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Reluctant Member
Theatrhythm was okay, but not really my thing. From videos Kid Icarus looks fun, but not really my thing either (though I'm sure I'll play it some day.)


I bought Dark Souls yesterday. I've been curious about the game for a while, but because of the state the PC version was released in, I thought I would wait a bit until buying it.

Of course we have Durante's fix, so I'll probably use that.


Reluctant Member
Interesting in that they're all indie/DL games. Not really put much thought into my GOTY list. I think Borderlands 2 is probably up there though.

Edit: Just realised you drawn the banners yourself. You did put some work into it.

Almost! The only ones I bought boxed were VLR and The Secret World, though they had download versions as well.

Thinking back, the only big console release I played was Amalur. That was fun but not list material. Looking back on my list last year I was clearly already starting to go in this direction. Indie titles give me more of the type of game I want I guess.


Almost! The only ones I bought boxed were VLR and The Secret World, though they had download versions as well.

Thinking back, the only big console release I played was Amalur. That was fun but not list material. Looking back on my list last year I was clearly already starting to go in this direction. Indie titles give me more of the type of game I want I guess.

There are some great indie games around. I suppose in a way, a lot of indie games tend to be more imaginative because they're more willing to take a risk. Journey for instance.

You should try Borderlands 2 though lissar. You'll probably like that.


Reluctant Member
I want to, but can't afford it at the moment. I enjoyed the first one until I ran up against a skill wall. I'll need to find people to play with.

Also this:



I want to, but can't afford it at the moment. I enjoyed the first one until I ran up against a skill wall. I'll need to find people to play with.

Also this:


Is that from the trailer? Not sure I have seen it in the game.

I've found it really addictive. I spent over 5 hours straight playing it one night. I guess that is partly because of the stupid save system though. It encourages you to keep playing because once you start the game again, you'll be right back at the beginning of the stage. I also find myself checking out the beginning of the next mission only to end up completing the whole thing. The humour is great in it as well. Some of the stuff Handsome Jack comes out with makes me laugh. He's just really sarcastic.
I've been playing AssCreed3 for about two or three days now. Swinging through trees like Disney's version of Tarzan has been way more fun than it should be.


I've been playing AssCreed3 for about two or three days now. Swinging through trees like Disney's version of Tarzan has been way more fun than it should be.

That's another game I want to play. I haven't played Brotherhood yet, so I'm going to complete that before thinking about getting 3.
Just bought 6 Cadbury's Creme Eggs because they were half-price. I have such a sweet tooth. Already eaten two of them and I've just bought them. lol

Man I love Creme Eggs. Though with my current tooth situation (i.e. eating sugary things (not drinking for some reason) makes them hurt) I think it'd be a bad idea to get any.

Plus I have gone off chocolate a bit of late. It's started making me feel ill.

...I am clearly the most healthy man.


Man I love Creme Eggs. Though with my current tooth situation (i.e. eating sugary things (not drinking for some reason) makes them hurt) I think it'd be a bad idea to get any.

Plus I have gone off chocolate a bit of late. It's started making me feel ill.

...I am clearly the most healthy man.

I don't really put on much weight. Not that I am skinny, I'm quite muscular, but I've never been fat. I still think I should cut down on chocolate though. Because they were half-price they were crying out to me. lol
I don't really put on much weight. Not that I am skinny, I'm quite muscular, but I've never been fat. I still think I should cut down on chocolate though. Because they were half-price they were crying out to me. lol

Eh, weight isn't that much of an issue with me either fortunately. I mean, I could be skinnier by quite a lot, but I'm not really that big. I can still feel my ribs easily, if that means anything >_>

Also look at my face. Clearly not the face of a fat man >_>
Don't you live in England? Isn't that like, the default weather?

I agree with you though, my city is also very rainy. It's raining right now actually. It's not that bad thankfully.

