think about it, I just answered my own question. I just wish it didn't hurt so much.

Jeez. I offer it on a plate, and the fella just refuses to take it up. In show business, we call it offering up the segway.

Rawpower: here, you go sir, I made a thread topic on it. It's not got a lot of traffic, so please subscribe or something, if you want to know more.

/its not always easy to read what's on people's mind. :p
I don't burn, I just get browner and browner.

:( I should be like this, but it never happens. My sister cam to visit me in Cali for a week and she left browner than I've ever been in my life.


*is yet to meet anyone who isn't albino with whiter arms than me*

I dunno. I'm pretty freaking white. We'd need to compare fish belly under arms to judge.

I get an initial slight red but it fades in a day and from then on I just get darker and darker. I spend a lot of time outdoors in the summer so I have to keep a watchful eye on myself as to not develop a king of the hill tan.

Same... to a point. I get a little brown, but I lose it 3 days later if I don't make an effort to tan (and this I've never done).


Jeez. I offer it on a plate, and the fella just refuses to take it up. In show business, we call it offering up the segway.

Rawpower: here, you go sir, I made a thread topic on it. It's not got a lot of traffic, so please subscribe or something, if you want to know more.

/its not always easy to read what's on people's mind. :p

That's my thread.

As far as whiteness goes, my face literally turns red when I'm angry or sweating. That's pretty white.
As long as your clothes match, I wouldn't worry about fashion.

Find a look that works for you (in that you're happy with it) and just wear it with confidence.

I wear threadless t-shirts and jeans most places because I'm just more comfortable in them. People don't really care.
Always wanted to ask... what are threadless shirts? Shirts that don't have the threads on the sides/sleeves or something? Or some fashionable thing I am not aware of?

It's a brand of shirts where all the designs are made by contributors


The artist for Bioshock once submitted some cool Bioshock shirts, for example

I just recently bought this design

I dunno. I'm pretty freaking white. We'd need to compare fish belly under arms to judge.

You seem to be implying that your arms aren't the same colour all the way round :p

It's very rare to see me without a jumper on. Or a shirt, as of late. So my arms tend to be somewhat monochrome.

EDIT: Oh also part of my shoulder is so pale that at times it's actually purple 'cause of veins and shit.
I finished Mario Galaxy 2 last night and am trying to decide what to play next.

RPGaf has ruined my ability to play PC games because I'm always checking the thread or IRC and it's hard to do that while playing a full-screen game. D:
I finished Mario Galaxy 2 last night and am trying to decide what to play next.

RPGaf has ruined my ability to play PC games because I'm always checking the thread or IRC and it's hard to do that while playing a full-screen game. D:

This happens all the time with me. I want to play a PC game, and am about to, then just think "...but MSN and internet...hmm...never mind".


I never got all the green stars in Galaxy 2. I need to do that when I get my Wii back.

Yeah neither did I. I seem to be getting too old to complete whole games.

I used to have a 100+ hours FFX savegame, where I maximized the grid on all characters... now I can't even finish Zelda.

I did get platinum on GoW3 though. And the bestest multiplayer ribbon with Killzone 2.


Link is broken. Anyway, that thread didn't really go anywhere.

I'll change the topic. What game are you currently playing?

I have been hell bent on finishing Bloodrayne Betrayal. I stop whenever I want to throw the controller through the television. I am pretty close to completion, at which point I will celebrate accordingly.


I'm not "currently" playing anything, but I recently started up Bastion after having it on my Steam list for months untouched and tonight I'll be starting Radiant Historia.
Yeah neither did I. I seem to be getting too old to complete whole games.

I used to have a 100+ hours FFX savegame, where I maximized the grid on all characters... now I can't even finish Zelda.

I did get platinum on GoW3 though. And the bestest multiplayer ribbon with Killzone 2.
Sometimes the situations in which we play games dictate our attention spans.

Like, SMG2 was really good!

And I only now just got around to really playing it. It's not that I couldn't finish games at the time I got it, I just couldn't finish that game for some reason. My mind was not in a place where it was receptive to what that game was offering.


Reluctant Member
Definitely, Naturopathy (that doesn't incorporate homeopathy, some naturopaths do) is a whole bunch better than homeopathy - but there are still issues.

For example, one of my friends was telling me about how her naturopath convinced her to stop taking birth control, and now that she's gotten serious with her boyfriend, she wants to - but she's afraid of the toxins and negative side effects of birth control. So she is looking into more natural methods of BC - like tracking her cycle.

I mean, not a huge deal - and I know this friend if she had any serious issues, she would go to her doctor (in fact she went to her doctor afterward and asked about BC, and the doctor did recommend BC pills) - but for non-emergency situations, she seems to go with the naturopaths prescription. Which is usually vitamin pills.

On the one hand, I can kind of understand avoiding taking too much medicine that can mess with all your chemicals. On the other, I get the feeling that a lot of people who are into homeopathy do not actually do any concrete research into why one might be better than the other, and what the real effects on their body might be.

Actually, if I could take BC pills I would (no insurance :/) but I would be hesitant about it and do a lot of research on which to take because I actually HAVE had them mess up my body in the past. Essentially, they dropped my sex drive to zero, effectively negating all reason to be on them in the first place. (On the other hand, taking them in my teens messed with my hormones so bad that my boobs spontaneously went up two cup sizes later in life *thumbs up*)

Maybe you should encourage your friends and family to do some research for themselves on which method is best, rather than blindly accepting what they're told on faith.
I was only crazy in my younger years, but who wasn't?

I was depressingly rational in my younger years. It took months of therapy and years of trying really really hard to fix that.

Irrational NEED to procreate. ... Highly driven by emotion. ... Mind games. ... The inability to effectively work or interact with another female without judging said female

New York is apparently an odd area to meet women. I don't remember any of that in my herstory.

Fair enough. I will just say however that I am seeing someone twice a week right now and it has made a tremendous difference in my life. Like, night and day.

Therapy is helpful. I don't know if it helped me specifically in terms of the therapeutic method involved, but at the very least, it was certainly embiggening on my progress bar to have somebody to talk to about my problems when I didn't really have friends whom I could vent at.

Also, this quote from a '90s philosopher and crime fighter helped: "And, isn't sanity really just a one-trick pony anyway? I mean all you get is one trick, rational thinking, but when you're good and crazy, oooh, oooh, oooh, the sky is the limit."
My appointment with a homeopathist was at once completely outrageous and hysterical. I mean, the end result was amusing - he recommended I treat my condition with "tiger blood" and gave me a small vial of sugar pills - but I forked over considerable cash for the appointment and I felt like I gave excessively personal information to a total wackjob.
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