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In all fairness that wasn't his game.

I know. But, as I said before. He's the fool that started it going to MAJOR extremes with hyper bouncy, super exploded boobs on uninteresting female characters. If he didn't do it, I bet they wouldn't be as pronounced in that game today.

Edit: Then again, it is Japan...
Itagaki has a weird relationship with boobs.

He's said that he admired King of Fighters mostly because of the sexy female character designs (which, Shermie excepted, that was a thing that SNK tended to focus on) but claims that he is protective of the characters as if they were daughters

And then puts Helena, the french business mogul/opera singer, in a tight body suit with cleavage as an alt costume
Idealized/exaggerated female physiques are one of those outdated design strategies that really have little place in the current market. Want more female gamers, mainstream pubs? Cut that shit out. Quit going for the easy buck and look at the long term.

I agree, but those quick bucks are so easy. I understand that the market share is mostly guys and if this is what they want/like then it's logical that it should cater to them, but as a woman it hurts to see women being represented in games in such a shallow way.

The last game that I can think of that really threw me for a loop and soiled my opinion of the overall impact of the game was Lost Odyssey. I dont remember the Queen's name anymore, but the one wearing a skimpy Sorcerer's "dress" with the V neck down to her navel and veiny boobs hanging out from within. I remember talking to my TV asking, is that really necessary? And how many times did the camera go directly into her cleavage?

You can do sexy sorceress and not have to be wearing a G-String. Granted, she still had a lot of cleavage, but Lulu from Final Fantasy X had a sexy costume and it was a full length dress. They could have even covered up her volumptuousness and it'd still end up being an attractive, powerful character.

Right? It can be sexy and classy at the same time. I'm not saying they have to make the female characters totally covered or unattractive, but they'd make the games a lot more attractive to a female audience if they weren't always so blatantly appealing to the stereotypical jock.

How did you feel about boobaxis in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. Frankly I was disconcerted about the way their breasts twitched uncontrollably at even the slightest movement.

All the while though the boobs I mean female characters had interesting movesets and made an interesting addition to the game.

What say you?

It was impressive I guess, in a face-palming sort of way. It was so absurd that I think I laughed more than anything, though.

...reading this stuff I sound like such a killjoy. It's an unpopular opinion to have. *sigh*

well im outta here for friday festivities, catch you guys later

Paint the town red! Er, I mean, set it ablaze!


I said triple double not a Lebron 4th quarter.

It's funny how much character design can affect how a character is perceived.

Like, take Isabella from Dragon Age. She's a Duelist that looks really strong, but can be persuaded in to a threesome without really all that much persuading necessary.


That's not the world's most convenient armor, but it doesn't look bad. For a duelist, it kind of makes sense.

Then this is changed to this in Dragon Age 2


and this

And that design makes it so much harder to take that character seriously.
It's funny how much character design can affect how a character is perceived.

Like, take Isabella from Dragon Age. She's a Duelist that looks really strong, but can be persuaded in to a threesome without really all that much persuading necessary.


That's not the world's most convenient armor, but it doesn't look bad. For a duelist, it kind of makes sense.

Then this is changed to this in Dragon Age 2


[url=http://i.imgur.com/MFHEJ.png]and this[/url]

And that design makes it so much harder to take that character seriously.[/QUOTE]

;_; Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?


Reluctant Member
It's funny how much character design can affect how a character is perceived.

Like, take Isabella from Dragon Age. She's a Duelist that looks really strong, but can be persuaded in to a threesome without really all that much persuading necessary.


That's not the world's most convenient armor, but it doesn't look bad. For a duelist, it kind of makes sense.

Then this is changed to this in Dragon Age 2


and this

And that design makes it so much harder to take that character seriously.

Did she get implants, too? I thought they were two different characters you were comparing until I kept reading.

And see, even with this it isn't the second design that bothers me as much as the change to it. It's like they cared so little about her character that they didn't stop to think about whether the character they created would make this change or not.