Doesn't mean I can't hate it :c

Also some of the responses to that thread about what being a man is (but not really) annoys me. Being a man is feeling like a dood. 'sabout it. There's no "Oh it's taking responsibility" or whatever the fuck people put, it's just if you feel like a dood, then you're a dood. That's it. Goddamnit.


It's 2013 guys ~~~~~~~~

Footur laaaaaaaaaaand!!!!! Who wants to bet Shan is drunk right now?

EDIT: RNH, I believe, what it means to be a man is too vague of a concept to really explain. Some people will answer the old shit like don't cry and etc while others will say something along the lines of not running away from your responsibilities. If you want to be literal then it'd be something along the lines with identifying with the male sex, you can't even say having a pair of testicles when there are some people who are transgender but don't have an operation.
Tis true. It's 9:30am and boyfriend is coming round and I'm terrified of leaving my room. I don't want people to notice. Maaan I cannot drink responsibly at all.

Pft, a good time is never followed by this so called "drinking responsibly". I read a Cracked article that said eating a bacon and egg sandwich is the cure for a hangover so maybe eat one of those and get away with seeing your boo and not feeling guilty.


Happy new year motherfuckers...... I just got firework exploding all around me..I fought my cousin (an 18 year old girl) and I kind of lost..best new year ever!
Pft, a good time is never followed by this so called "drinking responsibly".

Totally disagree. The trick is knowing how to switch off your filter and possibly your inhibitions when not wasted.

I read a Cracked article that said eating a bacon and egg sandwich is the cure for a hangover so maybe eat one of those and get away with seeing your boo and not feeling guilty.

Better off with blueberries and dark chocolate, because of the antioxidants. Anyway, Shan is young, she should just have a headache and not gut rot. I remember my first 'adult' hangover. It was a terrible awakening.


Happy New Years people. I'm about 4 hours late in my own time zone but yeah. I'll change my avatar after I wake up later today. I was feeling pretty bad, but I'm glad that spending New Year's with my friends helped me feel better. It was pretty awesome.
I wonder if I can google cache and catch your drunken ausgaf NYE sum-up

I can give you a better, now-non-drunk one I suppose :p

- Played board games with boyfriend and his friends until 11.
- Go to another friend's house party. Find everyone drunk. Try, in a lapse of good judgement, to 'catch up'.
- Dance to gangnam style and grease lightning, take many drunken photos.
- It hits midnight. Everyone releases party poppers. Scream a lot.
<scene missing>
- Wake up on a couch drinking water. Its 3:30. Friends parents are there.
- Get in someone's cab.
- Vague memories of sitting at my computer.
- Wake up at 8am, still very drunk.


Totally disagree. The trick is knowing how to switch off your filter and possibly your inhibitions when not wasted.

Better off with blueberries and dark chocolate, because of the antioxidants. Anyway, Shan is young, she should just have a headache and not gut rot. I remember my first 'adult' hangover. It was a terrible awakening.
What... what's a gut rot? D:
What... what's a gut rot? D:

Gut rot? Hangover. Not even my term, though I didn't use to understand it; when I was young and invincible, drinking too much meant a dehydration headache. At some point in my mid-late twenties, drinking too much the night before changed in how it felt the morning after.

Gut rot. Your gastrointestinal tract feels molested and violated, and however you normally feel about pooping, know that the experience is worse at this time.

So, as it happens, alcohol is a gut irritant. Who knew? Not me! Apparently beer is worse than other things, so it's important to eat nuts and cheese and other protein-y things.

Anyway, making smoothies with blueberries and eating dark chocolate is a recent discovery and does make me feel better.

First breakfast of the New Year!

Fantastic photo!
I'M AWAKE AND NOT HUNGOVER. Refuse To Lose was fun.

Best songs of the night (that I remember):
My Name Is Jonas - Weezer
Say It Ain't So - Weezer
Whatever that Page Of Punk song was called, track 8 on their album >_>
Party Hard - Andrew WK
One Armed Scissor - At The Drive In (blew my voice out a bit to this)
True Believers - Bouncing Souls

...there were definitely more great songs but I'm blanking a bit >_>
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