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Women do love it. Ask more to come over.

lol, it's a little more complicated than that, my single-ness that is

No no no, you look like a really nice guy and the beard looks good on you, that's why. And damn man, you look skinny and well built to me.

dude I was just messin' with you


So I found this in the trunk of my car, it's from when I was in college, I drew this girl in my history class. I'm not gonna lie, I felt creepy as hell doing it, but I needed to keep myself busy. gotta be 4-5 years old

I keep waiting for Psy to go the same way that Bart did in the episode where "I didn't do it" gets really popular. Isn't he tired of people going "do the dance!"? Aren't people tired of seeing it? Its really overkill on what was a pretty alright song.

Lol, you remind me of me 15 years ago. I was called Snowwhite because I was the only white person when me and my uni friends went to party.

Haha. It kinda makes me uncomfortable when people point it out, did you feel the same?


Haha. It kinda makes me uncomfortable when people point it out, did you feel the same?

A bit. On the other hand it was nice to make my non-uni white friends jeaulous with all the beautiful Indonesian and Moluccan girls I knew.
If you went to their birthday parties, it was a total saucage fest... and then they came to mine and the room was filled with hot girls...and they were like...wtf????
A bit. On the other hand it was nice to make my non-uni white friends jeaulous with all the beautiful Indonesian and Moluccan girls I knew.
If you went to their birthday parties, it was a total saucage fest... and then they came to mine and the room was filled with hot girls...and they were like...wtf????

lol, I swear you are me from the future.


I keep waiting for Psy to go the same way that Bart did in the episode where "I didn't do it" gets really popular. Isn't he tired of people going "do the dance!"? Aren't people tired of seeing it? Its really overkill on what was a pretty alright song.

Haha. It kinda makes me uncomfortable when people point it out, did you feel the same?

That MC Hammer collab is amazing.
That MC Hammer collab is amazing.
I just saw it. Holy shit, that's awesome.
I keep waiting for Psy to go the same way that Bart did in the episode where "I didn't do it" gets really popular. Isn't he tired of people going "do the dance!"? Aren't people tired of seeing it? Its really overkill on what was a pretty alright song.

I'm sure he's as tired of it as other bands are when they perform their platinum award-winning hits. :p


I'm sure he's as tired of it as other bands are when they perform their platinum award-winning hits. :p

Well, some are actually. It depends on the circumstances. If everyone just wants to hear that same song over and over, and that band just wants to do something new, I suppose it could be quite annoying. I know Jimi Hendrix absolutely hated doing the same song over and over again. There is one show where he started playing someone else's song instead and they eventually just cut him off. lol

Of course there are those 'one-hit-wonder' bands that try to milk it for all its worth. Gangnam is just one of those crazes that sweeps the world from time to time. People will eventually move on, and you will probably never hear of this guy outside of Korea again. He may actually suspect that and is currently enjoying the success for as long as it lasts. I think he probably can't get enough of doing his song and dance at the moment.

EVOL 100%

Of course there are those 'one-hit-wonder' bands that try to milk it for all its worth. Gangnam is just one of those crazes that sweeps the world from time to time. People will eventually move on, and you will probably never hear of this guy outside of Korea again. He may actually suspect that and is currently enjoying the success for as long as it lasts. I think he probably can't get enough of doing his song and dance at the moment.

This is my take on it. He knows it's not going to last so he's trying to make the most of it.

It's been working pretty well for him so far.


I watched a Stones documentary last night. It's a 3-part documentary I think. I watched the first part last night.

I can't believe just how crazy the fans were back in the 60s. I always knew the girls in the crowd would scream so loudly the Stones, or the Beatles, couldn't hear themselves play. I heard in this documentary that quite a few of them would get so hysterical they would literally piss themselves. You'd also get women jumping up on the stage and pretty much attacking Jagger. Trying pull his hair and rip his clothes off (why?). Not only that the men in the crowd in some concerts would suddenly start rioting. They would attack the police or security. It was just fucking insane. A lot of the Stones early concerts lasted about 10 minutes because the crowd would just go fucking mental. lol

There is loads of footage of this in the documentary. Some of it has never been seen before as well.

EVOL 100%

No matter what, he's always going to stay big in Korea, so I doubt he cares that much if he is only limited to being a golden god at home.

I'm not too sure of that really. People here are already getting kind of sick of him these days. It's been going on too long too intensely in Korea.

I watched a Stones documentary last night. It's a 3-part documentary I think. I watched the first part last night.

