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Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Didn't bother me too much but my butt got sore. Plus it wasnt very scenic. The most exciting part was spotting heritage dead trees :/

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I am reading this totally out of context. It's funny.
Haha you gave me a good laugh when I reread it out of context.

4 (or is it 5) beers down. Feeling a nice buzz. Already grinded on my friend and licked his lady friend.

Bf is drunk. It's a good night so far :)

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
I say lady friend but really mean person he's hooking up with tonight. And yes this is customary. I've also kissed another friends arm while we were all walking holding hands. I think I need to go to bed


I remember when I had to do a 7 hour car drive every weekend, when I was finally getting home I felt like Apu from the Simpsons in the episode that shows his security camera thinking that he was a humming bird.


You know I've been thinking a lot, and I think that one day I would like to live in Sweden or Norway. It seems like it would be a cool place to live in. Though I have no idea how hard it'd be to learn Swedish/Norwegian. Germany seems like it'd be a cool place to live in too. Anybody here ever go to Sweden/Norway?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Sweden, yes. Stockholm and Uppsala. It's largely a paradise minus the climate.

edit: Everyone speaks English.


Sweden, yes. Stockholm and Uppsala. It's largely a paradise minus the climate.

edit: Everyone speaks English.

Wouldn't it be kind of bad if I were to go there and not bother to learn the language? Seems counter intuitive. How was it btw?


The Cryptarch's Bane
No, of course you should learn the language if you want to, I'm just saying you phrased it as wondering how hard it would be, and really you could get by just fine without doing so. It wouldn't be a high-stress experience. :p

It was lovely, very friendly and quite attractive people, tasty chocolate, social services that make the US look rather embarrassing, and plenty of sights to see. Stockholm is a great city with lots of charm and variety. The industrial and business districts look as modern as anything you could expect but there's a largely pedestrian-only old town that's magnificently preserved with lots of little shops and restaurants.

Uppsala is basically a college town. If you enjoy the things that make college towns fun it'll be fun, otherwise it'll be obnoxious.

I also worked in a very tiny town called Bjorklinge. If you want to get out into the country and be where there are farms and fields Sweden definitely has you covered.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Roughly 3 weeks, most of the time volunteering on a farm. I don't know anything about their immigration laws, I wasn't allowed to stay more than 90 days in the EU without a visa :[


My god, did you eschew the entire shoegazing genre for all those years then? As a new listener, do you prefer Loveless or their new LP?

Shoegazing in general I'm familiar with, I've just skipped over that band for a long time until I saw the thread for the new album on GAF. As for comparisons between mbv and Loveless, they're both awesome albums and pretty timeless, but I do give Loveless the edge.

As most of my friends and co-workers are stuck in certain styles of music and I don't really listen to the radio, I often have to rely on the intarwebs and places like GAF to discover new tunes, like this one from Anathema.


Roughly 3 weeks, most of the time volunteering on a farm. I don't know anything about their immigration laws, I wasn't allowed to stay more than 90 days in the EU without a visa :[

Ah I see. Seems like I would probably need one as well if I were to try and go live there haha.
Happy birthday to me~

I found Nemo.

It's still super early, so the snow isn't actually that deep right now. Forecast says the worst of it will be overnight starting around 10.

At least I picked up Fire Emblem before the storm started. So even with the prospect of a frozen hellscape looming, I'm still better off than Lissar.

Happy birthday to me~

[insert one of the birthdaycomic.jpgs here]

Happy birthday!


Hey rp peeps...if you want to see what my wife looks like...go to the show off your gf thread... I actually posted there....because I am slightly intoxicated....I did ask permission of the misses though
I'm curious, what is it you like so much about that movie?

Just found it entertaining and less...stupid than the Raimi films. I dunno. I'm bad at putting thoughts into words, though I could come up with lots of little things that I liked about it more than the Raimi ones, but for the most part I think they'd probably seem quite cosmetic since most peoples problems with ASM seem to be blandness and sloppy writing. It's just the constant hate it gets make me feel sad. Maybe if they were less...blunt I wouldn't mind as much, but just all the "fuck this film", "worst superhero film ever", "total shit" crap just gets annoying when it's about a film that I like, you know?


Just found it entertaining and less...stupid than the Raimi films. I dunno. I'm bad at putting thoughts into words, though I could come up with lots of little things that I liked about it more than the Raimi ones, but for the most part I think they'd probably seem quite cosmetic since most peoples problems with ASM seem to be blandness and sloppy writing. It's just the constant hate it gets make me feel sad. Maybe if they were less...blunt I wouldn't mind as much, but just all the "fuck this film", "worst superhero film ever", "total shit" crap just gets annoying when it's about a film that I like, you know?

