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Real-GAF: A GAF Community!

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Following Lissar's point, I retract my "all" and go with "some"....

Some things:

Irrational NEED to procreate. There are women that feel that there is nothing that they can accomplish in life until they've spawned a seed from their uterus, only to find out after the fact that they don't like children and are horrible parents.... I've seen it happen.

Highly driven by emotion. Allowing jealousy or other negative emotions to reign supreme over rational thought is one example of this. I've been involved with women who would sabotage something I hold dear to me simply because I didn't call them promptly in the morning.

Mind games. Not all do it, but there are those little traps that some to do test your relationship.

The inability to effectively work or interact with another female without judging said female in the process. Even walking down the street, every single woman eyes another up and down and judges every single aspect of their wardrobe, then categorizes and rates their attire by how trashy/slutty/stupid they look all the while instantly ranking themselves either above or below their subject. This spawns into things like some women attempting to work together as a group. In a situation where multiple people are asked to decide on something complex that may elicit differences in opinion, there will always be a woman who rises to the bitchy top and tries to dominate everyone else as the right one.

Those are just a couple off the top of my head. Again, men aren't perfect so its not an us vs them. We're stubborn, thick headed, selfsh man-babies that ask our women to put up with A LOT for. Women are the unsung heroes of a relationship most of the time, I'm just pointing out differences in how genders handle themselves and how those differences mesh with one another.

I agree 100% with what you just said. Except of course that I have no idea what you are talking about.


You guys wanted a strong debate to see if the group can handle it. I used strong words and a wide overarching derogative statement to elicit a strong reaction so we can judge our readiness. That is all.

And more to this point. Debates get heated... they always do. Someone on one side of it is going to get their personal views either hurt or offended. I tried to think of a way to incite those emotions all at once to see how it would be handled. This thread prides itself on the sense of community. I wanted to see what it might look like if discourse was thrown in, but that point was lost. It's painted me as the bad guy, so I'll retract the whole thing and apologize for offending.
And more to this point. Debates get heated... they always do. Someone on one side of it is going to get their personal views either hurt or offended. I tried to think of a way to incite those emotions all at once to see how it would be handled. This thread prides itself on the sense of community. I wanted to see what it might look like if discourse was thrown in, but that point was lost. It's painted me as the bad guy, so I'll retract the whole thing and apologize for offending.

For my part I was mostly teasing when I painted you as the "bad guy." Sorry to offend.


And more to this point. Debates get heated... they always do. Someone on one side of it is going to get their personal views either hurt or offended. I tried to think of a way to incite those emotions all at once to see how it would be handled. This thread prides itself on the sense of community. I wanted to see what it might look like if discourse was thrown in, but that point was lost. It's painted me as the bad guy, so I'll retract the whole thing and apologize for offending.



Very real, but like long distance relationships they will never be a fully functional one if there is no face to face contact. As humans, we need that kind of connection to effectively have a lasting impression.

I think of internet friendships as strong acquaintances. Like, my clanmates from playing games, some of them I've known for over 10 years, I've hung out with them and we've had a good time and will see them again in the future...but I doubt I would ever invite them to my wedding or talk to them about issues that matter.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. I would have to webcam chat with someone before I agree to meet them in person.
And more to this point. Debates get heated... they always do. Someone on one side of it is going to get their personal views either hurt or offended. I tried to think of a way to incite those emotions all at once to see how it would be handled. This thread prides itself on the sense of community. I wanted to see what it might look like if discourse was thrown in, but that point was lost. It's painted me as the bad guy, so I'll retract the whole thing and apologize for offending.

:( Debates are never meant to paint anyone as the "bad" guy. No one is ever necessarily wrong, because we've all gained our opinions through the different experiences in our lives and our moralities are shaped by different upbringings. I'm GLAD to hear out others opinions because it reminds me how big the world is, how diverse the 7 billion people are, and how I'm just a part of it.

Yeah, that's pretty much how I feel. I would have to webcam chat with someone before I agree to meet them in person.

Well this is why I never take for granted that I'm gonna feel the same way about people on the internet as I would in real life and vice versa. Different mediums bring out different parts of you.

Think about all the "friends" you have on facebook...they know so much about you and your life if you just randomly add them...and when you see them walking down the hallway or street or whatever, how awkward do you feel that you know this person while not really *knowing* them.
While I'm on the subject, you know what movie quote I hate?

