Still breathing
Silly Mayans
Silly Mayans
Don't worry about it Dave, you're the most gifted historian in my book. =)
So my shitty retail job is pressuring me to come in today, with knowledge that I have the flu and have fought a 102.5 degree fever.
I've already put my two weeks in and secured another job, so if they call back and reiterate I have to come in, I'm tempted to just tell them to fuck off.
So my shitty retail job is pressuring me to come in today, with knowledge that I have the flu and have fought a 102.5 degree fever.
So my shitty retail job is pressuring me to come in today, with knowledge that I have the flu and have fought a 102.5 degree fever.
I've already put my two weeks in and secured another job, so if they call back and reiterate I have to come in, I'm tempted to just tell them to fuck off.
I have a 5 year old child with cancer. The flu could kill her. Tell your boss that if I or any other person in a situation similar to mine, as a consumer, had found out that he knowingly pressured an infected employee to come in to cover a christmas rush and put my child back in the hospital due to her extremely weak immune system, I would sue so hard that every product they sold from here to eternity would have a picture of my own goatse on it.
You, good sir, were the target of my Steam badge obsession this year. Festive Ramakwanzahanukristmas to you buddy.
Damn right. Fuck that job and your shitty boss for trying to make you feel like you have to come in. Also where did all my sunshine go, I got up with the intention of going for a walk since I don't have any clients today but was met at the door by wind the likes if which my body cannot withstand.
The winds are just a sign of his coming. Cthulu walks among us.
You have your own goatse eh dave? Interesting...
Would you like to see?
Hey guys I can confirm thatvthe world doesn't end because I have had 13 drinks wooooo
Wish I had 13 drinks, all I have is this natural lemonade crap my girlfriend buys. I'm all for more organic things in the household but leave my damned soda / beer alone.
Hey guys I can confirm thatvthe world doesn't end because I have had 13 drinks wooooo
Organic beer tastes like.. beer.
Homemade lemonade is best lemonade.
I'm brewing my own beer. Nothing organic about it, but I bet it will taste like beer.
Daveweiser, or Dave Light?
First batch ever, so I'm not getting too wild...
Red Irish Ale and haven't thought of a name yet.
Limeade is way better than lemonade.
I'll agree to disagree with you on that one.
Always, what I am presented with here does not taste like homemade lemonade.
side note: anyone ever tried Tab soda? DON'T.
What does it taste to you then? I've tried a couple and have noticed no difference.
I would suggest incorporating Tim into the name and sending it my way. I even got connects, my girlfriend's brother's place:
Shirtless Brewing would be appropriate if you make it big
You complete me.
"There are some who call me Tim. The Ale"
When I brew something that I am proud of, I'd totally mail you a six pack.
Hey guys I can confirm thatvthe world doesn't end because I have had 13 drinks wooooo
Hey guys I can confirm thatvthe world doesn't end because I have had 13 drinks wooooo
I was in this club at 3am and I thought to myself, hey everyone on realpic gaf is awake! I gotta say something because I am also awake! It felt a lot more okay since my friend was right beside me browsing penny arcade forums. He was such a champion. He carried me around after someone convinced me to buy a second long island ice tea. And bought me delicious crappy pizza. I think there might have been more finger licking involved, but my memorys hazy. They didnt have the song i wanted on juke box. It was coco jamboo.Wow.
You should post a follow up in the morning (afternoon more likely).
The latter, since long island ice tea has 5 shots in it. And it was only $14! Best value for money. I am probably still very drunk. Thank God I have auto correct.Is your friend part of AusPAX
are you still horrifically drunk
Did you drink 13 drinks or are you 13 standard drinks down
The latter, since long island ice tea has 5 shots in it. And it was only $14! Best value for money. I am probably still very drunk. Thank God I have auto correct.
He may be. He's coming to Pax with me. Swisslion? He said?
:OOOO bright red hair looks rad!OK guys it's official. I'm now a redhead. Everything went well and none of my hair fell out from the excessive amounts of bleach it was subjected to.
It's so bright![]()
Maybe I will beef, maybe I will.You should dye those cats, too.
Doesn't it! I'd post a pic but I'm on my phone. I'll get photos while I'm out tonight so maybe I'll post some when I get home.:OOOO bright red hair looks rad!
lol Tence, I don't mind if you eat me. Though as an Australian I'm probably quite poisonous.
The fact that you can drive over to Germany, potentially for the afternoon, to eat sausages gives you no right to complain about the driving time. That is awesome. I am jealous. I used to drive from Sydney to Melbourne for Christmas. It took two days.<3!
Just came back from Germany. The Christmas-market in Dusseldorf was really nice again. The bratwurst and eierpunsch were awesome! The three hour drive back not so much.
The fact that you can drive over to Germany, potentially for the afternoon, to eat sausages gives you no right to complain about the driving time. That is awesome. I am jealous. I used to drive from Sydney to Melbourne for Christmas. It took two days.
Woah, just realised you could potentially drive to China. That's crazy!!Well it was worth it!
Wow two days...if you do that from Holland, you are already somewhere in the former republic of Yugoslavia.
Woah, just realised you could potentially drive to China. That's crazy!!
Woah, just realised you could potentially drive to China. That's crazy!!