For sure man. People saying it's the worst ever are dumb, especially when movies like Elektra, Daredevil, and Catwoman exist. I'm leaving out a bunch but there are quite a few more comic movies that are worse.

I remain excited for the second ASM even if I thought the first was just mediocre. Spidey is my favorite superhero as well and I'm still waiting for movie to do him justice, if such a thing is even possible. SM2 is the closest they've come imo.
I'm on my way to the wedding now. In my new dress, got hair extensions in and all makeuped up. I look so girly it's weird.

Probably weirder when I look girly. Thank goodness that was a long time ago in a galaxy without Facebook or even digital cameras.

It seems I killed the show off your partner thread...and I don't think that is a good thing lol.

Pffffft. She's cute. I don't post in that thread, it feels too weird sometimes. Occasionally I do want to show off, but will probably not post there.


after an hour of shoveling snow, still got at least another hour. fuck all my neighbors, watching me with their snow blowers, not offering to help :/
after an hour of shoveling snow, still got at least another hour. fuck all my neighbors, watching me with their snow blowers, not offering to help :/

I was just out for 45 minutes. Have a car-sized path from the car to the road. It's still snowing (1cm/hour), so that's enough for now. Was up to my knees from the sidewalk to the road.


Took me about 3 hours, snow was up to my knees. Had to dig our 2 cars, fuck. So When I get down to the bottom, you know that giant wall of shit when you get plowed in? This little kid comes over and starts helping me. Than his brother comes and helps. And right as we're about to finish, my neighbor FINALLY comes with a snow blower, I felt like saying 'go away ashole', but yea, I didn't obviously. I'm not kidding, 3 of my neighbors had snow blowers out and they were finished with their house, they none offered to help, just the 2 kids. Called my boss and he said don't even bother coming in. So that's good. A day off!


For sure man. People saying it's the worst ever are dumb, especially when movies like Elektra, Daredevil, and Catwoman exist. I'm leaving out a bunch but there are quite a few more comic movies that are worse.

I remain excited for the second ASM even if I thought the first was just mediocre. Spidey is my favorite superhero as well and I'm still waiting for movie to do him justice, if such a thing is even possible. SM2 is the closest they've come imo.
On the note of superhero movies did anyone here watch The Spirit? Shit made no money and didn't seem popular at all, but I enjoyed the hell out of it in theatres.


For sure man. People saying it's the worst ever are dumb, especially when movies like Elektra, Daredevil, and Catwoman exist. I'm leaving out a bunch but there are quite a few more comic movies that are worse.

I remain excited for the second ASM even if I thought the first was just mediocre. Spidey is my favorite superhero as well and I'm still waiting for movie to do him justice, if such a thing is even possible. SM2 is the closest they've come imo.
A Catwoman movie doesn't exist. :(

On the note of superhero movies did anyone here watch The Spirit? Shit made no money and didn't seem popular at all, but I enjoyed the hell out of it in theatres.
I saw The Spirit. It was... very weird. I enjoyed it too as a "wtf is even going on" type of thing but I wouldn't watch it again.


A Catwoman movie doesn't exist. :(

It does exist Pau...it DOES...and it is horrible...ooooh so horrible. I want you to sit down and think back, I want you to visualise that movie and how horrible it was and how horrible Halle was as Catwoman and almost ruined the character for you.

Pau said:
I saw The Spirit. It was... very weird. I enjoyed it too as a "wtf is even going on" type of thing but I wouldn't watch it again.

I enjoyed it too actually.


I haven't seen the second Ghost Rider movie yet, kind of want to even though the first was pretty bad.

Yeah, the second one has me morbidly curious if only to see how awesomely bad it really is.

In other news, heading out to Serious Pizza tonight. I always like traveling around for grub.

EVOL 100%

On the note of superhero movies did anyone here watch The Spirit? Shit made no money and didn't seem popular at all, but I enjoyed the hell out of it in theatres.
It was... weird. It tried to be like the original Spirit comic and be a gritty Miller reboot at the same time. I didn't like it.
20 minutes in my new dress and it's already covered in bulgogi. Happy year of the snake everyone!

One of my Facebook friends just posted "I hate people who don't mind their own business. Gonna smash your face in". Itsatrap! also maybe time to rethink who I have added :s


20 minutes in my new dress and it's already covered in bulgogi. Happy year of the snake everyone!

One of my Facebook friends just posted "I hate people who don't mind their own business. Gonna smash your face in". Itsatrap! also maybe time to rethink who I have added :s

It's my dads sign this year! He's out in SF partying I think, that crazy old dude.

Year of the Horse next year, that's my shit B)

EVOL 100%

Oh yeah happy lunar new year guys. 새해 복 많이 받으십시오~ Chilling with my family right now.

I'm year of chicken. How lame.
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