Man, I really hope I got it right that I don't have to go to work today, seeing as I just stayed up all night.
Man, I really hope I got it right that I don't have to go to work today, seeing as I just stayed up all night.
Have fun at work today lol
I'm like 97% sure that I don't have to, but I always get rly worried
I like your avatar Robot. What exactly are you wearing on your head?
A fluffy pink hat that belongs to my friend C:
Pink? Obviously the lighting isn't very good. I thought it was orange.
So did I last year
Oh, so it's actually an old picture. I never noticed it last year.
Dat PSN.
Only three out of the top 4!
No idea, I have not received mine yet though.So, should I give my santee his tracking number, or are we not worrying about that yet?
No idea, I have not received mine yet though.
So devo got banned again. How many times has she been banned now?
I think only twice now?
I think it is more than that.
Can't be any more than 3, I'm at least that sure.
Looking good, DrEvil.
I think only twice now?
You look good DrEvil.
I think it is more than that.
Yes, indeed, and speaking of Link, I got my copy of Hyrule Historia in today:
I ask my friend for a beer. I get cider. Wtf this isn't beer. I want beer dammit.
Normally I'd agree with you but I've already had a beer and the taste was in my mouth for more. But I guess cider drunk is good too. Better than port drunk. Oh man last time I did that I was throwing up in the toilet for like 3 hours. I did down a 750 ml bottle in about an hour though
Fine. Your opinion is wrong. God. I hate really shouldn't agree with me though.
God. I hate you
You're right. I can't stay mad at you <3
Omg that kitty is the cutest.
I now have a beer. All is right in the world.
Here have a pic of my cat Loki when he was still a kitten
Lame. It's 8:30 on a Friday night for me. Go straya.
Also this club is loud. Yay for earplugs.
I'm being hell cool sitting at a table on my phone on gaf >_>