But that particular case also goes for Ashley in Mass Effect. The design isn't offensive, the design change and how it completely goes against the character they've set up for her is.
It's funny how much character design can affect how a character is perceived.

Like, take Isabella from Dragon Age. She's a Duelist that looks really strong, but can be persuaded in to a threesome without really all that much persuading necessary.


That's not the world's most convenient armor, but it doesn't look bad. For a duelist, it kind of makes sense.

Then this is changed to this in Dragon Age 2


[url=http://i.imgur.com/MFHEJ.png]and this[/url]

And that design makes it so much harder to take that character seriously.[/QUOTE]

Women like sex too. I don't see whats so wrong with this unless she is normally a pious individual


Thanks guys, you're all beyond wonderful. Usually I'm the guy that always has a smile and trys to cheer everyone up in sad situations but I just can't bring myself to be that guy today.

lol @ I seen't it. Love that movie.
H.Pro please stop encouraging la1n to burn down where I live

I need it

for living

H. Pro please keep encouraging la1n and his arsonist ways.

I need it

for my entertainment

I really want to accommodate you both, but... what else am I supposed to do on a Friday night besides revel in my dark joy at the razing of your town, SA? Jason wins!

Build the flames high enough for me to see from Cali, .la1n!!!!

P.S. That Beating Hearts Baby song is really addictive... >_<


Ok, in the interest of RPG RPG... you know, the game we're developing but not actually developing... I just started typing in Word and came up with a VERY ROUGH scenario that we can work off of. Keep in mind, I'm not a great writer and I didn't really proof read, but here's a little something about the world we could inhabit.

Blue skies give way to thick clouds as giant steam powered zeppelins strafe the horizon. The citizens of Gaftopia have enjoyed a century of relative peace and incredible prosperity; ushering in a technological movement which gave birth to harnessing the limitless power of steam. As the denizens of this great land prepare for their annual celebration of the defeat of Arch-Dioceses, Amirox, a greater foe looks on from the shadows. The Dark Lord EviLore prepares to tighten his grip on Gaftopia.

A small town RealPica nestles between two great mountains. Overlooking the town in a modest cottage lives the Scholar Lissar; tirelessly pouring over ancient tomes, trying to predict and protect the precious lands which she loves. All signs point towards an impending evil that will tear this world anew. If the Dark Lord finds The Obelisk...

Our Heroes:

Lissar - Greatest scholar in all the lands. Responsible for rejuvenating the use of many forms of magic which assisted in the exponential growth of Gaftopia.

Echoshifting - A battle mage trained in the arts of nature manipulation. Through rigorous study with Lissar, Echo was able to perfect and utilize a debilitating technique dubbed 'Swamp Gas' which assaults the senses and succumbs the assailant into submission.

RawPower - A Dark Knight who joined the companions not long ago. Shifty, unnerving. A valiant and strong fighter but many in the group are not sure of his true intentions.

la1n - Born with a rare gift of harnessing and radiating heat from deep within his own body. Through alchemical invention, he's been able to transform this ability into siring plumes of fire which coat anything it touches in a cleansing bath of flames.

Davedough - Fearless Master of the wilds of Gaftopia. There are few animals in which he does not hold a connection and can command. Sarcastic in nature, his quick wit often gets him in trouble socially, but his dedication to the team is rivaled by none.

Cant think of anymore... Run with it people =)
I really want to accommodate you both, but... what else am I supposed to do on a Friday night besides revel in my dark joy at the razing of your town, SA? Jason wins!

Build the flames high enough for me to see from Cali, .la1n!!!!

P.S. That Beating Hearts Baby song is really addictive... >_<

Maybe for those falling in love
DaveDough said:
Echoshifting - A battle mage trained in the arts of nature manipulation. Through rigorous study with Lissar, Echo was able to perfect and utilize a debilitating technique dubbed 'Swamp Gas' which assaults the senses and succumbs the assailant into submission.

Awesome. "Baby, I'm trained in all of nature's secrets" will be my pickup line.
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