I can't believe just how crazy the fans were back in the 60s. I always knew the girls in the crowd would scream so loudly the Stones, or the Beatles, couldn't hear themselves play. I heard in this documentary that quite a few of them would get so hysterical they would literally piss themselves. You'd also get women jumping up on the stage and pretty much attacking Jagger. Trying pull his hair and rip his clothes off (why?). Not only that the men in the crowd in some concerts would suddenly start rioting. They would attack the police or security. It was just fucking insane. A lot of the Stones early concerts lasted about 10 minutes because the crowd would just go fucking mental. lol

There is loads of footage of this in the documentary. Some of it has never been seen before as well.

You know, seeing stuff like that makes me understand where Johnny Rotten/John Lydon was coming from back in the day. The whole rock worshiping thing was pretty ridiculous, he had a point there.

The sad irony is that Lydon went on to be the very thing he despised so much but that's a different story.


Speed Racer is the shit. What's not to get?

I didn't really like it. Most people I know also didn't like it. But somehow on GAF it is the Film of the Forever. Is it some fad I am missing?

It's like My Little Pony. I can never tell if people seriously like it that much.


I keep waiting for Psy to go the same way that Bart did in the episode where "I didn't do it" gets really popular. Isn't he tired of people going "do the dance!"? Aren't people tired of seeing it? Its really overkill on what was a pretty alright song.

Haha. It kinda makes me uncomfortable when people point it out, did you feel the same?

He's getting played out in Korea too.


Scott Pilgrim beats Speed Racer and Adventure Time beats My Little Pony :D

Ew fuck no. Scott Pilgrim is like some hipster's video game movie, it tried way too damn hard. I read the comics and it wasn't any better. Not to mention Micheal Always fucking Awkward Cera being the lead actor.

What's up with GAFs obsession with Speedracer? They treat the movie like it's the best thing since sliced bread. I really don't get it.

I thought I'd ask you, because a normal conversation with movie-GAF seems to be impossible ;)

The movie is basically a love letter to the series. It does everything, you have the Mach 5 the entire family there with the other characters working like a really good team, you have Speed donning the classic outfit and doing the pose, you have crazy races and the mystery of Racer X. It's all there, people might disregard it because it's a live action version of a cartoon or that it looks like it was aimed at kids but those are two big mistakes. This is probably one of the best live action movies of a cartoon/anime I've ever seen and while it certainly looks like it's aimed at kids with all it's color the movie can get pretty dark at times. It's a great film that is just a lot of fun and if you're a fan of the series you'll probably love it. I have a mini Mach 5 sitting like a meter away from me right now, and one day I plan to purchase yellow leather driving gloves. Love Speed Racer.


The movie is basically a love letter to the series. It does everything, you have the Mach 5 the entire family there with the other characters working like a really good team, you have Speed donning the classic outfit and doing the pose, you have crazy races and the mystery of Racer X. It's all there, people might disregard it because it's a live action version of a cartoon or that it looks like it was aimed at kids but those are two big mistakes. This is probably one of the best live action movies of a cartoon/anime I've ever seen and while it certainly looks like it's aimed at kids with all it's color the movie can get pretty dark at times. It's a great film that is just a lot of fun and if you're a fan of the series you'll probably love it. I have a mini Mach 5 sitting like a meter away from me right now, and one day I plan to purchase yellow leather driving gloves. Love Speed Racer.

I've never seen that series. So it's basically a Gaf-nostalgia trip or something?

I mean the reviews are pretty rotten (yeah I know those do not say everything)

I just wonder how on GAF a movie that isn't well received critically is the best thing ever, while a movie that has decent reviews/critics like TDKR gets shat upon time after time again. Sometimes with hyperboles like: Worst movie ever.


Scott Pilgrim was a great movie the first three times, but something snapped when I put the Blu Ray in and I thought "This movie is mostly sound and fury"

But then I've probably read the comics like a bajillion times so whatever


I've never seen that series. So it's basically a Gaf-nostalgia trip or something?

I mean the reviews are pretty rotten (yeah I know those do not say everything)

I just wonder how on GAF a movie that isn't well received critically is the best thing ever, while a movie that has decent reviews/critics like TDKR gets shat upon time after time again. Sometimes with hyperboles like: Worst movie ever.

You not seeing the series is probably why you didn't enjoy it. It's a fun movie, but you'll miss the references and seeing how the characters transfer over if you had watched it as a kid. So I guess so basically but it's a good nostalgia trip.

I suppose, the problem is that TDKR had a lot of hype behind it and it was really disappointing. Especially coming after TDK which had the quintessential Batman villain done really really well. So I can see why it gets shat upon, I didn't enjoy it all that much either.

I hated Scott Pilgrim since the first time I watched it. Everything felt so forced.


You not seeing the series is probably why you didn't enjoy it. It's a fun movie, but you'll miss the references and seeing how the characters transfer over if you had watched it as a kid. So I guess so basically but it's a good nostalgia trip.