"Love means never having to say you're sorry."

If you go in to relationships thinking this is true, that relationship is doomed, plain and simple.

Yeah, that is a horrible, horrible quote. I think it was in the book too so we can't blame Hollywood.
You guys wanted a strong debate to see if the group can handle it. I used strong words and a wide overarching derogative statement to elicit a strong reaction so we can judge our readiness. That is all.

So was it a statement to encourage a debate, or one you actually believe in? And like I said, I totally think we can handle strong debates, I just can't engage in them very well while at work. :p

And more to this point. Debates get heated... they always do. Someone on one side of it is going to get their personal views either hurt or offended. I tried to think of a way to incite those emotions all at once to see how it would be handled. This thread prides itself on the sense of community. I wanted to see what it might look like if discourse was thrown in, but that point was lost. It's painted me as the bad guy, so I'll retract the whole thing and apologize for offending.

I'm not sure anyone actually thought of you as a 'bad' guy. I thought they were just addressing the statement you made. You did pick a particularly inflammatory one, though. ;)

Leftover wine corks? How do they help with your sinus problem?

To shove up each nostril. Duh.


So was it a statement to encourage a debate, or one you actually believe in? And like I said, I totally think we can handle strong debates, I just can't engage in them very well while at work. :p

I'm not sure anyone actually thought of you as a 'bad' guy. I thought they were just addressing the statement you made. You did pick a particularly inflammatory one, though. ;)

To shove up each nostril. Duh.

Of course I dont believe in anything quite as harmful as that. I wouldn't have been married for 10 years if that were the case. I do however, hold a belief that the quirks and issues that each person in the relationship has cannot lend themselves well to the relationship as a whole unless each person can deal with them without question. That is the underlying idea behind it, I just bastardized it to get a reaction.


Of course I dont believe in anything quite as harmful as that. I wouldn't have been married for 10 years if that were the case. I do however, hold a belief that the quirks and issues that each person in the relationship has cannot lend themselves well to the relationship as a whole unless each person can deal with them without question. That is the underlying idea behind it, I just bastardized it to get a reaction.

I knew what you were trying to say Dave *pats back*


Well this is why I never take for granted that I'm gonna feel the same way about people on the internet as I would in real life and vice versa. Different mediums bring out different parts of you.

Think about all the "friends" you have on facebook...they know so much about you and your life if you just randomly add them...and when you see them walking down the hallway or street or whatever, how awkward do you feel that you know this person while not really *knowing* them.

I know that my sister has been in a relationship with someone she met through the internet, and I'm not even talking about OKCupid either. That's where my question came from.


Of course I dont believe in anything quite as harmful as that. I wouldn't have been married for 10 years if that were the case. I do however, hold a belief that the quirks and issues that each person in the relationship has cannot lend themselves well to the relationship as a whole unless each person can deal with them without question. That is the underlying idea behind it, I just bastardized it to get a reaction.

What exactly is the point? You make about six points in one go dave. :p

Life's to short to be quiet all the time.


No offense - really - but I have always found this to be a really bad way to start a debate, particularly on the internet. It just encourages ad hominem attacks and sarcastic trolling.

Yeah well, I have a bad habit of doing/saying things for shock value. I'm working on it.


Yeah well, I have a bad habit of doing/saying things for shock value. I'm working on it.

Why work on it?

9/10 debates I'm in has me on the wrong side of the fence. Now say your point, so we can fight these righteous folk together!

That's called efficiency. =P

With that, I'm going to lunch and wont stir the pot anymore.

Well give me something to work with dammit! Are we saying girls are stupid? tell me we are saying that please....


Well you know I'm always up for a good debate, and I believe most everyone here can be rational, logical thinkers.

The problem with debates on a forum is that I end up writing walls of texts, illustrating every point with anecdotal or linked evidence, and either the person I was debating doesn't respond or if they do sometimes it's "k well thats ur opinion". Bleh!

But I still like getting that stuff off my mind in a topic, it's liberating in its own way

I wouldn't feel too down about that. Maybe it is ignored because the person is not able to counter the argument. ;)


Reluctant Member
Of course I dont believe in anything quite as harmful as that. I wouldn't have been married for 10 years if that were the case. I do however, hold a belief that the quirks and issues that each person in the relationship has cannot lend themselves well to the relationship as a whole unless each person can deal with them without question. That is the underlying idea behind it, I just bastardized it to get a reaction.

