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Love the Collecderp edition.

I'm not miserly at all. I've never lived paycheque to paycheque, and as a result 'pocket change' for a hobby I love like guitars or photography is pretty high. Have bought a few guitars on utter whims before. I've only had expensive meals a few times and really haven't thought it worth it. $50-70 for two is far more typical.

I've been a little more discrete over the past couple of years as we save for a house and now pay off the mortgage.


oh hey la1n. Haven't seen you all day. How you doin man?

Arizona knows that feel, bro

I'm well Dave. I am well.



Reluctant Member
Gaming's pretty similar. Are shooters getting a bit samey nowadays? Take a break, when the mainstream goes away, the genre will be less popular, and the developers will have to start adding more bells and whistles and variety to keep a base of core enthusiasts.

You'd think that, right? And in some ways my favorite genre (point and click adventures) has done new and different things from the old days. But in some ways they are just retreading old ground because they want to relive the past.

I swear, if I see another pirate game...
You'd think that, right? And in some ways my favorite genre (point and click adventures) has done new and different things from the old days. But in some ways they are just retreading old ground because they want to relive the past.

I swear, if I see another pirate game...

I'm still waiting for the rebound of graphical text adventures. I found it much more satisfying to tell the computer what I wanted it to do rather than mousing over objects and selecting among different glyph-actions.

I think it'll take another big leap in voice recognition technology before we start seeing this type of game again.

"Siri, move rug"


Reluctant Member
I'm totally a closet bro. I was in a fraternity, I watch a lot of sports, and I like Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson.

We can still be friends, right?

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I'm still waiting for the rebound of graphical text adventures. I found it much more satisfying to tell the computer what I wanted it to do rather than mousing over objects and selecting among different glyph-actions.

I think it'll take another big leap in voice recognition technology before we start seeing this type of game again.

"Siri, move rug"

I would like to see those too. I've actually really wanted to make one for some time because I feel that they allow for much more indepth exploration of the world.

I'm also really irritated a lot of new point and click adventures don't even bother giving descriptions for things that you look at (if you can look at anything at all.) That was half the fun.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

It wasn't a hardcore East Coast-style fraternity. We didn't have to do the elephant walk or anything like that, and we definitely didn't consecrate a bond of obedience. It was basically a collection of guys who liked to hang out and throw parties.


Reluctant Member
It wasn't a hardcore East Coast-style fraternity. We didn't have to do the elephant walk or anything like that, and we definitely didn't consecrate a bond of obedience. It was basically a collection of guys who liked to hang out and throw parties.

I guess I'm just annoyed with them because I'd be walking to class and I see that the fraternities were already having wild drunken parties... at 1pm on a Friday (at least they saved it until Friday, I guess?) I guess I just think, "So much for an institution of learning..."
I suppose I'm somewhat frugal. Out of like a $250 weekly cheque I would have about $20 as walking money, the rest goes to bills or gets put away. I'm a bit of a technophile so most of my money goes to amassing various trinkets (mostly audio) and because I'm frugal even with that I've got quite a bit of money stashed away.

Helps that I don't have an appetite for fancy food. Tuna everyday!
I'm totally a closet bro. I was in a fraternity, I watch a lot of sports, and I like Dave Matthews and Jack Johnson.

We can still be friends, right?

One of my friends was like that. He regularly won weightlifting competitions at his college (he had an extreme height advantage), went out with girls resembling a certain Devolution thread, went to crazy frat parties, loved sports, et al.

But he's also a supernerd. He runs D&D games, spent the last year as the Vice President of said college's Science Fiction club/library, makes video game jokes all the time, LARPs like crazy, and so forth.

It's a pretty cool mix. His brains got him the knowledge, and his broness got him the chutzpah, and together they got him a really good job, and now he has an amazing house with a gigantic television set and a pool outside, lots of space for boffer fighting and hooping and water guns and bubble battles. He has parties a few times a year with lots of booze and a fairly permissive invite party ("no jerks" is the basic rundown). We watched Game of Thrones on his gigantic TV last time I was at a bash at his place. He liked the boobs, but he also thinks the story rocks.

tl;dr: nerdy bros are pretty cool
I suppose I'm somewhat frugal. Out of like a $250 weekly cheque I would have about $20 as walking money, the rest goes to bills or gets put away. I'm a bit of a technophile so most of my money goes to amassing various trinkets (mostly audio) and because I'm frugal even with that I've got quite a bit of money stashed away.

Helps that I don't have an appetite for fancy food. Tuna everyday!

Ohhh, snap, I haven't had tuna in so long!

...I wonder if it's okay to put tuna in a quesadilla. Should that be with mayo or sans?


One of my friends was like that. He regularly won weightlifting competitions at his college (he had an extreme height advantage), went out with girls resembling a certain Devolution thread, went to crazy frat parties, loved sports, et al.

But he's also a supernerd. He runs D&D games, spent the last year as the Vice President of said college's Science Fiction club/library, makes video game jokes all the time, LARPs like crazy, and so forth.

It's a pretty cool mix. His brains got him the knowledge, and his broness got him the chutzpah, and together they got him a really good job, and now he has an amazing house with a gigantic television set and a pool outside, lots of space for boffer fighting and hooping and water guns and bubble battles. He has parties a few times a year with lots of booze and a fairly permissive invite party ("no jerks" is the basic rundown). We watched Game of Thrones on his gigantic TV last time I was at a bash at his place. He liked the boobs, but he also thinks the story rocks.

tl;dr: nerdy bros are pretty cool

Jealousy overload.


I'm probably late on this but did not realize Dragon's Dogma was going to include early access to the Resident Evil 6 demo.
I'm probably late on this but did not realize Dragon's Dogma was going to include early access to the Resident Evil 6 demo.

Yeah, but the demo itself is not out until June or August or something.

By then, Dragon's Dogma will likely have price collapsed so I'll just pick it up cheap then, assuming there's no time limit on when you can access the demo.


Yeah, but the demo itself is not out until June or August or something.

By then, Dragon's Dogma will likely have price collapsed so I'll just pick it up cheap then, assuming there's no time limit on when you can access the demo.

Ah, I knew it sounded too good.

Jelly. So jelly.

As soon as we can get everyone in some form of a reasonable timezone together then I shall do an encore of my cooking show.


Ugh, so I have to stay at work late tonight for an open house, culminating in a 12 hour work day. At least I get fed!!
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