I suppose, the problem is that TDKR had a lot of hype behind it and it was really disappointing. Especially coming after TDK which had the quintessential Batman villain done really really well. So I can see why it gets shat upon, I didn't enjoy it all that much either.

I hated Scott Pilgrim since the first time I watched it. Everything felt so forced.

Lol. We seem to have really different taste in movies. I liked Scott Pilgrim a lot (although it was for a large part due to videogame references)
I think TDK is technically the better movie, and the Joker was incredible, but I had more fun watching TDKR.

Thanks for the explanation on Speed Racer... it makes sense.


If you live in North America go see Cloud Atlas.

If you live in the rest of the world... wait patiently. Absolutely fantastic movie.
There's a Steam sale going on now, so here's a Secret Santa reminder:

You can buy a game and hold it in your inventory if you want to give someone a bunch of games at once or want to wait to give it to them for some other reason but don't want to miss the sale price.

Mind you, they might buy the game in the mean time, so it's a risk if you go that route. But it's just something to keep in mind.


Ew fuck no. Scott Pilgrim is like some hipster's video game movie, it tried way too damn hard. I read the comics and it wasn't any better. Not to mention Micheal Always fucking Awkward Cera being the lead actor.

You're absolutely fucking wrong. Way to throw the word "hipster" in there, too hard to come up with a meaningful criticism huh ;)? Just ignore the fact that a lot of jokes in the movie were making fun of that word and what people associate it with.

I'm way defensive over anything Edgar Wright does.

I suppose, the problem is that TDKR had a lot of hype behind it and it was really disappointing. Especially coming after TDK which had the quintessential Batman villain done really really well. So I can see why it gets shat upon, I didn't enjoy it all that much either.

Joker was the only thing TDK really excelled at. I really don't like Batman's characterization(or lack thereof) in the Nolan movies and that kinda ruins the entire fucking series for me. You could swap in any characters in those movies and the experience would have been exactly the same, with the exception of the Joker. The fact that it was Bats running around seemed entirely inconsequential to the story. "Worlds Greatest Detective" turning into "Words Greatest Gravely Voiced Dude Who Can't Stop Yelling." BB was alright though.


My graphics tablet is dying and I think the only solution is expensive replacement :(

I thought it was working again after I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers but now the problem's back...
Scott Pilgrim, the comic at least, does tend to focus on the problems of early-20s people, but that's kind of...the point.

Scott was a kid that refused to grow up. He was still dating girls in high school. When he met the girl of his dreams, instead of maturing for her, he found a video game solution to the problem by thinking that all he needed to do was just take on some boss fights and win.

It's a comic about people who never grew up to have real, adult relationships learning not to run away from all the good and bad things that entails.

Calling it hipster might mean that you had a hard time understanding what is ostensibly a story for a teenage reading level.


Reluctant Member
My graphics tablet is dying and I think the only solution is expensive replacement :(

I thought it was working again after I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers but now the problem's back...

Oh no!

I remember the problem I had with my last one was an issue with the cord wires being bent. I hope you can get it fixed. I know how expensive they can be. :s
*future high five!


~belated hi five~

Scott Pilgrim was a great movie the first three times, but something snapped when I put the Blu Ray in and I thought "This movie is mostly sound and fury"

But then I've probably read the comics like a bajillion times so whatever

lol yeah, I guess after watching it a few times the jokes started to feel old. I really loved the comics though. I dunno why but Ramona kind of came off as a bit mean in the films.


There's a Steam sale going on now, so here's a Secret Santa reminder:.

I completely forgot the steam sale is on. Must add more games to my pile that I probably won't play. :/

My new graphics card will probably come tomorrow though, so I will more than likely test it out on a few games.


Oh no!

I remember the problem I had with my last one was an issue with the cord wires being bent. I hope you can get it fixed. I know how expensive they can be. :s

Eh, it's six years old. I got a new one. Gonna sting, no self-Christmas presents, but whatever, I'll write a bit extra and make up the difference.


So, I've just been made aware the last episode of Walking Dead is out. :O

Another thing I wasn't aware of. I don't have it installed on my laptop, so I didn't notice. I will play that tomorrow I think. I really hope the conclusion to the story is good.
I really want to know what happens to Lee.

I read that you have to make the most difficult decision yet. I'm kind of dreading what it will be. :/


It's okay Ezalc, I don't care much for Scott Pilgrim either.

I'm way defensive over anything Edgar Wright does.
Acid I hope we can still be friends. :(

Am I the only one scared of getting my secret santa something off their Steam wishlist and waiting until Christmas only to find that they bought themselves the same game?
Am I the only one scared of getting my secret santa something off their Steam wishlist and waiting until Christmas only to find that they bought themselves the same game?

Maybe we should make a pact not to buy anything off our wishlists? I too am a little worried.
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