Though with this viewpoint, it's more than everyone is a little crazy.

But then, crazy is completely subjective, right? Most people would not consider themselves crazy. It is impossible to 100% understand the viewpoint of another person, and it is the things that differ from our point of view that are viewed as crazy (typically speaking.)


Don't go too far with this debate stuff, ya dig? It has the potential to end very badly, or turn into just another debate thread. This one is too special for that.


Though with this viewpoint, it's more than everyone is a little crazy.

But then, crazy is completely subjective, right? Most people would not consider themselves crazy. It is impossible to 100% understand the viewpoint of another person, and it is the things that differ from our point of view that are viewed as crazy (typically speaking.)

Now, what are you on about Lissar? Everyone is crazy, therefore, noone is crazy, therefore everyone is crazy²
Yeah well, I have a bad habit of doing/saying things for shock value. I'm working on it.

It's difficult on the net to throw those out with the nuance intended because of the lack of tone, facial expression etc. It honestly just sounded like something you believed in, and throwing it out there just for shock value doesn't really seem like a great way to enter a debate (especially if you don't believe in it). I also thought that you should have posted the nipple-licking .gif from RP TC for extra effect. ;)

EDIT: You can't stop stirring the pot, Dave! We need you or we will never become a beautiful soup!
When a leaf falls from a tree and I'm able to catch it before it hits the ground, I feel like a boss.

I wouldn't feel too down about that. Maybe it is ignored because the person is not able to counter the argument. ;)

I believe this is where the term "pwned" comes in.


Reluctant Member
I know that my sister has been in a relationship with someone she met through the internet, and I'm not even talking about OKCupid either. That's where my question came from.

So rather than just friendships you mean romantic relationships?

Friendships are a different thing from that, and I think they CAN work as strictly online. Romantic relationships cannot, however.

That isn't to say that they can't begin online, but they can't grow there either. For them to work, you have to spend as much time with the person in the physical world as you can.

And even then, it is very easy for one person of the two to not take it as seriously as the other when it is mostly online. It is more of a danger there than relationships that are mostly in the physical world.


So rather than just friendships you mean romantic relationships?

Friendships are a different thing from that, and I think they CAN work as strictly online. Romantic relationships cannot, however.

That isn't to say that they can't begin online, but they can't grow there either. For them to work, you have to spend as much time with the person in the physical world as you can.

And even then, it is very easy for one person of the two to not take it as seriously as the other when it is mostly online. It is more of a danger there than relationships that are mostly in the physical world.

Yeah, that was a poor example on my part.


I just assume any person I meet is crazy in some way, obvious or not.

Also good morning everyone! Today I feel sad upon waking up. I miss my coworker and I have to work today.
We could totally handle it, but I feel starting out on the right foot is important.

Establishing a firm end point would be an interesting internet experiment, too

Definitely. How can you forge a good sword if you don't refine it first? Debate is a great way to refine character/positions.

I like bacon.

Now I want these puppies tonight (you are swaying me from my steak and veg!):


I'm crazy.

About chocolate.

Dark or Milk. Be careful how you answer this.
It means forgiving the other person for their mistakes. Obviously there are limits, but being absolute on this is a terrible fucking idea.

Yeah. My partner has an easier time of it because I'm perfect and never make mistakes.

To shove up each nostril. Duh.

I have a big schnoz, but I don't think I could manage that.

Of course I dont believe in anything quite as harmful as that. I wouldn't have been married for 10 years if that were the case. I do however, hold a belief that the quirks and issues that each person in the relationship has cannot lend themselves well to the relationship as a whole unless each person can deal with them without question.

I can agree with this a lot more than 'women are crazy'.

Speaking of relationships: I don't know why some relationships are great for many, many years. I can appreciate why some fizzle out or explode sooner, but the absence of these things would merely lead to long term contentment rather than passion, wouldn't it? But there's more than just contentment in some long-term relationships.


Milk for the win.

Whenever I debate with someone, it always ends with me looking like either an ignorant asshole or a complete idiot (usually both).
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